Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Perfumes and New Pain

It's been an interesting week.  I have an abcessed tooth which manifested with no tooth pain just a sudden HUGE swollen spot in the roof of my mouth.  The peak of my agony came Wednesday night which ended with a trip to the ER.  So after several days of antibiotics and overdoses of pain meds I still spiked a fever of 102F yesterday-and I have 1 week to prepare for our vacation.  Yippee.......  Of course I now have only 4 days to work instead of 5 because Wed I will be getting a root canal started and will no doubt spend at least the afternoon unconcious on hydrocodone.

I have managed to accomplish a little work during my lucid moments this weekend.  I added some new fragrances in my aromatics store.  You can check out my scents here.  I also cleaned the fridge and finally got my orders out that came in on Thursday-that was the day I went to the dentist and stayed unconcious for the day (YUP I am losing 2 full days of my life in 2 weeks-right before vacation).

I hope y'all check it out and order some perfume from me!  I will be listing some sample packs so look for it!

Oh and I can do incense too!!!!!

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