Sunday, May 27, 2012


I'm up early, early again as usual.  I've tried everything I can think of to try to sleep like a normal person but I just can't do it.  I've made an essential oil blend of rosalina, hops and clary sage and last night I massaged some over my chest, forehead, pulse points (in a carrier oil, of course) AND added a few drops of the EO blend to my nebulizer and set it to run all night.  I went to sleep at 10PM and woke up at 3:45AM.  This is ridiculous.  In my younger days I used to be able to sleep 9 hours a night and sleep through 2 radio alarm clocks blaring full blast.  Nowadays, I'm lucky to be able to sleep 5 hours straight without waking up at least once to look at the clock.  Maybe it's hormones.  I know I immediately changed from a heavy sleeper to a light sleeper when my daughter was born-seems natural.  But she's almost 17 now.  Of course, Aunt Flo hasn't shown her face AT ALL in 9 months so...................

Anyway, since I'm up I figure I should get some work done.  I am trying to clear out some herbs so I have already packed up a bunch and will list them today.  All are 1 ounce to 1 1/2 ounce sold by weight-except for my ceremonial white sage which is 1/2 ounce.  I can get them into the bags without ripping the leaves off of the stems.  I love to burn them like they are-outside or in the garage since my hubby doesn't care for it.

The elder is FINALLY blooming!  And Angelo cut through Shillito park on the way home yesterday so we could find trees for me to clip and I saw them.  And when we were driving toward the house I was telling him they there are usually a ton of them but I haven't seen them yet.  Then he points across the street and says "Is that them?'  Sure enough, they are blooming like crazy.  There are 3 types of elder trees:  Black, Blue and Red.  Black makes the medicinal berries (they are the least toxic and more active medicinally) but the Red, which we have here, have the most fragrant flowers.  So I shall be out with clippers this weekend so I can make the elder flower water I've been dreaming about since I got my still.

Still no Hummer sightings.  I swear the little buggers must be watching their calenders so they don't show up in my yard until Memorial Day.  It's certainly been hot enough for them already.  i suspect they are here because we have had to refill the feeders.

Remember the comfrey I dug up-or attempted to dig up?  Yup.  It's back.  I am actually going to have to spray poison on them to attempt to kill them.

My tea roses are starting to bloom.  I am making the most heavenly rosewater when all 4 of the flowers open up.  It will NOT be for sale, however, I may share a bit with friends.  So, Gretchen, if you're reading this.............


Gathered Roots said...
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Gathered Roots said...

How big is your property? You seem to grow quite a bit?