The oils are drastically overpriced. Yes, good essential oils are going to cost more money but in this case you are NOT paying for better quality. You are paying for layer upon layer of commissions for the reps and recruits.
They claim to be the only company with pure therapeutic quality essential oil, therefore making them safe to be used undiluted on the skin. I'm not even sure where to start with this BS! First of all, there are LOTS of companies who sell pure, high quality essential oils and even have them tested to prove it. Second, there is no such thing as "therapeutic grade". Who is grading them? There is no certifying body for essential oil quality. As far as using oils undiluted, or "neat" on the skin-well, that depends on the oil. Very few can be safely used this way (lavender, tea tree, rosalina, MQV and not much else). Their claims with this are all over the place. They say if you experience burning with anybody else's oils it's a sign that they are contaminated. If you experience burning with their oils it's a sign your body is detoxing. Well, how convenient. Sorry to burst your bubble but if an essential oil burns your skin it's because of the chemistry of the oil. If you put straight cinnamon or oregano oil on your skin it WILL BURN. I say if it doesn't THAT is a sign it isn't pure, no matter whose oil it is!
Young Living claims that their steam distilled Frankincense contains boswellic acid. No it doesn't. That molecule is far too heavy to be carried over in a steam distillation. If you bother to do any honest research on essential oil chemistry you will find out that diterpenes are the absolute heaviest molecule that can be carried over in steam and even at that not many oils contain diterpenes.
Young Living promotes dangerous practices. He recommends all of his oils and blends for internal use. I am NOT opposed to internal use of essential oils but, here, you need to understand the chemistry and what you are ingesting. Some of his blends contain Tansy oil. Which one? The safe annual kind (AKA Blue Tansy) or the very toxic perennial? I can't emphasize enough that a substance isn't safe just because it's natural. Petroleum is natural-would you drink oil? Poison Ivy is natural-would you roll naked in it? Would you let your child eat all the pokeberries they want or let your dog chew on the Christmas poinsettias?
We live in the age of the internet and we have more information available to us than ever before in the history of our species. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are too lazy to find information for themselves. I absolutely believe in the power of aromatherapy but I also understand it has its limits. It is NOT a magic bullet for all of your problems. And you certainly MUST learn how to use them SAFELY and with RESPECT. You shouldn't put straight orange oil on your wood furniture and you sure as HELL shouldn't put rosemary oil IN YOUR EYES!
Here are some important links I want everyone to look at.
The FB page for Essential Oil University is run by Dr. Robert Pappas who has an actual PhD in chemistry. Not a mail-order degree, and actual degree and he is an actual college professor and works as a chemist in real life. He tests essential oils for various companies, including Young Living. He is currently testing samples of frankincense to prove the boswellic acid thing.
In short, I won't use Young Living oils because they are MASSIVELY overpriced, and no matter how good they are, I will not put one penny in the pocket of a man who I consider to be unethical and dangerous.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 416 Newer› Newest»Thank you for your helpful information about essential oils tips
@anonymous April 20th. it's obvious you have not read through all the blog post or the comments or you would know I am not throwing ALL reps in the same category. And the fact is that YL relies on suppliers for many of their oils-the same suppliers as other companies. I will not trust any company who claims to have the best oils yet refuses to produce any evidence other than "trust us". This post had nothing to do with the FDA or the CDC-stop deflecting.
As far as the biblical oils. If you understand how much plant material is involved with making an essential oil, not to mention the other resources that are needed, you would understand why they would not have done this even if they could. Plus it is a total waste of the whole plant when you just distill for the volatile oil. If you had to use an Army to invade another country would you not use the whole plant?
Gary Young is using the word "oils" from the Bible to sell more of his oils. Prior to him making these claims it was common knowledge that these were infused oils. I am happy that you like your oils, and have said all along that if you choose to give them your money, that's your business. But you know there are plenty of reps putting out bad and dangerous information. Good for you for doing your own research and trying to be safe. But be honest with us and yourself. What kind of company discourages it's employees NOT to do research outside of the company? People are being harmed!
I am in several safety groups which also has members from DoTerra and Young Living who are waking up and trying to teach safe usage. I welcome them! But they are horrified at the information put out by representatives from their own companies and they ROUTINELY get kicked out of groups run by their own uplines when they don't tow the company line
Jackie, I didn't agree with everything you said but I did agree with a lot. You have opened my eyes. Thank you. I'll be more safe and more researched in the future on my EOs.
I really wish people would stop using Dr. Pappas as an authoritative credible counterpoint in the argument about YL. Why doesn't anyone call this guy out? He has a personal vendetta and a not-so-hidden agenda. Not to mention the fact that he does work for Doterra. It's nonsense to say he's impartial: he attends and speaks at their annual convention, just did a huge EO summit with Josh Axe and other Doterra heavyweights, and is seen in video sitting in at some kind of bigwig DT mtg. Not an impartial observer and compensated by DT. They even introduce him as one of their own. So let's just cut the crap about Pappas being impartial and not finding problems with DT. Of course he doesn't. His paycheck depends on it. And his constant slamming of YL and Gary Young steers people to DT. Just go on his FB page and see all the DT fans enjoying his antics. So pathetic no one his called this guy out. Shame on all you "essential oil police".
Dr. Pappas tests oils for many companies, including DoTerra. I have personally had oils tested by him which got a clean bill of health and they were not from DoTerra or any other company he has affiliations with. It's no secret he is not a fan of Gary Young and if you have ever seen his deposition from the YL and DT lawsuit, you would understand why. Gary Young wanted him to put his stamp of approval on tainted oils and DoTerra chooses to use oils that meet their standards. So how does this make him the bad guy? This is the direction he was trying to take Young Living and instead they decided to get him to back down from scientific evidence because they felt like he was going against the beloved "Messiah". The fact of the matter is, too many in the YL camp won't listen to what anyone says other than Gary Young who has absolutely no scientific credentials.
as for all us "essential oil police". Shame on me for wanting people to be safe and not be harmed from misuse of these very powerful solvents? No. Shame on all the people out there who are prescribing medical protocols without any medical training. The whole "there's an oil for that" mentality is just as bad as getting people to pop a pill for everything. No, it's worse. Because there is absolutely no medical supervision, no prescreening for health problems and possible interactions, and no medical training. Sensitization reactions are treated as detoxing and more oils are encouraged. There is no understanding of chemistry, people are told allergies to oils aren't possible, and all kinds of other scientific falsehoods are spread. Where did you get your degree in chemistry?
I am now doing my search, because I feel they do help. I have been in the medical field all my life and medication has their problems. The main thing I'm looking at is are they pure, cost effective and do you get proper training. I was looking at Simple Aroma, and young living. I like helping others so love to teach but want correct information. Do you know anything about simple aroma or know a company that dies all I want. I have multiple health problems and can't work so unfortunately cost matters. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Lynne,
I just signed up for Young Oils for the 25 percent discount because I couldn't afford the oils as I am on Social Security. They don't post their prices on the internet. Today I went on EBay and people are selling Young Living Oils at a third of the price. $39 for frankness at Young Living. $8 on ebay. I paid $180.00 for starter kit and there is no way I can afford to buy their oils. I should have just gone to ebay.
There are many other companies with high quality oils and no incidents of selling adulterated oils. Eden Botanicals and Nature's Gift oils are tested and I have never seen a report about either company not passing on testing. And you can buy in small bottles and you are not paying a bunch of extra money so several people get a commission out of it. With Young Living and DoTerra you are paying for commissions, which is the MAIN reason they are so expensive. And regardless of what the company tells you (Young Living) there is ample evidence out there that they sell inferior quality oils and sell adulterated oils. Do you want to pay for the more expensive cinnamon bark oil only to have it watered down with cheap cassia oil?
Oh goodness, are you serious? Your post sounds very angry, emotional and honestly- not well educated. What is your background? And why are you after the EO after all? Why don't you take your own advice and do your own more THOROUGH research of YL. They never claim their oils don't burn or burn for a good reason, they say to go slow and dilute the oils that burn with carrier oils. If this oil is not for you, try another one or GO TO THE DOCTOR! Have you ever even held their educational materials in their hands? Like a pocket reference or Desk Reference? Did you meet Gary Young or visit his farms? Do you know how many haters like you went there and were completely crushed by the integrity and transparency of the whe organization? And now they are successful leaders in his company. You make the company and the leaders sound like greedy idiots. And there is no way for any company to monitor every word posted on the internet by some such individuals. I can't imagine any other company having any of those! But overall - come on now! Every oil is thouroughly explained in educational materials provided by the company backed up with researched done by doctors and scientists. And so is the way to use it, including which ones are good to ingest and which are not, which ones are good applied undeluted, and which ones should always be deluted.
Now about MLM structure. Do you know how YL works vs other companies? It's nothing like others. I will stop at that as it is 2 pages at least of explanation on their MLM business structure vs other companies. One thing though- when you go to a health food store and buy any product, 75% of the price is paid towards the overhead, which is the rent, salaries, marketing, etc. But mostly it's marketing. To pay for marketing any company jacks up their prices almost 60%, when in MLM it's only 25%. You don't pay for rent or employees salaries and benefits or insurance. So think twice before you call it a scheme. This 'scheme' is actually saving you money. If you knew a little more on how the oils are made, you would see where the money goes. It takes acres of plants to make a batch of one oil.
It's good to have an opinion and do a research, but don't contaminate people's minds with what seems to be nothing more but a few facts pulled out of some posts put up by the reps who don't know what they are doing. Report them if you see it again and let the company deal with them, instead of deterring others from these great oils and bashing the entire company. It's fine if these oils are not for you, although I doubt you tried them for long enough to know that for yourself. But they are for millions of other people whose lives have changed forever, including mine. My family's health improved drastically, and I thank Gary and his company every day. That's why it upsets me when people write this stuff hurting someone else's chances to have the same experience.
yet another anonymous-I understand perfectly well how oils are made. You yourself are making my point in your comments. Ingesting oils on a daily basis is dangerous, applying oils neat is dangerous (NOT JUST THE HOT OILS). On you should make your rounds in some safety groups then you'll hear people who have been damaged and sensitized for life from following the company's recommendations. I would not use Gary Young's name and the word integrity in the same sentence. The man spins things the way he wants and people have to create their own websites to correct the lies that he spreads about them. I don't care how many farms they let you visit. They will not share any test results with anyone that they conduct on their oils. That's NOT transparency. And even RIGHT NOW while they are trying to be compliant with the FDA they are conspiring and telling their reps to take their pages to secret status. So you yourself have stated that they promote unsafe practices. The cost of other higher quality oils from companies that have overhead to pay are much lower than Young Living oils. It's padded with layers of commissions-THAT is why the oils cost so much. You see, I have experience with other companies and have tried many and don't take anyone's word for anything. Show me the testing. You need to find resources OUTSIDE of the company and don't just take their word for it. There is no denying the cult like devotion of so many thousands of people involved with this company to the point that think GY is Jesus Christ. Is it all of them? No, but FAR TOO MANY.
Do you understand the ENORMOUS amounts of plant material it requires to make just a little bit of essential oil? And so many people abusing so many oils are raping the environment. If you want a real relationship with the plants use them more often.. Unlike essential oils they have nutrients, vitamins, minerals...............and they generally don't shut down your liver and kidneys if you drink them every day, or burn through your esophagus on the way down. Essential oils should be used sparingly and with proper respect and training. And unless you have a degree in chemistry or a medical license you have no business recommending internal consumption of these very VERY powerful SOLVENTS
New blog post!
I am a certified college qualified Aromatherapist and run aromatherapy programs in aged and palliative care. I have to say that YL and their irresponsible teachings really annoy me. Only yesterday, my massage therapist told me that his YL rep recommended that his 4 year old daughter take peppermint oil neat! I wish these reps were required to have some formal qualifications so that they wouldn't place people's health in danger, particularly when dealing with the elderly and young children. In France where aromatic medicine is commonplace, only doctors can prescibe oils which just proves the importance of expert training and not the gung-ho attitude of ingesting oils everyday and using oils neat without diluting them. Why do MLMs have such a sledgehammer approach? A squeeze of lemon juice in warm water each morning is far more appropriate than lemon essential oil. I believe it is all about the $$ and selling more oils...
Seriously, MLM reps ought to read the texts of respected and expert international aromatherapists such as Robert Tisserand, Shirley Price, Jane Buckle etc to learn from the professionals and know what REAL aromatherapy is. Broaden your knowledge and discover the truth.
The international world of aromatherapy is so much more than these money grabbing MLMs, who incidentally never seem to contribute to studies, research collaborations - only to their own incredulous claims. MLMs have used scare tactics fooling people into believing that only their oils are 'safe', 'pure' etc. That is simply not true, it is an outrageous lie.
I believe the MLMs disrespects and exploits aromatherapy.
Rubyroux, I totally agree with everything you just said
For everyone that has read this I encourage you to research the company. This person is misleading you greatly. Gary and Mary Young have never said that all the oils or blends can be used internally and we are taught to keep oils out of your eyes. Our labels tell you exactly how to use your oils. Young Living is all about educating their distributors and making sure that we have the tools we need to help our customers. Gary even helped to write a reference book about all the oils that we encourage all YL users to have as it is about YL oils. I always look in it if I have a question about an oils before I would tell anyone how to use it. So please do your own research and not just believe someone else s thoughts
Respectfully, I don't think anyone here is attempting to mislead people when they speak the truth about MLMs. I believe people who sell and dispense advice re using essential oils ought to undertake education and training in aromatherapy just like any other complementary practitioner. I would not be able to practise and look after the wellbeing of my elderly and palliative care residents in the facility where I work without my aromatherapy qualifications. My professional indemnity, regististration for insurance rebates and membership to an association protects the people I treat. MLMs have no control what their reps do and say out in the wide world. I have been to YL gatherings in the past where oils were splashed about like water neat onto people as well as other crazy suggestions. MLM reps aren't educated properly, they are just signed up and then they begin their own journey into multi level marketing and continue on the unsafe practises. Remember YL won't be subjected to legal proceedings if something goes wrong - it will be you who will be sued and you won't have any professional indemnity or mal practise insurance.... I have read the YL reference book, yes, I did own a copy! Really, it just matches a problem with a blend and the rest is selling their other products, it isn't a text book.. There is a whole amazing world of aromatherapy out there! Give yourself the gift of knowledge, read and study from the independent professionals of aromatherapy/aromatic medicine.
I was thinking the same! Just looked at her profile- she works for the government... Just saying... ;)
But YL does not advise EOs in your eyes. They have a list of oils and how to use them safely.. Not all of them are recommended for internally use.. The opposite in fact..
They do not recommend using the oils neat..Or in the eyes or all internally... They even have proper dilution lists.. I think its quite bold to claim YL or any members are "cult-like". My husband and I have done research, lots of research. We are by no means capable of throwing money away on crap products.. The oils have helped us and after all the research we have found YL to be the most transparent and the best value when it comes to quality thus leading to quantity as well.. We have saved money on other daily things by using oils properly.
I understand and appreciate your concerns but to accuse this company as being cult like and to say they do things they don't discredited you in my eyes. I apologize if I sound awful, I really do like to read the negative sides of things but some of what you have published is incorrect and misleading.
You need to understand, your rep is the problem... Not the company- they DO NOT recommend using these oils neat- AT ALL. All one needs to do is get on their website, look up the oil, and it will tell you their actual recommendations.. Which is different then what your rep says. They have kids products that are diluted alreafy , maybe that is what she was talking about?
My group would be horrified by some of these 'reps' and their recommendations.
Are you talking about me working for the government? I work at the post office so it's not like I'm working for the FDA or anything. There have been several bloggers writing about using essential oils in eyedrops-the original one has been removed but she said Gary young was doing it in his clinic in Ecuador. It is coming from SOMEWHERE and it really appears over the years that while the company says one thin publicly they meet with their diamond reps and tell them something else. And yes, I am getting that from insiders. Now there is a huge scramble to be compliant so the FDA doesn't shut them down, I'm glad if you are in an upline that teaches safer use of oils-they are finally becoming more common.. I still think there is way too much casual internal and neat use taught. And some of the new kids' blends contain Rue, which is extremely toxic.
Jackie, Keep up the good fight here. It took very little research to find out that aromatherapy professionals never suggest to ingest oils and always dilute them before using on skin. It also didn't take much to find out about Gary Young's questionable education. Throw in the whole MLM scheme and I backed away from YL or DoTerra pretty quickly. Heck, I won't buy Mary Kay or Arbonne because of the whole MLM nonsense. I can get quality products for a lot less, and I can find legitimate resources as to the proper use of oils. I have a relative that is a YL cult member. She puts oils straight on her small kids and she ingests several drops per day in water. I hope her liver can handle it!
It is true the MLM reps make some erroneous suggestions. They make some false claims about the superiority of their products too. But the real issue is the price. The mark ups are just not justifiable. I don't blame these folks who start using oils inspired by a personal friend. Chances are these folks can go to the NAHA website and find a competent independent aromatherapist who will save them money and give them good counsel. NAHA has been around a long time and stayed clear of all this hostility and mudslinging.
I use essential oils from a different provider. I went to 2 Young Living seminars given by friends. I wanted to jump on the bandwagon but could not afford it. I found several companies online and I make a certain formula for back and neck pain that has worked really well, for me, my husband and several friends. My husband rarely takes pain meds now because of the oils I have been using. I have chronic knee pain now and the oils help but do not completely relieve. I have used oils neat. PLEASE NEVER DO THIS! I thought a layer of skin came off. I dilute every oil. Cinnamon bark is my favorite. I do not ingest. I did one time and then drank a gallon of water because the bottle said DO NOT INGEST! Just be wise, do your homework and if pain persists, please see a doctor. They can see your insides, you can't! We are Christian, but we do our homework. God gave us a brain to use! My hubby lovingly calls me the witch doctor!lol
I signed up eagerly at a "class" before I researched, although I have to say I love the YL oils just not their teaching and unsafe practices. After researching I learned a lot of what the ladies taught at the "class" was not safe. Anyway I think YL is realizing how out of control it is because I just recieved this email and I am happy to say they are finally "waking up"(I hope sharing this email is OK, if not please delete this, thank you):
I just recieved the following email from Young Living and I am glad to say they are trying to change their bad ways of teaching & using oils:
Dear Young Living Member:
As Young Living continues to grow and progress, it is increasingly important that we Share YL the Right Way. As part of our efforts to continue educating our members about FDA regulations, we need your help in identifying members who are still unaware of or unwilling to adhere to FDA requirements.
If you notice a member making inappropriate claims on personal websites, in print, on social media, etc., please let us know so that we can continue to educate our members and provide guidance for members to make the necessary changes to their messages.
If you are unsure of where these inappropriate claims may exist, check out our “Spring Cleaning Checklist,” which details the member-created print and online resources that may contain such claims. Your participation will help Young Living maintain its sterling reputation for high-quality products and full compliance with the law.
Please send pertinent information to All reports will be treated anonymously, and our legal team will take any needed action. As always, be sure to visit the “Sharing YL the Right Way” tab of Member Resources in Virtual Office for a wide range of resources to help every member better understand how to share Young Living compliantly and responsibly.
Best regards,
The Young Living Team
I think Young Living has been told by the FDA that while they are satisfied with what they are seeing at the corporate level, they won't be compliant by the deadline because of the rogue reps who aren't falling into line. They have taken some of their facebook groups super secret and the FDA has managed to infiltrate. Do Terra is going so far as to require their wellness advocates to remove all references and pictures of DoTerra products from personal pages and they are only allowed to use the company provided web pages for their businesses. It's unfortunate. I guess it can be a great side business to make money but the business model really encourages this kind of behavior. The more oils you get people to use the more money you make when they have to restock.
And the Young Living blends are truly getting out of hand. Some of these new blends contain DOZENS of oils. This just dilutes therapeutic value of all of the oils in the blend. At least DoTerra keeps them simple and they don't have a 100 blends.
Hello! Thanks for the info and links to more info! I was sold on the YL oils not long ago, I bought a starter kit from a "friend" and then started researching and reading more and more about EOs. Wow! I don't want to shatter a new friendship over oils, but I really don't want to see her and then tell her why I haven't even tried to sell anything... whoops.
Anyway, I bought a few oils from Essential Depot to compare, and the Frankincense I bought was SUPER cheap the day I bought it(it was in my cart for days at a much higher price)and it is so potent smelling(it's a large container as opposed to a 5mL bottle) I have to put a cloth over my nose when I open the bottle.
Is this normal for a superior product or no?
I feel it could go either way and not sure what to think.
Thank you in advance for your input! (an email response to would be amazing!)
Bless you for sharing the dirty truth about yl. they have become even more cultish with their mlm scheme. The blanket statement they make about being the ONLY therapeutic grade oil is absurd and really makes me mad that they are spreading lies to the average person with no previous e.o. knowledge! Thank you again for revealing the ugly truth about young living.
The anger in this post feels so heavy and negative. And because you are promoting your own oils, of course, you are inevitably biased. I've been using Young Living for 2 years and I am amazed at the results I've personally experienced as well at those I've heard of.
Never is it OK to put the oils either in your eyes or ears. That rep made a big mistake but you cannot crucify the entire company for her misleading information.
In my lifetime, I had gone through many years of medical challenges and have experienced the most horrendous side effects due to my doctors errors. Because of this and the years it took for me to get a life back as those side effects caused severe depression and chemical changes in me, I would NEVER take a medication unless I had no choice. Finding these oils has been a tremendous gift. Never would I worry about an interaction or side effects. They don't exist. I am beyond grateful that I have my oils as I never will fear going through such a nightmare again.
I'm happy when people find the thing, whatever that thing is and wherever it comes from, that helps them in some way. That's their path. If medication works for them right now, yay! That's where they are in their life and I'm thrilled that they are finding success. So yay to me that I found Young Living.
I have been waiting for someone to make this point.
I must have had some time on my hands tonight as I have read this entire thread.... all two years worth. I went on a search for a specific YL oil after falling in love with the smell, and was immediately baffled by the high price. As a massage therapist and esthaetician, I have used EOs for a decade. Mostly for aromatherapy, but occasionally for practical application and treatment for muscle tension. I do not claim to have in depth knowledge of EOs, but I know plenty, and I certainly do abide by "first do no harm", and "always err on the side of caution". For that reason, I appreciate Jackie's motivation behind this article. I am troubled by the carelessness of those who are administering what (WE ALL AGREE) is powerful stuff. EOs MELT plastic! Why on earth would anyone be so quick to ingest or apply neat. Maybe the education is too abbreviated with distributors too quick to be rich superheros who want to play doctor?
Anyway, I really love the smell of the YL "Hope", but certainly not enough to pay that price. So I guess I will go make my own Blend.
As someone who has nothing to gain or lose from YL or otherwise, a final word to those being so protective of the brand... Consider what YOU are protecting versus what the Author is protecting. Don't be affraid to let go of the brand, and your pride.. Jackie is clearly not pushing a money making agenda, or wanting to stand in the way of your business ventures. Her motivation is an overall, and quite founded, concern for the haphazard distribution of potentially harmful concoctions, being promoted AND administered through laypersons via MLM with a price tag that is absolutely unnecessary other than for greed. Think about it.
I have been doing a lot of research about ingesting EO's and everything that I have read said do not. They are not FDA approved. Drugs have to be FDA approved and prescription give by a doctor. If ingesting EO's you should consult your doctor or a certified aromatherapy therapist.
Thank you, Raquel! I am NOT pushing my oils and, in fact, recommended other companies. I already knew before I got to the end of her post that she was with Young Living. Everyone needs to know that there ARE side effects and potential for interactions with essential oils. They are not drugs but need to be treated just as seriously as pharmaceuticals because they can and DO cause harm when not used with respect.
I absolutely understand the enthusiasm over essential oils because they can have quite miraculous results sometimes. I always caution against falling into the mentality that because something is natural it must safe. This is untrue and dangerous. And besides that, the whole mentality of "There's an oil for that" is just as bad as having a pill for everything. True natural healing is much more complex than just taking an herb or using an essential oil to "treat" a problem. You have to look at the whole person and treat holistically for true healing, not just cover up a symptom with an oil.
I have been using essential oils for a number of years and I so appreciate your comments. I first began using Aura Cacia as the ywere less expensive. I have tried DoTerra and others that were just too expensive for me. I was curious if anyone has tried and what you thought about them? I tried their Best Friend blend and I really liked it. Thanks for your feedback.
Tifany, you might want to check out The Blue Tansy Analysis group on facebook and see if anyone has had oils from that company tested. There are other groups on FB too where people share their experiences with various essential oil retailers. I have never heard of that company so I can't offer an opinion.
This is an excellent blog post!! I have been using essential oils for 20 yrs and I became certified in aromatherapy in 2009. YL was off topic in my certification course because my professors were quite disgusted by the companies insistence on spreading misinformation. Just wanted to say your blog post is spot on! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Awesome post Jackie. Robert Tisserand (Expert and pioneer in the field) says the same thing. He shoots down the whole "therapeutic grade" marketing nonsense, ingestion and more,
The oils and the results speak for themselves! I don't have to sell any ever! Me and my family will use them regardless. When your Dr. says.."I don't know what you are doing but keep doing it!".."yes I will!"
The oils and the results speak for themselves! I don't have to sell any ever! Me and my family will use them regardless. When your Dr. says.."I don't know what you are doing but keep doing it!".."yes I will!"
Laura-I hope your doctor is testing your liver function if you are taking oils internally because by the time you have symptoms too much damage may already be done. And most doctors have absolutely no training with essential oils. The long term effects of using large amounts of essential oils internally is yet to be seen and you are making yourself into a guinea pig for untrained essential oil retailers-and don't use the argument about how the French use internally. It is prescribed by trained physicians and prepared by trained pharmacists and used only for short periods of time to treat a specific condition.
I read an excellent online article written by a qualified herbalist who commented that the only people recommending and encouraging ingestion and the neat application of essential oils are sales reps of these oil MLMs. Of course the recommendations of international renowned professionals and associations are ignored and disregarded by MLMs just so they can sell more oils! Jackie is right, in France only a doctor can prescribe and administer the ingestion of essential oils. Gary Young is NOT the voice and expert on aromatherapy, he's just a salesman, conning the untrained and spreading potentially dangerous practices.
Wow! I'm so sad and confused! Do I not use Doterra? Do I not diffuse? Please help!
@solost-it's not the oils that are a problem, in fact I have never had any reason to doubt the quality of DoTerra oils. Their advice on how to use them is what isn't safe and even their recent efforts to be more safety minded are still way off base. Try following Robert Tisserand on facebook and buy a couple of his books. He has done lots of research and he is very knowledgeable-very no nonsense type of guy who gives fact based recommendations.
A couple of my Facebook friends are YL reps, and post about it constantly. It gives me the heebie jeebies, like they are part of a cult. I am not opposed to alternative medicine. I have been seeing a chiropractor regularly for years; he helps with my Thoracic outlet syndrome and my carpal tunnel. I don't expect him to help with my allergies and other ailments. I am sure essential oils can help with some conditions, but I think they are as way overblown as some chiropractic claims. And I wish I could hide my friend's YL posts without unfollowing them completely.
Young Living Oils are FDA approved. Gary Young got them involved to show how safe they are. Do you know of any other Essential oil company that can say their oils are FDA approved. Young Living Oils are also used in some Hospitals. 100% PURE UNADULTERATED THERAPEUTIC GRADE OILS.
Hi Annonymous
I am really shocked by your post! Everything you wrote is absolutely wrong and more importantly you are being told big lies by YL reps.
Hospitals only allow professionals to use essential oils and then diluted to suitable percentages for the ill and infirm. No essential,oil is FDA approved, it's a marketing scam. I truly hope you understand that you are being conned by YL. I was also fooled by YL many years ago until I started asking questions and studying from qualified experts. Good luck.
Sandy you are absolutely correct! There is no such thing as certified therapeutic grade, it's a trademarked term used by Young Living and means absolutely nothing. The FDA does NOT certify essential oils and considering they have gone after Young Living and Do Terra, I doubt they are friendly with Gary Young. I am so tired of hearing crap like this. The French didn't know what they were doing until The Messiah Gary Young came along and showed them the error of their ways, now the FDA is being saved by him. Do you understand how ridiculous you sound when you regurgitate this PROPOGANDA from the company? I have posted about why essential oils weren't distilled in Biblical times. Even if they could have why would they have done it? Sourcing these sacred plants was much more difficult than it is today. You couldn't just toss a load of spikenard root on a plane and fly it Jerusalem. It involved Caravans to move the material, which includes feeding lots of people and animals, crossing into enemy territories, fighting wars and took many months. The Bible talks about "oils". Gary Young wants you to interpret that as meaning essential oils so you'll keep on buying his overpriced products. Do research on what is involved to make ONE bottle of essential oil. Gary Young is RAPING the environment.
On one of my safety groups on FB a YL rep took a screen shot of the members list and distributed it one of their meetings. One of their reps was ordered to break ties with one of the members of the group or they would strip her of her down line. They have also been PMing admins and harassing them and PMing members trying to recruit them. That's such a fine Christian organization, isn't it?
Another member has been bumping heads with a friend who got sucked into DoTerra who proceeded to tell her she must not really be a Christian because she wouldn't use their oils.
And yet another, who has been reporting YL post like crazy to the FDA and YL legal, received a gift basket of Young Living products at her house even though they had no way of knowing where she lived.
Don't these just sound like the finest of "Christian" organizations? If the Lord Jesus Christ were here he would be flipping over tables of essential oils at their meetings. If you think Gary Young is really all that you should try googling "Jonestown" and "Jim Jones" and read up on his tactics and pray for discernment and listen to your gut. Sometimes that gnawing feeling in your gut is the Holy Spirit trying to pull you away from something insidious. And remember that old saying "The love of money is the root of all evil". I beg you to listen and do what I'm telling you. It may save your soul and will definitely save you horrible regrets years from now. In the very least it stop you from harming someone. You have to live with it and it's not worth any amount of money or success if you can't sleep at night
@Laura Hall. You posted the EXACT same comment twice about a week apart. Do us all a favor and keep track when you're trolling so you don't repeat yourself and prove you're just a troll spreading company propaganda. You just proved every point I have ever made on this blog about your cult mentality and spewing the same old script you are fed from Young Living. Keep up the good work! You are only helping me prove my point.
Since my wife started using EOs for our family, and since they appear to be working (at least at some level), I'm one of those folks trying to understand EOs and discover the truth about them. It's very difficult because I am a data-driving, research-oriented person and much of what is posted on just about every site I've encountered includes opinions. On the other hand, while I like both qualitative and quantitative information, I do also appreciate individual's views. I did find some recent test data where (at least according the the information provided) blind tests were conducted at an independent lab and the results of the tests were posted. The tests included taking several brand name EOs and sending them to a chemist to verify they were in accordance with ISO standards. If the oils that were tested were within the range of the expected chemical composition, they received a comment of, "BATCH IN COMPLIANCE WITH...". And if they were out of range (either too high or too low), they received a comment of, "BATCH NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH...". Some of you may be familiar with these tests. My question is this: If I wanted a completely independent assessment of the different company's EOs...does anyone know if one exists? If there is no "completely independent assessment" information available...what's the next best thing to knowing fact vs. opinion? So while I will continue searching and evaluating what I read, it would just be nice to be able to limit the hundreds of pages returned when I search for information on Google. Thanks!
I should add that I asked our family doctor about EOs. For us, my 16 year-old son couldn't get to sleep until hours after he actually went to be, so we were looking into EOs that may be of help to him. We began considering a sleep study, etc., etc., but asked our doc about EOs general, no specific name brand or kind. He said, "People used to drink a warm glass of milk before they went to bed because they believed it helped them get to sleep. And often time, it helped them get to sleep. But was it the warm milk, or the belief in the warm milk?"
Great question! And the EOs are, in fact, helping with my son's sleep (so no sleep study for now). So is it the EOs...or the belief in the EOs? Either way, as long as the oils are not harmful, I'm ok spending the money...even if they're just a placebo.
Every company sources their oils from all over the world and many companies use the exact same suppliers. Fragonia essential oil comes to mind because there is literally only one supplier on the whole planet for this oil (which is the only patented oil). Your doctor is actually the last person to ask about essential oils because they likely have no training with them so they really don't know anything about them. There can a placebo effect with anything but with essential oils there chemicals that affect the human body-some in a good way some in a dangerous way, depending on the oil. It's important to learn about safety, especially with children and I really can't recommend Robert Tisserand enough as a source of information. As far as a specific "brand" of oil, I wouldn't trust any company who says "our oils are the best, we test them but you can't see the results, you just have to take our word for it"-which is what DoTerra and Young Living both do. There are lots of other reputable companies out there who don't charge outrageous prices. Mountain Rose Herbs, Nature's Gift, Eden Botanicals, Sunrose Aromatics are just a few.
You are a certified wack job. . holy cow. Categorizing all YL reps into the same category? Really? I have nothing further to say . you are not worth arguing with. . You're an idiot
Highly misinformed. . . Very unfortunate how you group everyone together and think YL reps are some kind of cult. . Really? Very immature but I guess everyone believes everything they read on the internet just like you have claimed us YL reps do. . Its very typical of people to attack a company because they are successful and their products work. . I am very successful with YL and do not have to convince anyone :)
The thing about MLMs is that the majority of reps have no recognised qualifications and mostly get their information from one source - the MLM company. This means that the reps don't have a broad range of reference material from international renowned experts and often dispense 'advice' without proper knowledge. As a former MLM rep, I remember being told how no other essential oil was any good and not to trust any other company - and I believed it! The aromatherapy world is much larger and more educated than these MLMs. I am so grateful to be educated in aromatherapy.
I have just started using Essential Oils. I have researched both main companies Young Living as well as Doterra. One thing that bothers me is this... it very clearly says on the young living site that the oils should never be used on or around cats. and with government regulations the oils say on the bottles if they can be used internally. I bought some from both companies to try and see what the difference was. I then went to whole foods and bought some there. The young living ones worked better with my daughter who has asthma and allergies. I have had no issues with Young living but have with Doterra and the store bought kind, and before you go all she must be a YL rep... NO I am not. I bought the oils for my own health and family. Along with Juice Plus we are quite healthy. I dont know who the moron who puts them in eye drops, but they also very clearly tell you not to put them anywhere near your eyes.
I am not misinformed and not attacking YL because they are successful. To the contrary, am commenting about what I see and have personally experienced. Have you read through the comments on this post?????? And another reason is that I am afraid of the backlash on the credible aromatherapy community because of the irresponsible actions of reps of these 2 companies. If you love your YL oils, more power to you! But they are lots more companies out there with pure oils that don't overcharge and spread false propaganda about other companies. Try some oils from Eden Botanicals or Nature's Gift.
For the commentor that says I'm a whack job and idiot-anyone with any sense isn't going to be impressed by name calling.
For all reps who want to try to put words in my mouth, you should read through all of the comments and responses first and see what I have ACTUALLY said before you waste your time being defensive and trying to deflect the argument to the FDA or the CDC. See if you can focus and stay ON TOPIC.
And you may want to try GOOGLE so you can see for yourself that this stuff is really out there before you act like I'm some nut job making stuff up.
Another piece of information. Hasn't changed the formula, just the marketing.
@Mamacat-listen to your gut! You are correct that essential oils can do pretty amazing things and do make like more pleasant in general but they are NOT cure-alls! There are limits to what they can do and they should be used with respect. I am always amused when these reps so "other" oils must have some chemicals in them-all essential oils have chemicals in them! EVERYTHING is chemicals, dear people. If "chemicals" are bad then why do they listed CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS on their website? Don't listen to the fear mongering from these people and good luck with your friend. Unfortunately, friendships end over this stuff so please brace yourself. And that whole story about Gary Young being cured of being paralyzed by essential oils is complete and utter BULLSHIT with ZERO proof-scientifically impossible and they have never even produced so much as a newspaper article about his alleged paralysis. You sound like a smart lady.
Oh and try some infused herbal oils on your eczema. Comfrey oil is excellent and calendula will sooth any irritation. No essential oils needed
Great points!! Never blindly trust anyone with your health. Research, research, research whatever it is you are using on or in your body!
YL does NOT list ALL of their oils as "safe to ingest". Read the labels. Right on the bottles it is labelled for topical, aromatic or ingestible. Not every oils is labelled for ingestion. The ones that are are FDA listed as GRAS (generally regarded as safe). Where do you get your information? Obviously you have not done your research. Page 597 in the Essential Oil Desk Reference, "Never put any essential oils in the eyes or on the eyelids.", pg 589, "Never put essential oils directly into the ear canal. Ear pain can be very serious. Always seek medical attention if pain persists." You should delete this blog post as it is inaccurate. Do a little more research and don't just list what a couple of misinformed people say.
Hey Colleen, I was an avid user of YL for a few years and attended regular evenings led by reps - one rep was even a naturopathic doctor who should have known better. At these meetings we were regularly told to ingest many oils as an everyday ongoing habit. In fact, I remember watching a rep pour undiluted oregano oil on one person's mole. At each evening meeting I attended, we were all encouraged to use the oils neat and were shown how to use the raindrop massage method, even though nobody was a certified remedial massage therapist or aromatherapist. We all bought the YL Desk Reference book and read through it with the rep (it isn't really a reference book, it's just a giant printed advert for YL oils). There was NEVER a time when were advised against ingesting oils. Remember GRAS refers to food grade oils which have been modified to create conformity within the food industry. It is not a green light to start ingesting clinical grade essentials which are very concentrated.
The thing is, YL can develop into something cult-like and people like you and me believe and some of us eventually become non believers of their hard sell. What these Reps tell you is very exciting and almost intoxicating to a newbie to essential oils. They trust the Rep, but often the rep is clambering to reach another level higher up the MLM totem pole and so unsafe practices are carried on.
It took me a while to entangle myself out of the YL web, I believed all their spin and lies about other essential oil suppliers and uneducated teachings. Whilst there may be responsible reps out there, they really need to stand up for responsible usage. Once I began the path of professional study of aromatherapy, I knew I was right leaving YL behind.
I LOVE your article. All MLM companies that sell anything are always WAY OVERPRICED. Young Living and DoTerra have good quality oils, but as you said, they are NOT the only ones. Additionally, Young Living and Doterra promote extremely dangerous practices.
That's why I shop for my oils at Melaleuca, the original essential oils company. Their prices are litterally HALF the price of Young Living and DoTerra. And Melaleuca is very strict about how oils are used and not to be used. They even advise NOT to ever ingest the oils.
Although Melaleuca is often labelled as MLM, they haven't been since 1989. Seems they just can't sever themselves from that industry. My goodness, just looking at the prices of their products should be enough to prove they can't be MLM. Their bathroom tub and tile cleaner cost less than the poison that can be purchased at the Dollar Store.
In any case, I wish more people would take a stand like you against the companies that are harming people and charging too much for their products.
Thanks for your article and sharing your expertise, it's really appreciated.It helped me a lot for what i was searching for. Keep it up. For more details about Natural Oils Visit: Lavender Oil
They should not be encouraging internal use of ANY essential oils. it's dangerous. I never said they encourage the internal use of ALL essential oils-go back and read what is actually there not what you want to see.
I have a major issue with Melaleuca's oils because in their knock of blends that should have Blue Tansy they have used regular Tansy, which is a very dangerous oil even externally. I think they need a knowledgeable aromatherapist on staff.
The eye drop articles keep popping up from time to time and they all say GY was doing this in his clinics outside of the US. Google it once in a while and you'll find them. The writers end up taking them down because they don't want to deal with comments they get and they keep getting reported to the FDA.
Don't believe it's not out there?
Great post. Essential Oils are wonderful till you bring up these companies YL/DT. It's all about sales. They are pushy, and if you can't commit you aren't worth their time. They only care about climbing that totem pole. In my experience the only reps who have had success with oils have been those who had money to invest and make up for the team sales goals. I am an oil user and will never sell, because of how turned off I was by the lady who sold me my kit. Such a shame, because it could have been something I would have wanted to do, especially being a single mom of 4.
There are a few sales reps on some of my facebook safety groups who are actually trying to learn and who continuously update their training materials. I am hoping these reps will help to reform the companies from the bottom up.
I adore essential oils but honestly don't understand why more folks don't se herbs. They are much more versatile, safer and better for the environment. Herbs are so much safer for every day use-and the combination of herbal preparations with a little bit of essential oil is just amazing.
Hi, there are always going to be reps that unfortunently just want to make sales and do not care about the product. I am a Simply Aroma consultant and please take a look at our catalog. Simply Aroma does state that ingestion is a personal choice and a person needs to speak with their medical doctor and do their own research... my training in essential oils has come from this wonderful company. Home office encourages us to learn about the oils. They even teach us though we do use therepedic grade it is really just a term and we know that there is no such thing but we are competing with the bigger companies. We have a lot of wonderful changes coming next month. I encourage you to look at our catalog. I am on my phone and can not figure out how to get link on here but you can email me and I will send it to you. Breaks my heart that there are a few bad apples that ruins it for the rest of us who are trying hard to help .
Hi, there are always going to be reps that unfortunently just want to make sales and do not care about the product. I am a Simply Aroma consultant and please take a look at our catalog. Simply Aroma does state that ingestion is a personal choice and a person needs to speak with their medical doctor and do their own research... my training in essential oils has come from this wonderful company. Home office encourages us to learn about the oils. They even teach us though we do use therepedic grade it is really just a term and we know that there is no such thing but we are competing with the bigger companies. We have a lot of wonderful changes coming next month. I encourage you to look at our catalog. I am on my phone and can not figure out how to get link on here but you can email me and I will send it to you. Breaks my heart that there are a few bad apples that ruins it for the rest of us who are trying hard to help .
Thank you for making this site, I met a lady whom I thought I was just going over there to buy a couple of bottles of oils. Instead I got this presentation !! WOW.. She is a vulnerable lovely lady who has been brained washed. What a shame she cant see through the BS. I will def not be buying this product, all I wanted was a nice oil not a lecture on dirt and plants !
Thanks again for all this info, power to the free speech and information.
The thing I absolutely love about these companies is the rapid awareness to oils. Too often I see small shops with limited amount of advertising for the benefits of these oils. I know small towns that 10% are all natural and the other 90% don't do anything to further their health using oils. Because they DONT KNOW. Because no one has taken it upon themselves to spread awareness until now. The last time I checked to sit down with someone who knows a lot about health and wellness it has cost me money. I love all representatives of all companies of oils because they are actively helping the cause, to down a company for charging more for reps is ridiculous in my opinion. It has helped a lot of families with incomes and stay at home moms. In my opinion MORE things in life should be made available to have business from home. I am a struggling stay at home mom and it has helped me. Much like investing in epicure, avon, or mary kay. I have never sold anything before because I felt uncomfortable with taking commission, but I prayed that young living was right and it has been for me. The education is getting out there, and as such so will wrong education. Just like the opening of all natural stores, some people just don't know what they are talking about. There is a wonderful aromatherapy lady in Rocky Mountain House, who continues to research all the different companies, a very educated lady who still uses young living after ten years. She's not a rep as you say, but she is wonderful at what she does. There are some oils that are more diluted. FOR EXAMPLE I have a collection of diluted oils in my cabinet that I bought from a fancy natural store without knowing. Because the cashier had no idea what she was talking about. If you compare one drop of lavender to my YL oils, the difference is crazy. Half of what has been mentioned is bogus about young living but so is the bogus I have heard from uneducated all naturals as well. You came across as really really mad, and if I were to pray about this, I would never go to you for advice of any kind, because of the way you come across. It reminds me of the Anti-Vac people.
@YET ANOTHER ANONYMOUS YL REP. I am not lumping all reps into any pile. If you took the time to read through this entire post you would know that. Do I get angry? Yes, I do. I get angry at the cult like devotion that some people fall into so that they attack any ideas that go against what the company or their upline tells them. I especially get angry with companies that trash all other companies and claim the ultimate in quality and purity, yet refuse to divulge any testing to prove it. And I get angry with people who elevate a man to level of God and blindly swallow any story he tells without any proof whatsoever. Yes it is good that they have gotten interest in essential oils going. But the misinformation and unsafe usage they advise is going to end up doing more harm than good. Plenty of people ask me for advice and guidance with essential oils and I don't promise them miracles like charlatain companies do and they thank me for it. I believe, first and foremost "Do no harm". Whether you intentionally do harm to someone is irrelavent once the damage is done, and the injury reports are piling in and 80% or more of the injury reports are from using YL and DT oils improperly at the advice of sales reps. So I wouldn't expect someone like you to come to me for advice. You wouldn't like an honest answer because it would go against the teachings of the company that wants you to sell more oils and for you to make more money for them.
I just received an email from one of the MLM reps inviting me to a seminar to listen to one of their high level people speak on how to increase 'earnings' to $110,000 per month. Yes, that's $110,000 per month!
How can anyone even begin to think that these MLMs are about individualised and caring aromatherapy care. Seriously that email says it all for me. If misguided people can't see that MLMs charge rediculously high rates for products and will sign anyone up purely for financial gain, then I give up.
As Abba sang many years ago 'money money money, must be funny in a rich man's world'.
Hi Jackie,
I appreciate the spirit in which you demand education to users of EOs. However, slamming all MLMs and their search for the almighty buck (accurate for some, yet misleading for others as they are NOT all created equal), you have obviously not done your own research. i.e.Stating that YL charges outrageously expensive prices for their oils. I looked up Cedarwood oil at Swiss Aromatics and International Aromatics (from what I understand, they have excellent quality oils as well), and low and behold: for 15ml of Cedarwood, SA charges $16.50 for regular cedarwood and $36.20 for some exotic; IA charges $16.24 -- whereas I pay only $11.25 for a 15ml bottle thru YL at the wholesale price. 5ml of Angelica with SA costs $65.30 and IA charges $60.21 -- whereas I pay only $43.75 thru YL. At wholesale prices (and only for some oils), they beat these other companies hands down.
True YL frankincense is costly, yet if you knew the pains the company took to ensure the harvesting of the same groves (which by the way, is totally 100% sustainable) by the same tribes that have been harvesting for 1000s of years, and building the ONLY N.American distillery authorized by the Jordanian government in Oman (they would not allow the export of the resin, so all the oil is distilled in Oman) -- you would understand why YL frankincense is more expensive than your average frankincense.
Continued from my previous Comment:
In other statements you make,Jackie, particularly that Young Living is 'raping the planet' -- you're clearly ignorant. I remember the days when Rosewood Essential oil was a staple in the Young Living range. It was pulled out of the range due to a world shortage of Rosewood about 4 years ago. Rosewood trees are now endangered, and as a result, the Government of Peru has put a ban on the logging and distillation of Rosewood, resulting in a worldwide shortage of true Rosewood oil.
One of Young Living’s newest farms is in Peru…..and one of the projects for this farm is the planting and cultivation of Rosewood trees. As a result of the relationships that Young Living has been building with the Peruvian Government, Young Living has now been granted a CITES permit from the Government. This permit will approve Young Living for the shipping and exporting of true Rosewood essential oil. This means that Young Living will be the only company with a legal CITES permit from the Peruvian Government for the production of Rosewood oil. You should delete these erroneous comments from your blog. These unfounded claims do nothing to support your credibility as an aromatherapist.
I like to feel I'm an independent thinker. My husband has severe spinal stenosis (the doctor says he has a 90 year old neck at 66) and GAD from his service days (the other side of PTSD). He is off all his meds since we started using YL oils. We started with Young Living and we'll stick them and it's that simple. They work. Now will other oils work just as well? Maybe. Maybe not. But why fix it if its not broke?
As a Raindrop Technique Facilitator (and Receiver) and Instructor through CARE (Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education) for the past 5 yrs, I have many clients who have had incredibly life-changing transformations resulting from this technique (which we define as anointing with oils). Dr. David Stewart, PhD wrote the book A Statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique in 2002, and 99.9% of the participants surveyed had a positive experience. Dr. Stewart has degrees in mathematics, physics and geophysics. He's a scientist as well as a deeply spiritual person. He is also an Integrated Aromatic Science Practitioner (IASP). His book, The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple (God's Molecules Made Manifest) was written following a "miracle" healing he had from Raindrop Technique performed on him by his wife after they saw one of Gary Young's demonstrations. After 47 years of chronic back pain, this first Raindrop allowed him to go to sleep and wake up pain free for the first time in almost 50 years. He recently returned from a 3 week speaking tour of Asia that Young Living sent him on (all expenses paid) to talk about YLEOs; no surprise, YL is translating his Chemistry book into Japanese. He is the Founder of CARE. If you would like more information about the truth of Raindrop Technique, visit -- it will open your eyes and "The Truth Will Set You Free". Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
That's awesome!!!
My husband has an autoimmune disease and alot of respiratory problems. He started using YL Rc oil and breath again about a month ago and has major improvement! He rarely uses his inhaler which used to be attached to his hip and doesn't need his home machine as much! I love that the company will let you visit their farms! They are an amazing company..I haven't seen or heard anything about putting oils in your eyes..but no matter what always research!! Just be wise of where your getting your info! Testimony is good enough for me and my husband has that!!
My husband has an autoimmune disease and alot of respiratory problems. He started using YL Rc oil and breath again about a month ago and has major improvement! He rarely uses his inhaler which used to be attached to his hip and doesn't need his home machine as much! I love that the company will let you visit their farms! They are an amazing company..I haven't seen or heard anything about putting oils in your eyes..but no matter what always research!! Just be wise of where your getting your info! Testimony is good enough for me and my husband has that!!
Cher, you should check out injury reports from RDT or all injury reports in general. It's upwards of 85% or better YL and DT products used as advised by a sales rep. It's quite alarming. And I know all I need to about Raindrop Therapy because I understand CHEMISTRY and the chemistry of essential oils in particular, so I KNOW I don't want these straight oils poured on any part of my body.
FYI-frankincense resin is imported to other countries for distillation. This is not a new thing by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm happy for you if you like your oils. But you obviously also understand the commissions work in the company you sell for and cannot possibly think the company is eating this cost. It goes into the price of the oil and the consumer pays for it.
I understand how business works also.
Thank you for all the information. I've been researching YL and DoTerra and find them unsavory in my opinion. I read your post, tons of the comments, and its amazing how far people will go to try and prove you wrong. I've decided to go with NOW essential oils and Aura Cacia.
Raven White, if you find NOW & Acacia brands to work well for you, all the power to you. These are cheap, readily available, and are for use as aromatics or flavorings only. We use essential oils as medicinal substances in our home and ministry, so those brands simply will not work for us. Their frequencies (Hz) are much lower because they have mostly been adulterated along their way into the bottle. I know someone who used NOW lemon oil internally and it gave him a stomach ache.
As for Jackie's comments responding to my post- none of which addressed my concerns: Where are the medical reports claiming people have had adverse reactions to Young Living essential oils? She provides no links to such reports.
Pointing out the differences in prices: Jackie claims all MLMs products are priced out of range because the consumer is paying for all the commissions. Sadly, she didn't even acknowledge the oils I pointed out as cheaper through Young Living than at International Aromatics or Swiss Aromatics. Also, that she remove her false claims that Young Living is raping the planet after I pointed out the truth about rosewood oil being pulled from their inventory because it's an endangered species); then lastly, she didn't address the fact that Dr. David Stewart, PhD who has a chemistry background, with so many accolades to his credit including the founding of the Center for Aromatherapy Research & Education ( is a verifiable authority on essential oils who trusts nothing but Young Living for internal or topical use-- yet we're supposed to trust what Jackie says about knowing HER chemistry although she has no credentials whatsoever --(Certified Aromatherapist? Not), just a lively blog!
I'm pulling off this blog because I have no tolerance for negative people who soapbox their beliefs with no credible evidence to back them up. Good luck and Happy New Year to all my fellow health & wellness seekers. I trust God will guide you to where you need to be if you ask -- for thou shall receive what you ask for. And the truth will make you free.
great info, great article!
beware of any multi level marketing companies and their claims in general
I am a registered clinical aromatherapist working in aged and palliative care. I am qualified to judge essential oils (as is Jackie of course). This blog is not about just being negative, it is a valiant attempt to educate and enlighten people about REAL aromatherapy not just the hype and untruths that are spread by YL.
YL source their oils from the same places as other essential oil companies, YL doesn't have farms for every oil, as that isn't geographically possible. You can't state that other companies only produce cheapo oils! Gary Young did not invent aromatherapy, nor is he a genuine expert, only an expert marketing man.
I Believe in God just like you and each day at my job, I am doing Christian work with oil blends for my patients seeing wonderful results, bringing comfort and care and it isn't using YL.
Found the injury report Jackie. Out of 35 reported, there are only 5 that are Young Living and one of them was from the year 1998! I always caution my clients/students that 'less is more' when it comes to using essential oils. I also teach them to muscle test so they learn to use their own inner healer. There are responsible folks like us out there teaching/training people on their path to health using high frequency essential oils and it's unfortunate there are people with little to no guidance that go overboard in their usage, which can cause these injuries. Just as one 3 oz. glass of wine may not have any impact on one person and their metabolism, another person may get a migraine within a few minutes or an hour of drinking that same 3 oz. Common sense mandates that the person who got a migraine should stay away from wine! As far as the anti-MLM sentiment so many people are fond of bashing in this blog, this is so old school and antiquated. Relationship marketing is highly popular and generating billions in revenue because people rather buy products from their friends and families who know at least something about the product, rather than buy from a store with a 300% mark-up and a nameless individual who may or may not know anything about the product they are selling you. 98% of the oils on the market today are junk-adulterated. At least Young Living owns their own farms so I know the source of most of their oils. Of any oils that are 'brokered' to them, only 26% of these pass their strict standards for quality -- so who does the other 64% of brokered oils go to? All those Over-The-Counter brands like NOW, Aurcacia, and many of those mentioned on Jackie's website. I won't even talk about DoTerra because they are a company with no integrity. They built a company based on data stolen from Young Living and will never get it right. They are like the grandchild trying to say they know more than the grandparent. Young Living has been in business 24 years and they simply know their stuff. I don't believe for a minute people get 'sucked into' these companies. I know I didn't. I had a life-transforming event called a Raindrop Technique (by the way, if you know it as Raindrop Therapy, that is mis-leading and wrong; it was never called Raindrop Therapy by Gary Young, and it is NOT a therapy). It changed my life and the 3-day CARE Raindrop Training changed my husband's life and mine for the better. If you want to know the truth, visit -- CARE is not an MLM company, by the way.
Good for you. I used Young Living extensively when I worked as a hospice volunteer for 2 years, with awesome results as well. I did not imply anywhere that Gary Young invented aromatherapy. That's just silly. The Egyptians were using oils and aromatherapy thousands of years ago. In Biblical times, essential oils were used for everything from pest control to flavoring and preserving food and wine.
Contrary to your belief, Gary Young is a farmer and not a marketing guru. He actually just handed over his CEO hat to his wife Mary Young, who is the true marketing expert. Gary just wants to manage the many farms YL has acquired.
I didn't see anywhere on her website a clinical aromatherapy certificate for Jackie, so what makes anyone a qualified 'judge' of essential oils? Too many self-described experts have tunnel vision. It take a minimum of 40 years for the medical field to catch up with new and innovative ideas that work given proper supervision and oversight. There's another 20 years to go before I reckon aromatherapy of the caliber Young Living provides will be incorporated into integrative medicine practice on a regular basis. I'm glad you're championing the cause to educate people about the safe practice of essential oils, as I am. However, your statement that Young Living is all hype and untruths is misguided and mistaken. You must believe every negative thing ever printed about Young Living on the internet. Sad, but predictable. There are many in the 'medical' field who would like to see Gary Young fall from grace as medicinal grade oils represent a real threat to big pharma.
Hello Cher
Everyone is entitled to their views and to express their views.
My only response is that I used to belong to YL a few years back. I had a costly monthly autoship, attended meetings, got the books (reference and David Stewart) - the whole works. I believed that YL was the only trustworthy source of essential oils and was scared to use any other brand as I was told anything else would be inferior.
I am grateful that YL got me interested in aromatherapy, however, going back to college to study for my diploma led me to question the unsafe and narrow minded teachings of YL.
I was introduced to the international world of aromatherapy and the many highly qualified, professional and renowned aromatherapists such as Robert Tisserand, Shirley Price, Jane Buckle, Kurt Schnaubelt, Salvator Battaglia, Valerie Ann Worwood but to name a few.
Expand your education and venture out of YL to learn more about essential oils from these experts.
I'm not saying give up YL, they do have lovely oils, but know that YL are untruthful when they say 'only they' have high quality oils. It is a lie.
Thank you Rubyroux! Cher, there is a vast world of quality essential oils between Young Living and NOW. Many oils in the world are sourced from one single location-that is every essential oil company buys from the ONE farm on the planet that produces a given oil. Your comments state perfectly my concerns with Young living. I approach aromatherapy from a scientific perspective because science can PROVE objectively what chemical components do what and therefore companies can have oils tested (including YL) to find oils with chemical components in the desired range they want. And you were obviously looking at a very old injury report. There is current data being compiled by The Atlantic Institute including a case where a woman nearly died of anaphylaxis after being sensitized to oils after years of using oils improperly at the advice of a YL rep.
And Cher, as for Dr. Stewart..............he has a chemistry background as much as I do. Just because I don't have the title of Dr in front of my name doesn't mean I don't just like the Dr in front of his name doesn't make him a chemist. That is EXACTLY proving my point about how this company misleads people. They see the title of Dr in front of his name, ASSUME he's a medical doctor (which he is not) and therefore assume he's an expert. Just go, Cher if you're going. Or stay and keep posting and proving me right. And as far as vibrational frequencies of oils-more unscientific, unverifiable garbage. Just like their "excellent" testing that they REFUSE TO SHARE WITH ANYONE! They just say "trust us" and people do without any proof. And yes there are fake oils everywhere. But to say that ONLY Young Living has pure oils is a LIE that can be scientifically proven.
Jackie, I never said no one else has quality oils. About 5% of what's produced is high quality - but again, you refuse to acknowledge that Young Living prices are comparable to many producers. You keep avoiding the elephant in the room. Young Living has shown to be the most reliable and consistent source for me as well as hundreds of thousands worldwide. True, they have to source some oils --however as often as they run out of some oils reminds me that they uphold their high quality standards by only accepting a small amount of those oils presented to them. All statements about them never sharing test analysis with anyone is total trash. Over the years, I have seen many independent reports on different oils - this is one of the values of going to their annual convention. In slide presentations in front of thousands, they show everything, including the name, address, and phone of the lab who produced the report.
I agree that reps need to tread carefully and stay away from the medical 'diagnosing and prescribing' trap. Am actually glad the FDA stepped in to curb the actions of stupid claims people were making. Young Living has now set up a compliance department that keep VERY CLOSE tabs on what their reps are doing in social media and from their websites. This is having a positive impact ultimately, on the entire industry.
You are ignorant to say everyone assumes DR is the abbreviation for medical doctor. In Dr Stewarts case, it stands for PhD. And your Sears n Roebuck chemistry background doesn't come close to Dr Stewart's God-given talents in that area.
We agree to disagree. Good luck to you and remember, your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open.
Or.....maybe you could use YL oils, which are very good quality oils, AND have the common sense to do your own research and take personal responsibility for how you use oils and how you educate others in their use. IMAGINE THAT.
Or.....maybe you could use YL oils, which are very good quality oils, AND have the common sense to do your own research and take personal responsibility for how you use oils and how you educate others in their use. IMAGINE THAT.
I love essential oils but have not gotten into the Essential Oil World War where sales reps from one MLM company bash sales reps from another MLM company, or vice versa.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion Cher. It looks really good when you cast disparaging remarks about the quality of my education. And I remind all to read through all comments again before putting words in my mouth. I have never discouraged anyone from using ANY company's oils, only to be educated about them. Though YOU may not have said that only YL has high quality oils, the company in fact says it all the time. And both big MLM skirt the laws by putting "nutritional" labels on their oils. Essential oils have no nutritional values. Part of the warnings they received from the FDA is that it can't be for external use AND be a supplement. And I have actually heard that the FDA is happy with what they are seeing from corporate but not from the reps in the field. There seems to be a huge disconnect somewhere that needs to be dealt with.
You see am NOT discounting all of your words they way you have mine. Because you don't agree with my OPINION that I posted on MY blog doesn't devalue any of what I say. I will not stop as long as I keep seeing horror stories about YL reps diffusing in classrooms and advising nursing mothers that essential oils can be used like herbs. And if you realize these things are wrong you support ALL efforts to clear up dangerous information. But you decide instead that anyone who doesn't like your chosen brand of oils isn't worth your time or consideration. That is the definition of close minded
And I have even stated on some of the blends from the MLM's that the prices are very reasonable. But most of their oils are horribly over priced and their droppers in their bottles are bigger than anyone else's.
ok, I admit it. I've used Doterra and YL oils for 4-5 years and have totally been brainwashed that other oils are not as "potent", tested or as effective. I have been on the internet the last 3 hours researching and just ordered from another company. I like both Doterra and YL but if there are other oil companies out there that are better and less expensive - I want to know about them. My housemate uses Edens Garden and I would "debate" him about how inferior that oil company was compared to Doterra and YL. How embarrassed I am!! And I think because both are more expensive than other oils, he was starting to believe me!! Jackie - can you recommend a few oils companies that are organic and of a high quality besides Edens Garden? Is Veriditas good? I saw that one in my research. Also, Native American Nutritionals - have you heard of that one? I have so many Doterra and YL oils!! (I've never been a distributor, I just use the oils) What's the best place to buy my oils for cost and quality????
Eden Botanicals, Nature's Gift, Sunrose aromatics. Mountain Rose Herbs all have high quality oils. All are tested for purity and many organic oils are available.
It really caught my attention when you mentioned the intensity of the oils. Both companies have larger dropper tops than any other oil company so not only will your oils be used up faster, but it gives the illusion that the oils are more intense. This seems logical since one drop of their oil would be equivalent to a drop and half or 2 drops of another company's oils.
My supplier used to be the supplier for DoTerra before they developed their own supply chain and this company's oils are tested by the same chemist who tests many of DoTerra's oils. I know that Adirondack Aromatherapy also buys from the same supplier.
Well almost everything you buy in life has a chain of commission from us buying it. In fact, unless you want to go into the field and grow, harvest and manufacture everything you use, there is no avoiding this. Of course they have an up line for sales because if not then there would be no sales at all. Talk about pandering to the unintelligent, your post is spot on.
@anonymous from January 11th. There is a difference in profit and commission. When I buy my essential oils the company I buy from makes a profit. The company they buy from makes a profit. When I resell them I make a profit. Period. That is not a chain of commissions Every bottle of essential oil I sell profits me only not me and 4 other people in an upline that signed me up, who signed my upline, who signed up yet another upline.................And that's AFTER the producer sells for a profit and the company makes a profit. Do you understand the difference? Stop and think about how things really work and not how someone else wants you to think they work.
And to the commentor from February 5th-I deleted your comment because advertising YOUR business is not permitted on MY blog without my permission. That's some pretty shady tactics and will not be tolerated here.
Today I got an offer from Better Essentials to try out their lavender for FREE. If you go to this link, you get a FREE bottle of lavender when you pay $7.95 shipping. I ordered a bottle of Peppermint and Energize to go with it and the shipping was free and so was the lavender. Sweet Deal that I thought I would share :)
I would be careful with these companies that give away essential oils in exchange for reviews, especially. One company in particular has been proven to sell NO pure essential oils and even passing off synthetic fragrance oils as organic essential oils.
I've just read the whole of this blog including comments and it took a long time! Glad I did though. Some were very amusing and others woefully ignorant. I am a UK based aromatherapist and these companies are now here brainwashing and suggesting downright dangerous advice. Many have become decididly crafty in their methods and hide their true intent behind their online persona as "business coaches". It is quite scary that what has been happening in the aromatherapy community in the US for some time now seems to have spread worldwide. It's time for qualified aromatherapists to take a stand together and educate everyone that we come into contact with. Thank you for a blunt and erudite discourse Jackie
How sad. I'm a Young Living Independent Distributor. I've never heard the things you've said up above. In fact there are oils that are never to be ingested. There are also some that are labeled specifically for ingestion. I've also never heard things put out about other companies. That being said, I'm sure there are people out there putting out bad information and that is sad. I like to see people using essential oils more. I'd rather see them using another brand than not getting the benefits at all. I started using essential oils at least 20 years ago. Some of the misinformation out there is driving people away just when the use of more natural products is starting to become mainstream.
You are right on and Thank you for your post! I found it by searching: is Young Living a Cult? I have tried Do Terra and Young Living and the oils are good, Way Overpriced, and it's just unsettling. I have bad vibes from Young Living, every time I go on their website I see red flags everywhere. They also have so many products and it screams scam! The reps try to sell an oil for every condition it's absurd. I will NEVER use anything from either company again.
Young Living, DoTerra, Youngevity are all MLM companies that can't help but charge an arm and a leg for their essential oils. That's what MLM companies do. Now I'm not going to get into whether or not the quality of the essential oils are good, but any company that creates marketing terms to make their oils sound more governing body approved should make people wonder what else they will do or say as a means of getting their products sold.
The truth is that people can purchase essential oils that are 100% pure at a fraction of the price. I get mine from Product per product Melaleuca's prices are consistently about 50% of what MLM companies charge for their essential oils.
Just for clarification, you can shop at Melaleuca without having to be bound to any monthly order purchasing. Mind you, I can't imagine not shopping every month with 500 products to choose from, but it is not a requirement. I can show you how to shop with the very flexible version of a Melaleuca membership. say that frankincense can not be steam distilled......something about the molecule being to big.....well, let's see. Aura Cacia, who is a leading essential oil distributor to MOST health food stores and has been in business since 1982 says, "The crude resin of frankincense and myrrh can be treated in one of two ways to produce liquid aromatics. The resin is soluble in chemical solvents and the essential oil can be steam distilled. The solvent extraction process produces a viscous, almost solid substance called a resinoid. Resinoids are soluble in high-grade, odorless alcohols. Alcohol dissolved resinoids are sometimes passed off as distilled essential oils. Resinoids are often used in perfume making. Steam distilled essential oils of frankincense and myrrh are most appropriate for use in aromatherapy. The website this is referenced from is
And from Scents of the Earth's website: "Frankincense resin is distilled by steam or CO2 to extract its precious essential oil, which is used extensively in modern aromatherapy. This oil is rejuvenating to the skin, treating acne, bacterial and fungal infections, and to treat wounds and scars. Thus, it is used in cosmetics, soaps, and perfumes." This can be found at
Yes, I use or have used essential oils, herbs, incenses, poultices, tinctures, massage, accupuncture, Shiatsu, Kiatsu, Reiki and other healing modalities in my healing journey of almost 30 years. And yes, I while I would refrain from putting essential oils in my eyes or ears without Medical guidance, I have ingested certain essential oils. Most of us who have eaten any food prepared with orange, lemon or any other citrus, as well as any FRESH herb have.
Just wanted to give you my two beads worth.......
@CherMichaels: Please READ THIS IN FULL!!!!! Do you believe that the Raindrop technique was taught and given to D. Gary Young by a Lakota Elder? While yes, I do believe in the healing power of the plants and trees as well as the people that Great Spirit, Wakan Takan, GOD has blessed us with, I also believe in honoring the sacred rites, rituals and customs of ALL the Earth's inhabitants. Mr. Young is not a Native American, nor was he GIFTED (Yes, that is what it is called by Natives when permission is given to utilize a SACRED ritual) any healing technique by ANY Native American Elder or TRIBE. He was merely a WITNESS at several events. It is an INSULT to the Native people that ANYONE uses Native American customs, sacred rituals or even SACRED regalia (yes, that is what Native Americans call their "dance costumes" as those who do not know Native ways would say)in a way that does not honor the people. I have spent a great deal of time around Native American people. I have witnessed SACRED ceremony. While I have witnessed these things, I would NEVER dare to presume that they are MINE to use, especially for my own personal gain. D. Gary Young has been told REPEATEDLY by the Lakota people to STOP using any reference to the Lakota people in connection to this technique, YL or the money that he makes from this insult.
And yes, I use or have used Essential oils, herbs, tinctures, poultices, and other healing modalities in my healing journey of almost 30 years. I respect and applaud you for having the courage to walk your healing journey. Yes, I am of Native heritage, but not of the Lakota Nation. While I do encourage you to use whatever "tools" you can find in your journey, I humbly ask that you respect my brothers and sisters by NOT using the name of the Lakota Nation should you choose to continue using the technique that was created not by a Lakota Elder, but by D. Gary Young.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Here is the article I am speaking about. Please feel free to read it and then make your choice:
or this one:
Or this:
Kudos. We arr not trained to put oilsin our eyes..the problem here is this articke us BOGUS..i use YL oils happluy fir a very long time never used in ky etes bc we are tild they are not safe fir the reason it well as not in the ears fir the same reason..seriously people ....yl is the longest standing eo company out thete where theor oils are used in multiple usa hospitals...and have been approved by health canada ..people you longest essential s without realizing so for example there us peppermint oil in peppermints .and how many people have ingested peppermints..i sm not hetr to bash any compsny bc belueve Do Terra has good oils also ..i chose yl bc of the wide variety of products and bc yl has been the longest standing as well as used in hospitals and i love what the company stsnds for i personally use yl and have ongedted pils like peppermi lemon and grapefruit ..if you follow Dr Axe ..he states thst pute essential oils can be ingested. .blogs like these are only out to spread false claims about pils they havent even tried
It is a well executed post. I like the diagram most. It is a helpful informative post. Thanks for sharing this great information. 5 hour energy
YL does not say that all oils can be ingested nor do they say that you can put them in your eyes. Quip boxes say not to put them in your ears, but I bet 95% of America does. I am curious how many companies these people who bash YL and DT go to for proof of the purity of their products. Witch hunt much? People have personal responsibility for what they choose to use and how.
"they had no knowledge of distillation back then" I wonder how they got olive oil and wine... I'm pretty sure that if they figured those processes out, they could figure out distillation. How did they get herbal oils??
Wow do you research the ceo of every product you use??? I bet you don't
Does the pharmaceutical rep stand in your Dr's office and tell you how to use their drug? Do they stand there and tell you that if you take their drug for arthritis you may get cancer? Do you blindly do what your Dr tells you without research? Is the drug company responsible if you choose to use their product inappropriately? Do you request purity reports from all the products you buy and food you eat?
It's called personal responsibility.
Starbucks Coffee is way more expensive than any other coffee. Tiffany jewelry, Coach, are you requesting proof that their coffee, metals and leather are what they say they are?
Come on... You're being just as dishonest as you are claiming these companies are. Everyone has freedom of choice. If you blindly buy and use any product without doing your own research that's on you... Not the company.
Many companies pay commission based salaries. Millions of people all over the world work on commission... Are they all crooks? Have some integrity here.
And I suppose you hold no responsibility for what you give to your children without researching it yourself??
@anonymous from April 7th.............where to even begin.. I really wish everyone who wants to use essential oils would get some basic herbal training. Making wine is done through fermentation and olive oil is produced by cold pressing the fruits. Neither od these have anything to do with distillation. And you get herbal oils by infusing the whole plant into a fixed oil. You should try it sometime, I promise you'll love it. It's much gentler on the body than essential oils and you get ALL of the healing properties of the plant not just the essential oil, which many plants don't even have BTW. Infused herbal oils also make a great carrier oil for essential oils. You should research this and learn the difference between fermentation, cold pressing and distillation.
@Catherine Burroughs. Did you read what I said? I NEVER said frankincense can't be distilled so before you attempt to teach me anything at least read the words. What I ACTUALLY WROTE, and IS SCIENTIFIC FACT is that boswellic acid is not carried over in distillation. How you even construed that to mean that I said it can't be distilled is beyond me.
Again @anonymous. Stop deflecting. Deflecting is not an argument. Drugs are not in anyway shape or form the subject of this post and I'm sick and tired of YL reps who use that knee jerk reaction when I say something that makes them uncomfortable. Did you know that MANY reps have sent unopened bottles of YL cinnamon oil to several chemists, straight from the factory to be tested and they are coming back as adulterated FROM EVERY SINGLE LAB. For your own sake I hope you will think about that before you drink their oils. There is currently a petition from said YL reps demanding answers from the company.
@Hilda. Did you know Dr. Axe is a Chiropractor? Not a chemist and not a physician so he is just basically regurgitating the company propaganda. If essential oils are being used in hospitals, then those doctors are risking their medical credentials because they are not trained in aromatic medicine. I have used essential oils internally, for short periods of time to treat certain conditions and at my own risk. I don't use them willy nilly everyday because I understand how important my liver and kidneys are. In fact, I don't even use them externally every day because I fully appreciate how powerful and concentrated they are. I also understand how dangerous they can be when not used properly.
Thank you for this article,my sister-in-law and now her mom too are selling YL oils and I noticed that's all they talk about now and get very defensive if you even mention being if they have been brainwashed.
I know I am stubborn,but there are a few points that made me decide I will never try YL or doTerra or any other oils sold by similar companies.
1.My sister-in-law never studied chemistry or anything related to EO,all she knows about it is what YL reached her..why should I trust what she say to sell the oils?I'm not dumb,i know companies will say whatever to bring more money in.
2.Thankfully I am healthy,but when my mother-in-law last came to visit and she was applying peppermint oil on herself several times a day I was feeling awful. Never had that bad headache,nausea and vomiting in my life.Coincidence?I don't think so!
3.My husband caught his mom trying to force our 4yo son sniffing the oil from the bottle,poor boy was screaming cause he didn't want to.That's why I'm convinced she has been brainwashed by YL and she will never be allowed to be alone with my children ever again. She even tried to convince me to use some oil on my 5 days old daughter to call her down the first time she heard her crying.
4.I noticed all the reps from YL that commented were saying the same things and were very defensive.Not a good sign to me,it definitely give me more reason to think they drank the cool-aid like someone else said.
Now,I might not be the smartest person in the world but I'm not dumb either and those points are enough to at least make me suspicious about YL.If I will ever decide to use EO I will make some research and I will trust someone experienced with aromatherapy vs a rep of a company that is clearly out there to make money.
PS:i'm anonymous because I still love my in-laws,and they would stop talking to me if they read this..sad and worrying!
I understand! Several have posted anonymously because they feared backlash for their comments from relatives and employers. My friend you have excellent maternal instincts and I am so happy you followed your gut and did not put any oils on your newborn baby! I am a firm believer in essential oils and know some can be used safely even on small children but you really need to know your stuff and NONE go on a baby under 6 months of age. EVER! My daughter is pregnant and she has used no essential oils because she feels her daughter isn't worth the risk. I do hope you learn about the oils in time, even better learn about herbs. I often use the 2 together. But with such a wee one in the house take your time and do research before you dip your toes in. They are wonderful but they aren't "everything".
Jackie, how do you do it. I would have lost my cool long ago. Thanks for trying to educate the masses. I am a pharmacist and part of my job is education. I have always been fascinated with herbs, aliernative medicine and complementary therapies. I get so frustrated when people start spewing " oh big pharma this, big pharma that....bad, bad, bad." If one of the nay sayers or their loved one ever get seriously sick, they will be wanting some of the "big pharma drugs". I use herbs, love herbal infusions, grow my own herbs, worry about the essential oil industry harvesting some plants to extinction, and yes I do use essential oils too. I hope some day everyone can stop all the bickering, and name calling and use alternative therapies (oils in this case) in a safe manner.
Please forgive me if this has already been posted but I was excited to see your post about YL as my daughter recently went to a house presentation for this company. We were both excited but put off by how much they cost. We have always purchased ours from our local health food store and Mountain Rose and have been very satisfied so when the woman claimed hers were the only ones that were pure,I wanted to contact her and tell her to prove it! Anyway this morning I found the FDA warning letter and another article about a Dr. that actually tested them and found several to be not what they are claiming. Anyway,I thought it was interesting,now to look up Mr.Youngs claims.....
I find it interesting that you're claiming Ohio State said YL was junk, but now they are using them in a Clinical Trial for Autism...
Poll: Do you use essential oils?
You might need to get all your facts straight before ranting against a company. Young Living does not say "ALL" their oils are to be ingested. They do not take lightly the safety issues of using essential oils and don't tell people since they're natural, you blindly do anything you want with them and they won't hurt you. The junk you spouted is full of lies. As far as the oils being expensive with Young Living and DoTerra, personally I prefer using a company that allows you to visit their farms, know exactly how it is all done, has been around longer than the other companies and helps moms earn money for their families while getting healthier homes and bodies with essential oils that God gave us. If you wouldn't buy oils from a company who may have higher prices and employees and their families benefiting from jobs, then why do you buy groceries knowing they are priced to SELL which means priced for profit? Why do you buy clothes which are priced to SELL so people have jobs? Why do you go to doctors who are way overpriced and pharmacies way over priced so they can make more of a living than average people? If those things don't bother you, then Young Living and DoTerra shouldn't either. Oh and don't forget the deceitful FDA and doctors, etc. They have side effects short term and long term a mile long but you still use them. lol Come on people. Think.
I just found your blog on this article. I have been wanting to sign up for Young Living for awhile now to give Essential oils a try... I've never used them but want to try them on my son who has ADHD and is struggling in school... and also I hear their Thrive is amazing for everything, but my husband has been hesitant. Yesterday in the mall shopping my husband and son while waiting for me and my daughter went into a Essential Oil store called Sage and he came out with two Oils to try on our son. One is called Quick Study and the other is Sleep Well. I was upset that he went without me and got oils from this store as I know (or I thought I knew until I read your article) that YL were all natural and I didn't know about this store Sage. So just now I thought I would google YL vs. Sage Essential Oils to see what I could find and found your blog... now I am double questioning wanting to get into YL. Have you heard anything about Sage? I am in Canada so I have no idea if this is available outside of Canada... but would love your input if you have heard of them.
I believe that the two big MLMs have run a sophisticated high powered marketing campaign aimed at the general public and then taking people for a financial ride by deliberately spreading incorrect information (the false claims of Frankincense as a cancer cure for example - I use Franincense in my night cream and meditation blend!),
Their greed has totally disrespected essential oils and the profession of aromatherapy as MLMs market essential oils as a 'cure all' for virtually every complaint there is. They have an overpriced product for most ailments.
There are many health issues that are helped more effectively and quickly with herbal medicine (think digestion for example)..
I wish the MLMs were held accountable for their deception.
Since there are so many comments, I might as well express mine.
I became interested in essential oils around Christmas and YL just happened to be the first distributor I came across.
I think people are taking statements and comments too seriously. I've seen many people mention that they talked to a "YL Rep" all that means is that someone has signed up to buy oils. They are not certified in anything. Technically I'm a rep just for signing up that doesn't give me any credibility nor should I be telling anyone what to do or how to use oils.
All I do is meet a few times a month with other buyers of YL to talk about what we have learned or what has worked for each of us. But you have to use common sense. Your body will tell you if it doesn't like something. You should always do skin tests for any product that you buy: Foundation, soaps, etc.
Every person is different. So no one should be taking advice from someone else as if it is a 100% truth. If you know your skin is sensitive, test it first!
This is the book I bought to learn about different oils and their uses
To me the Zyto scans are more fun than anything else. They tell you what you already know. And they don't tell you everything. They don't claim to tell you everything and no one should rely on them for their health information.
I don't know how they work I just have found that they have been accurate, maybe its just a coincidence I don't know.
When I had a cold the only oils that would come up related to congestion and immune function.
When I had a stressful week and was angry I got oils to do with releasing anger, calming, acceptance and gratitude
Last week I got PMS which was 100% correct.
Do I now think the machine is the greatest thing in the world and is the only thing I will ever follow or need? No. It's just telling me things I already knew in my subconscious.
If we all just took the time to listen to our bodies and recognize that we are having symptoms and what they mean we wouldn't worry about listening to other people and following direction from others.
I don't push oils or sell them to anyone and I keep every oil away from my cats because I'm not a cat and I don't know how they would feel from them and I can't ask them. I will share with others how I've used them and what seemed to help me. I gave my Dad Pan-way to try for his arthritic knees and I gave it to him diluted. He tried it undiluted and said the results were 10x better. It all depends on the person.
As for ingesting them I have been wary of this as well. I have put a drop of either orange, lemon, or peppermint in my water (1L) to drink at work. I have a very sensitive stomach and I've never felt sick or in pain or any discomfort from doing this.
As for the cost. I've seen cheaper brands in the health food stores but they say right on them that they are mixed with carrier oils so if you were to compare the amounts I don't think its really that different. I believe some oils cost more because the process to make them takes much longer and with much more volume of the plant.
Saje is a company that other ladies at my work have been buying from. Based on their website they sound like a great company too. I don't think we have to say that a company is better than another company as long as all companies are providing good quality products.
We're all just trying to be healthier people right?
Is there a place that we can read about a study done to support that? Who is it that is claiming they adulterated it?
All I want to say is.....Thank you. I thought I was mad. A lot of my friends have been taken in by YL. I was an aromatherapy and holistic therapist before I met all these people and I don't think many of them know this. I have been saying all your points to myself for a long time but questioning myself as I haven't worked in the field for a few years and thought maybe I was again thank you.
Jackie, I bought a diffuser and want to give it to my daughter. She had her son two years ago, and they had to put antibiotics in her IV, because her water broke, and as a teen she had acne and took a lot of antibiotics. last march she did blood work and she started getting yeast infections, so her obgyn did a culture and told her she has Candida overgrowth, and her white count is very low, and all her panels are bad, some normal, and last month she was rushed to the hospital only to discover she had a golf sized cyst on her ovary.this week she went to a endocrinologist to drawl blood and do another ultra sound to see if the cyst has gotten smaller. She is very skinny and is frighten to consume anything that she is told will trigger the candida. I am at a loss but do believe in the healing through Jesus Christ, but also believe you have to be active in medical treatment. She is very holistic consistently.Can you please share with me where I can get mrryth , frankincense or something safe she can use in this diffuser? She has been douching and is giving up. I lost my son, and I am not going to lose her! I WAS taken from my parents at ten and have no family. My daughter has two little children a wonderful husband, and my daughter never used drugs or drank and has always taken very good care of herself. Please help, I am doing research but am tired. you can email me at Very kindly, Renee
I have been using essential oils (YL), both neat and internally, for 10 years and have never ever had a problem. Yes, there are certain oils that are referred to as being "hot," and one should be careful to read up on how to use them properly. From the information that I have learned from reading YL materials and hearing lectures, I have always heard to be careful with using any citrus oils on or near cats and have always been told to never put oils in the eyes or ears. I know there is a lot of stuff that people put out there, and sometimes people don't use common sense or discretion. Use caution and start conservatively with any oils that you use.
I have been using essential oils (YL), both neat and internally, for 10 years and have never ever had a problem. Yes, there are certain oils that are referred to as being "hot," and one should be careful to read up on how to use them properly. From the information that I have learned from reading YL materials and hearing lectures, I have always heard to be careful with using any citrus oils on or near cats and have always been told to never put oils in the eyes or ears. I know there is a lot of stuff that people put out there, and sometimes people don't use common sense or discretion. Use caution and start conservatively with any oils that you use.
I think for the most part, that you are off base in trying to tear down one company because one bad representative used a bad practice. I don't think that that's very professional in your blog post although I get your point, and I do not think that you're doing yourself or other companies out there a "Justice served" by selecting one bad rep from a company that is truly very reputable. All companies have bad apples. And while you claim to be scientific in your approach, we all claim that. So just for the record, I urge you to be a little bit more ladylike and a little bit more subjective with your viewpoints when calling companies out. I assure you, I myself am no cult member of anything. I too am highly educated in essential oils and have been practicing them for years long before most of these companies took hold in their training pants. So let's be grown-ups shall we? Let's hone in on the bad practices and not the companies out there. You wouldn't want anyone tearing your company down because you chose to get up on a soapbox slamming other people for no reason would you? Of course not. Sleep well tonight my dear.
Yes we all want to be healthy and no I am not slamming a company because of ONE bad rep. If you read through the comments you'll see I'm not the only seeing bad information EVERYWHERE out there. It's everywhere to the point that the federal government has stepped in and they still won't stop. I'm sorry if you don't like my blog. Don't read if it bothers you. Do what most adults do and just read it and go on with your life rather than throwing your 2 cents in with someone you don't even know. This is not something I made up, it's a systemic problem with primarily two big companies. People are being harmed and I will continue to refute bad advice every chance I get on my own blog. If I save ONE person it's worth it.
If you choose to use oils internally every day, that's your choice and you do so at your own risk. We honestly don't even know the risks of long term safe use of essential oils. This is the most UNNATURAL natural treatment for anything. NOWHERE in nature are the volatile oils of plants concentrated like this-only mankind has done this.
Well, you thought YL and DT are overcharging, wait till you hear how much this company charges... It's a company called Easecox, an MLM, in the eastern side of the world, Taiwan, China, SEA, Japan and more. One bottle of 10ml Lemon EO (therapeutic grade made in "Germany") is retailed at RM 248, approx USD 60. As a super agent, you get up to 50% discount if you are on the highest level. Still, the members go crazy over this company and claim this and that. Don't you think it's crazy? A starter set for 20 bottles of common EO, including 5ml Sandalwood and 10ml Frank and 2 carrier oils costs RM 7500, approx USD 1800. By comparison YL and DT are so much cheaper.... I hate to say this but, they cannot even give a single GC/MS test to prove it is worth that much. The reps don't even know there are tests to prove if the oils are of good quality.
oh do get over your high and mighty self !!!
Mary Magdalene rubbed Imortelle on Jesus' wounds after the crucifixion. That's Helichrysum essential oil by the way.
Or as you like to say. Do your research.
Also digestion of essential oils is approved by the FDA in the USA. But NOT in Canada.
Where in the Bible does it say anything about anyone rubbing any oil on Jesus' feet after the crucifixion? And again, when they refer to "oils" in the Bible they are referring to infused herbal oils. Contrary to popular belief, the spikenard oil that was rubbed his feet was not Mary Magdalene but Mary, the sister of Lazarus. Read the book of Mark.
@anonymous May 24th. This is my blog and my opinion. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. If you don't share my opinion then fine, but hurling insults like a 2 year old is making YOU look bad not me. This tells readers that you are fear sharing your identity, for one thing and that you have no logical or scientific evidence to refute anything I have shared. And it does not upset me at all. On the contrary it makes me believe I struck a nerve.
A very good read from a real chemist that makes things understandable. I know many of you YL reps are terrified and you should be. They are selling spearmint essential oil that contains synthetics as a dietary supplement.
@Jenn Ryan-essential oils are approved as flavoring agents by the FDA and that's it and even when they are used for flavoring it is not in the amounts that YL reps suggest you take them. It would be more like 1 drop of basil oil in a whole batch of spaghetti sauce and not 1 drop in a capsule and certainly not every day or several times a day
Thank you for the insight. I have been researching oils as I have recently been diagnosed with h pylori and read that their Inner Defense would kill it off naturally however have been put off by the $70 price ticket attached. Would you have any alternative recommendations?
Interesting and insightful read. Thanks
Glad to see this thread is still alive. I am a CMT with about 24 CEUs in aromatherapy. So, I know a bit about how to use a few oils safely. Some of the basics are never use undiluted, dilute even more for elderly/sensitive skin and never use internally. When in doubt, don't use it. To be safe, EOs are not to be used on clients with epilepsy, pregnancy and asthma. Even hot oils or citrus can be used with caution as long as there were no contraindication. I got sucked into the DoTerra cult. I even had LMT talk me into learning Aromatouch technique which went against all my prior training and ended up with a rash over my entire back! Although DoTerra has labels on the bottle, the training materials never mention serious contraindications. For example this is the direction for use for Clove(eugenia caryoplyllata):
Diffusion: Use 3-4 drops in 4oz of liquid (totally okay)
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 oz liquid (not good)
Topical UseeL Dilute one to two drops in DoTerra coconut oil then apply to desired area
Cautions: Possible skin sensitivy. Keep our of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ear and sensitive areas.
NOTHING regarding the oil being contraindicated with blood thinners!!! No warning about waiting to shower!!!! I am trained to use clove oil but with caution. I do proper medical intake before ever using such a dangerous EO!!
Oh, another thing I love the claims from the MLMs how their oils are the best. From my research, not one MLM's EOs have ever been used in any clinical studies. This little peer reviewed study from Applied and Environmental Microbiology Journal uses Cassia essential oil from Aura Cacia which can be found in my local health food store for about $8:
Hey, if Aura Cacia is good enough for research it's good enough for my massage therapy clients!!
I am from USA, I was diagnosed of Emphysema (COPD) in 2015 and I have tried all possible means to get cured, i even visited pulmonologist but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Emphysema, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email he sent me the Emphysema herbal medicine through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured of this deadly disease within 12-14 days of usage, if you are suffering of this diseases you can as well Contact this great herbal doctor via his email
Please state your research. I find only opinion on most of these rant posts. I would like to see some facts.
Please state your research. I find only opinion on most of these rant posts. I would like to see some facts.
I believe you, and am curious what oil you used.
I believe you, and am curious what oil you used.
The FDA is a bunch of BS they cannot be trusted look what they allow in our food and look at the drugs they have approved. #trustnoone
@Alicia there are plenty of groups out there and experts you can follow on Facebook. I recommend looking into research by Dr. Robert Pappas and Robert Tisserand. The safety info I put out there is indeed the recommendations of true Aromatherapy experts which is completely opposite of the advice spewed by sales reps who have a vested interest in getting people to buy more and more oils. And there is a group taking donations and buying oils from many companies and having bottles shipped directly to labs for testing. Most of the oils tested so far have passed. HOWEVER some of the YL cinnamon oils have been found to be tainted with cassia and synthetics and some DT blends have been found to contain oils that were never listed as part of the blend.
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your post! I work in the office for an EO company (the reason why I have to stay anonymous) and see daily the awesome benefits of EOs and the harmful damage that can be done when used carelessly. Or when used under false information. Thank you for speaking up!
You cite Dr. Pappas as a resource, but he has on multiple occasions stated that he has found dōterra to have the highest quality oils, with the highest standard of testing, and that "no other company going to the lengths they go to, to ensure quality oils". I'm curious your stance on that?
I have used EO for years and for the last 6 months I've purchased my oils through YL. I have never been told by the gal I buy them from to put the oils in my eyes or ears. I've used YL FDA approved vitality line which is for cooking or consuming. I have never been told that any oil can "CURE" anything by my sales rep. It sounds to me as though those folks who have posted they encountered people who making such claims should not believe them but instead do your research and ask your Doctor, don't do what they tell you. If someone told me something along those lines that would be a BIG RED FLAG! I am astounded that anyone would go ahead and believe a Sales Rep telling them something that outrageous and they would do it. The person I buy from is also a friend and I've been to her home and experienced first hand her sharing about oils with someone expressing interest. I've never heard her tell anyone that an oil will cure or fix a medical problem. And yes I've sat there listening to someone ask her specifically if an oil would fix a medical problem and her responce was to tell them they should seek that info from their Doctor. She has shared with me that the company expressly states they are not to diagnose, prescribe or state anything can cure, relieve or fix a medical problem. I think it a bit unfair to condemn all for the acts of a few. Every company will have their bad apples and for some reason it seems that we as a society choose to focus on the few rather than the many.
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I did a lot of research as well on oils for quite some time and decided to go with Young living from what I had read. I had also experimented with some different brands and just felt that I got better results from Young living. I was hesitant to even use oils because I never really believed in them but I started to have a lot of health issues and figured it wouldn't hurt to try if I did my share of research. Young living was probably one of the best oils that actually helped with some of my symptoms and whether it's the oils or not that are helping me I figure I will continue to do my research on each young living oil that I choose and continue to use them. As far as putting them in the eyes, every bottle I have received so far directly states on the bottle...avoid putting in eyes. There are oils that also suggest you dont even use if you have certain medical conditions without consulting a doctor first. Everybody has their own opinions and obviously everybody's bodies are not the same so we are all going to react differently than others. While young living oils apparently didn't work for this person, I continue to learn more about them and will continue to use them as they do work for me. I also think it comes down to making sure that you are researching them and reading the bottle correctly in order to use the oil the way it was intended to use or yes it could do harm. And the Young living support center has always been very helpful in explaining any questions that I had and they have even directed me to information to read and are always very friendly. They have never been pushy. In the end it's just one person's opinion compared to the next and you just simply have to do what works best for you because again we are all different and what might work for one, won't work for another. It would be nice, however, if just because someone doesn't agree with another persons opinion that they agreed to disagree without insulting each other.
This is post is victimhood at its finest. Someone didn't give their at home business there all, & now it's time to cry like a baby. The blogger can't produce the link referring to the distributor who claims you can put them in your eye, big clue right there!!! NO Distributor in their right mind would ever say or do such a thing. And to go around claiming that people are to lazy to do their own's your other sign, that they didn't work the business like it was a business, & are now trying to discredit & hurt those who do. Read between the lines, better yet, trust the friends & family who are sharing with you, & stop reading this crap, we have enough negativity in this world
Interesting that you think that YL is more for the money. Cause Gary Young would give all the oils away if he could...and that comes from my friends who know him WELL. In fact, Gary is sooo committed to his products, that in the cold of winter (most days were well below 0 deg. F), He was in northern Canada building his own distillery for our Blue Spruce. He spent almost the entire winter there not just building, but repairing his own machinery, etc. Talk about dedication. He has built this company from the ground up. Not like some other companies whose leaders left YL and took our recipes and info from our database and have contacted our distributors to heavily encourage them to switch companies. I'm sure everyone has their faults at some point. And while Gary is not perfect, he has had very malicious people make up all kinds of lies about him. Lies that the courts have ordered be removed from the internet...yes the courts. And, people are still sharing those lies as if they are truth.
Also, the site that had a recipe for eye drops is no longer available. Good thing, because YL tells every one to not put the oils in your eyes or ears. That is mentioned at every single workshop.
MLM companies aren't typically out to scam people. Here's how it works. When you buy a can of coke, at least 75% goes to overhead, including paying advertising, which comprises a good chunk of that 75%. MLM's don't have advertising overhead via commercials, or magazines, etc. Instead of paying other sources for advertising, they take that portion of their profits and use it to bless their distributors and reward THEM for sharing and building the business.
Therapeutic grade. REmember that 20 years ago, essential oils were just being brought back to life here in the States. YL was one of the very few that existed, and they wanted a way to communicate the level of quality that their oils have. They coined their own phrase because NO industry standard existed. Gary coined this phrase, and it simply means that oils with this label are controlled from the seed to the seal, are unadulterated (carrier oils added to some blends, but are listed on the label, and only added to one blend that i know of, but I'm not familiar with all of them), and ALL of them are tested to meet or exceed Gary's standard for quality. For example, if lemon oil (cold pressed) is tested and the d-limonene in that oil is not high enough to do what it's suppose to do, or what Gary thinks it should do, then the whole batch gets scrapped. If you buy helichrysum to stop bleeding and the component in that oil is less than standard, preventing it from doing THAT job, the whole batch gets scrapped. If there are ANY contaminants in that batch at all, ANYTHING that doesn't belong...the WHOLE batch gets scrapped.
About it being all about the money...YL wholesale members have gone 1-2 years without some of our favorite products because the oil was substandard and had to be thrown out. Sometimes, it's crop failure, sometimes a farmer adulterates (notice I said farmer and not vendor). But we find out before it gets put into the bottle and sold, because every single batch is tested. So YL will not produce or sell anything until they have a pure source, or the crops produce a product that meets or exceeds Gary's standard. This is also what Therapeutic Grade is all about.
YL chemists have a 180 yr. combined essential oil experience in the lab and we have the largest essential oil library at least in the US.
Hello Jackie, have you heard of a new company called Zilis? They market Elementa essential oils at much lower prices than YL or Doterra, but they do market them as pure and therapeutic grade. Any input on these oils versus others you have discussed?
Nice to read your blog.
also read this:- Pimples are Signs of Young Skin
Hi!!! So the YL oils are really effective? My 5 year old daughter always get sick particularly cold and cough and wont go away even meds are given. I wanted to try these oils since they are organic unlike the synthetics I gave to my daughter esp antibiotics. I haven't ordered yet because of the high price but I'm planning on buying the starter kit soon. Do you think it is really effective? Is it really pricey? We can buy eucalyptus oils here in the phils for only 200 pesos 10ml.. I'm really confused whether to buy or not since my budget is tight and maybe I can buy here in our country for a low price..what's in the kit? I really don't know about these YL oils..I came to know these YL oils through a blog and says its very effective and super fast-effect plus save trip to the doctor and they are organic so no side effects..pls help
None of the things you said are true. Yl does not ever say all oils are safe to put directly on skin or take internally. There are many instructions for each oil. Your article is false and ridiculous.
Be careful. Most deals like like are too good to be true and you are getting a counterfeit product.
Be careful. Most deals like like are too good to be true and you are getting a counterfeit product.
Thanks this blogger author to share this genuine post.
Exactly I'm actually offended and I don't sell I just use the product with common sense and i read the direcrions...yls oils are too strong to even put on straight without a carrier oil or diluting with distilled water. My oils have benefited my life in many ways, what idiot anyway said to put anything in your eye?? ESPECIALLY AN OIL
You guys got rock's in your head. Young living essential oils are real and natural. I've been to the YL farms...they are the best and natural oils on the planet
Thank you for your research and your willingness to share it. I was on the verge of "buying" into and literally buying my oils from YL because I almost swallowed their hype. I decided to research them first am came across your blog. Thank you so much for sharing with those of us less educated on essential oils. Your blog is invaluable!
Okay I am new at this so I can't get into the discussion pretending to know everything about essential oils but all I can say is that in 7 days I have been using these oils and I feel better already.
I will continue to read this article and other comments and keep an open mind but for now I will continue to advocate Young Living Essential Oils because they are working for me.
I still see the same old misinformation from commenters on this post. References to an FDA approved essential oil. Please research statements and stop taking the word of sales reps folks! Many essential oils are approved by the FDA as flavorings. That's it! NO essential oils are approved by the FDA to treat medical ailments. NOT ONE. This is the Devil mixing half truths with lies. And I'm so over the statements about visiting the farms! For 1 thing, even if I visited the farm that grows my tomatoes, SO WHAT! And they source many of their oils from suppliers like every other company. As far as Dr. Pappas and DoTerra, yes he attests to the quality of their oils and he would know because he tests many of them. But if you would follow him on Facebook you would see that he speaks out against their propaganda and unsafe practices. You still don't get it! IT'S ABOUT USING THEM SAFELY no matter who you get them from. Don't even start with the purity argument because these are concentrated chemicals. Undiluted essential oils don't exist in nature so when we distill plants for their essential oil we are, in fact, creating a very UNnatural natural product. Isolating compounds from relatively harmless plants is how we got cocaine. And to the person who has been using their YL oils for a week and have never felt better, talk to me again in a couple of years after you have burned your innards, or shut down you liver and kidneys, or sensitized yourself to your oils so badly that you never use them again.
THIS is what I am trying to prevent!
Unfortunately, you have been misinformed about several things. First of all, many YL oils say on the bottle that they are to be diluted with a carrier oil. Also, many oils are not intended for ingestion, and the directions indicate that. I love my YL oils and find your bashing to be rather over-the-top with several statements completely untrue. Gary Young deserves a great deal of credit for his pioneer work in producing quality essential oils, and many other companies now benefit from his pioneer work. I am totally happy purchasing a little each month (Essential Rewards)and earning free oils while I build up my supply. People like to invest their money in whatever makes them happy. What makes me happy is investing in organic and non-GMO food, and more recently, essential oils.
Thank You, Thank you, Thank you! Once is not enough..... I about dished out over $700 with YL for mandatory start up kit & the oils I wanted. Blew my mind when I researched other essential oil companies. I have a limited income & was able to get the same oils for $244. HUGE difference. I never liked the idea of the'pyramid scheme' feeling. I just wanted to buy my oils and move on. Now, have you heard anything about veriditas botanical? The reason I ask is that it is at my local health food store (along with other essential oils) and it seems to be a respectable brand. However, I cannot find any info online. Can you elaborate?
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