Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why I Will NEVER Use Young Living Essential Oils

Some of you  may be shocked or offended but the title of this post (and it's gonna be a LONG one) but there is so much mis-information out there and I am hell-bent on educating the public about safe use of essential oils, so this post has been a long time coming.  What has put me over the edge was reading a blog post from a YL rep about natural eye drops using essential oils.  Please read this!  I have years of training and experience with using essential oils safely and what I know is scientific.  I get none of my information from a multi-level marketing company that only cares about making money from the gullible.  Many of the reps for Young Living (and Do Terra) are like brainwashed cult members who receive all of their "training" from the company. 

The oils are drastically overpriced.  Yes, good essential oils are going to cost more money but in this case you are NOT paying for better quality.  You are paying for layer upon layer of commissions for the reps and recruits.

They claim to be the only company with pure therapeutic quality essential oil, therefore making them safe to be used undiluted on the skin.  I'm not even sure where to start with this BS!  First of all, there are LOTS of companies who sell pure, high quality essential oils and even have them tested to prove it.  Second, there is no such thing as "therapeutic grade".  Who is grading them?  There is no certifying body for essential oil quality.  As far as using oils undiluted, or "neat" on the skin-well, that depends on the oil.  Very few can be safely used this way (lavender, tea tree, rosalina, MQV and not much else).  Their claims with this are all over the place.  They say if you experience burning with anybody else's oils it's a sign that they are contaminated.  If you experience burning with their oils it's a sign your body is detoxing.  Well, how convenient.  Sorry to burst your bubble but if an essential oil burns your skin it's because of the chemistry of the oil.  If you put straight cinnamon or oregano oil on your skin it WILL BURN.  I say if it doesn't THAT is a sign it isn't pure, no matter whose oil it is!

Young Living claims that their steam distilled Frankincense contains boswellic acid.  No it doesn't.  That molecule is far too heavy to be carried over in a steam distillation.  If you bother to do any honest research on essential oil chemistry you will find out that diterpenes are the absolute heaviest molecule that can be carried over in steam and even at that not many oils contain diterpenes.

Young Living promotes dangerous practices.  He recommends all of his oils and blends for internal use.  I am NOT opposed to internal use of essential oils but, here, you need to understand the chemistry and what you are ingesting.  Some of his blends contain Tansy oil.  Which one?  The safe annual kind (AKA Blue Tansy) or the very toxic perennial?  I can't emphasize enough that a substance isn't safe just because it's natural.  Petroleum is natural-would you drink oil?  Poison Ivy is natural-would you roll naked in it?  Would you let your child eat all the pokeberries they want or let your dog chew on the Christmas poinsettias?

We live in the age of the internet and we have more information available to us than ever before in the history of our species.  It never ceases to amaze me how many people are too lazy to find information for themselves.  I absolutely believe in the power of aromatherapy but I also understand it has its limits.  It is NOT a magic bullet for all of your problems.  And you certainly MUST learn how to use them SAFELY and with RESPECT.  You shouldn't put straight orange oil on your wood furniture and you sure as HELL shouldn't put rosemary oil IN YOUR EYES!

Here are some important links I want everyone to look at.
The FB page for Essential Oil University is run by Dr. Robert Pappas who has an actual PhD in chemistry.  Not a mail-order degree, and actual degree and he is an actual college professor and works as a chemist in real life.  He tests essential oils for various companies, including Young Living.  He is currently testing samples of frankincense to prove the boswellic acid thing.
In short, I won't use Young Living oils because they are MASSIVELY overpriced, and no matter how good they are, I will not put one penny in the pocket of a man who I consider to be unethical and dangerous.


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AOS Products said...
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AOS Products said...
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Anonymous said...

I am a little put off about this post here. You say that Gary YOUng promotes something dangerous and that is to ingest some of the oils? It is perfect safe to ingest some of these oils. It's has been around for years and unless you are allergic, perfect healthy.

And Quack Watch?? Not the best resource to quote here.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree! YL reps act like they are in a cult...some turn their backs on friends and family if they don't use YL oils. I actually know people who use them on themselves and on their children also take them internally and place some in their eyes. Could this be considered child neglect? Can't the FDA shut down this company?!

Lynn said...

I love and totally understand what you are saying, I ran acrossyour article by doing some research on a diffuser that I seen yesterday at my cousin's home ,it was nice and I asked her where she got it,,$200+ thru YL,,I was shocked! She said it had ceramic plates ( I think she meant elements) verses the standard metal ones,and was supposed to have an effect and enhance male testosterone,,this bothered me and sounded like BS , so I spent the evening looking for something to back up her testimony,,,I found nothing! So she believed the rep that told her that and so it goes!that is sort of how I found your article, I have used both YL and Doterra and everything about them is very expensive! Too expensive! I liked the products but some of the things reps would say we're pretty far fetched, the tremendous expense comes from the MLM as you mentioned,,they have genius marketing tactics and most people get hypnotic with the marketing alone, I as well look for and have found wonderful pure EO's for half the cost, without the MLM!

Lynn said...

I think the is wonderful to be able to grow and distill your own oils!! No issue where they come from or how they were made an you reap the benefits not huge overpriced companies! Good job!

Anonymous said...

As a Crt/lmt therapist of 22yrs. I have used YL oils only because they work. No other reason. I strongly dislike MLMS. The prices are outrageous. Early years I purchased what I could afford and also bought oils from other companies to compare and find some more affordable. Now I buy YL 95% of the time. The best oils can make a difference in 24 hrs. To see the quick results on myself, family, friends and clients through these years, it's undisputable. Many people don't know what to look for or how to buy and use them, and sadly I've learned that some won't because it's just not their nature. People want convenience, they trust what a friend likes,they want natural remedies but it's frustrating to figure out all the details. I have come to understand this. I do believe the lady with the cancer. So happy for you. I tell my clients "less is more". I don't expect anyone to be like me so I always want people to use a minimal amount unless they want to learn or already know alot. I never promote internal unless it is thoroughly discussed like with enemas or douches. I have seen results with cancers. I don't tell people I use YL. I don't want them to anguish over the prices. When people are amazed that their symptoms are gone from too many issues to name, then I say they are YL but then dread telling them the mlm and costs. People choose to use them only because they see their results and are so happy. Trust your gut. If an oil doesn't work quickly, try a different one or a different brand. Get a simple book, learn to cautions is my biggest advice. Other therapists use peppermint because they love the smell and they say their clients love it. I couldn't believe many therapists didn't know it is dangerous if you have high blood pressure. Clients trust their therapist. People...get a book....look up oils you like or want to try...find out the cautions for that oil. Oils are as serious as medicines, even if diffused. You wouldn't randomly give meds to your mother or children or dog or kitty. Used correctly will change your life and save you some medical costs truly. :)

Lydia said...

Hi! I have been looking for a blog or article or something to validate my anger and disgust towards YL, and now I have found it. First off, I want to say that I love Jesus. I was immediately attracted to a company that claims to be founded by a "Christian". My aunt and cousin are distributors and had been trying and trying to get me to buy a starter kit and become a distributor myself. Then at Christmas my cousins brother gifted me a starter kit, and I went from there, believing that I was going to be able to "change my life" and be "financially free". I went with it, I drank the kool aid, I sold a few kits. At first I really believed I was doing it for the good of the customers. But then I started to feel dirty whenever I would talk about oils. And I realized that I was in it really just for the promise of a nice paycheck. The last straw was a post I read in one of my upline's Facebook groups. This woman posted, "There is a woman at my workplace that is showing interest in the oils. She is very religious. Are there any graphics or articles about/from YL that target religious people that might help me pull her in?" I left that group right then and took myself out of the "business". You do not use my Lord and Savior to SELL OIL or anything else. I felt nauseous. And yes, YL has a whole line of oils for the sole purpose of digestion. They are called "Vitality". I love oils, and I do ingest peppermint and lemon sometimes grapefruit on a regular basis. One question, have you heard of a brand called Nature's Alchemy? I've been doing research, but the only thing I have to compare it to is YL. Just looking for a professional opinion. Thanks Jackie!

Anonymous said...

It's way more than "1 person". Have you read comments from other commenters? My dear friend bought into YL as a distributor and argues with me that it is okay to ingest and apply any of the oils neat.(!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie!!! I enjoyed your blog. I recently bought oils through doTerra because I love anything that smells good and I never remember to blow out candles/unplug warmers. i also want to use them to promote health in my home(sore muscles, headaches, and to help my son when he gets colds-which is constant by he's in daycare). Are there any oils that actually kill germs? Do you recommend any oils to replace using Vicks Vapor Rub and muscles rubs ? I want to use oils purposefully, but I just feel like it's hard to find true info out there about oils. I don't know who to trust!!! I don't mind paying but I don't like feeling pressured to buy either!! Thanks!!! J.J.

Jackie said...

Essential oils do kill germs when they come int direct contact with them. BUT our bodies digest them so quickly, they evaporate so quickly (they are volatile oils) and safe usage involves diluting them, so it really is difficult to use them and guarantee that all or even most pathogens are neutralized. I have found that using sprays with strong antimicrobials does help. Most likely because they kill the worst of the germs on the surfaces they land on. And since your child is daycare age I assume that they are much too young to be using eucalyptus and peppermint oils. I would refer you to Plant Therapy on the internet. They have many kid safe blends for children at least 2 years of age and they are very safety focused. The only other thing I will tell you, which is hard for any Mother to hear, is you don't necessarily want to shield them from all germs. This is an important stage in the development of their immune systems so they need exposure to microbes so they can build resistance. I know it's hard but it it's necessary. Within reason, of course-don't run out and expose your kid to anthrax, but influenza viruses and bacteria exposure are mostly helpful in the long run.

Unknown said...

4 YEARS later the comment section is still active! Just found this after my best friend bought a Doterra start up kit. I was totally disgusted by her, "they are the only 100% essential oils" out there spiel. When I buy EOs I buy them from Mountain Rose Herbs. Thank you for validating what I long assumed was bogus marketing at best and downright dangerous at the worst. I am an esthetician, so I have some understanding of the basics. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jackie said...

It's been a LONG 4 years! Lots of passion on the subject on both sides, I guess. I was simply stating my opinion and some of the comments have really proven me right while they think they're correcting me

Stephy said...

Yup, Gary is SO ethical. Puh-leeze.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your article. Things have changed in the past 4 years since this post was authored. One of the changes is that Young Living NOW has safety information on their website. Even at that, it was too little too late for me.

Background: I became a YL Distributor in 2013 and trusted my upline completely. One of them was a degreed health practitioner, so why not trust? I diffused Thieves overnight to help my husband with his cold/congestion. He woke next morning feeling 85% better. Wow. I woke with severe conjunctivitis. In retrospect, I am probably allergic to citrus oils (which are not essential oils - but pressed oils).

I was in a panic and researched Young Living sites for safety information. There was none. That's when I found your article. Later (2014), after FDA sent warning letters to doTerra and Young Living, Young Living did publish some safety info on its site.

For me, this was too little too late. They have added to their safety info over the years, so that part is good. I've also purchased a water diffuser for essential oils so that less is released into the air in a room. I'm not sure if that's so, but it seems to have helped, though I'll never diffuse Thieves again - lol!

In July of 2017, the BBB revoked Young Living's (previously A) rating.

Unrelated to that, a few weeks later we found that Young Living had previously been trafficking oils from endangered plants. They paid a fine and revamped their own procurement process so that this wouldn't happen again, yet one wonders, who was in charge while this unethical trafficking was taking place?

Multi-level Marketing has helped me lose a lot of friends,-- some were long-term friends :( When I ask reasonable questions, I am usually ignored or given a non-answer. I feel I've been black-balled. Essential Oil education is not their concern. Getting more people into the MLM is the highest priority. (Research MLM behavior and you will see that it is known to create a cult-like community.) Sad.

Thanks for listing some other companies that sell essential oils. I am not against oils, but my experience with the MLM has left me distraught (and with over $2,000 worth of unopened, unused, over-priced essential oil inventory).

Mishel said...

I agree with much of what you say.
I am with YL and I've never seen it said anywhere to put any oil in your eye. I've only seen information to never let an oil get into your eye.
As for the anti mlm thing. Yes reps earn money, but you don't think in a regular company this doesn't happen too? There are worker bee's who often get paid the least, but work physically the hardest, there are their supervisors, there are the middle management, upper management, CEO, marketing department, sales reps etc..
When I worked in sales, in some companies you get a 20% commission, so it's not over the top that in network marketing reps get commission, they get less, but for 5 generations to encourage them to help those below them. It's a clever business model and I don't know of any other work from home opportunity that your income is limited only by your efforts. You don't need a degree, just hard work and determination.
Now if I traded my time for money, in my position, well I couldn't earn much at all, because I have an autistic son who needs me at home to take him to his therapies, so I have to find a job I can do in the two days he's at daycare. That's like finding a needle in a haystack.
Should I be responsible in how I promote my oils?? absolutely! Are they a cure all, nope! But are they of benefit to people in the home? honestly yes. And I do tell people that DT or YL are fine and that I'm sure there are other good companies out there too, I just don't know how to know which are the good ones, and I'm very comfortable in the knowledge that my oils strive to be the best.
I think the problem with mlm is some people get desperate and pushy, and say whatever they think they need to to get a sale. Have some integrity! Don't be 'that person'. Lead with value and just help people. Not everyone is your customer, just find the ones who want to be. Leave everyone else alone! lol

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