Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why I Will NEVER Use Young Living Essential Oils

Some of you  may be shocked or offended but the title of this post (and it's gonna be a LONG one) but there is so much mis-information out there and I am hell-bent on educating the public about safe use of essential oils, so this post has been a long time coming.  What has put me over the edge was reading a blog post from a YL rep about natural eye drops using essential oils.  Please read this!  I have years of training and experience with using essential oils safely and what I know is scientific.  I get none of my information from a multi-level marketing company that only cares about making money from the gullible.  Many of the reps for Young Living (and Do Terra) are like brainwashed cult members who receive all of their "training" from the company. 

The oils are drastically overpriced.  Yes, good essential oils are going to cost more money but in this case you are NOT paying for better quality.  You are paying for layer upon layer of commissions for the reps and recruits.

They claim to be the only company with pure therapeutic quality essential oil, therefore making them safe to be used undiluted on the skin.  I'm not even sure where to start with this BS!  First of all, there are LOTS of companies who sell pure, high quality essential oils and even have them tested to prove it.  Second, there is no such thing as "therapeutic grade".  Who is grading them?  There is no certifying body for essential oil quality.  As far as using oils undiluted, or "neat" on the skin-well, that depends on the oil.  Very few can be safely used this way (lavender, tea tree, rosalina, MQV and not much else).  Their claims with this are all over the place.  They say if you experience burning with anybody else's oils it's a sign that they are contaminated.  If you experience burning with their oils it's a sign your body is detoxing.  Well, how convenient.  Sorry to burst your bubble but if an essential oil burns your skin it's because of the chemistry of the oil.  If you put straight cinnamon or oregano oil on your skin it WILL BURN.  I say if it doesn't THAT is a sign it isn't pure, no matter whose oil it is!

Young Living claims that their steam distilled Frankincense contains boswellic acid.  No it doesn't.  That molecule is far too heavy to be carried over in a steam distillation.  If you bother to do any honest research on essential oil chemistry you will find out that diterpenes are the absolute heaviest molecule that can be carried over in steam and even at that not many oils contain diterpenes.

Young Living promotes dangerous practices.  He recommends all of his oils and blends for internal use.  I am NOT opposed to internal use of essential oils but, here, you need to understand the chemistry and what you are ingesting.  Some of his blends contain Tansy oil.  Which one?  The safe annual kind (AKA Blue Tansy) or the very toxic perennial?  I can't emphasize enough that a substance isn't safe just because it's natural.  Petroleum is natural-would you drink oil?  Poison Ivy is natural-would you roll naked in it?  Would you let your child eat all the pokeberries they want or let your dog chew on the Christmas poinsettias?

We live in the age of the internet and we have more information available to us than ever before in the history of our species.  It never ceases to amaze me how many people are too lazy to find information for themselves.  I absolutely believe in the power of aromatherapy but I also understand it has its limits.  It is NOT a magic bullet for all of your problems.  And you certainly MUST learn how to use them SAFELY and with RESPECT.  You shouldn't put straight orange oil on your wood furniture and you sure as HELL shouldn't put rosemary oil IN YOUR EYES!

Here are some important links I want everyone to look at.
The FB page for Essential Oil University is run by Dr. Robert Pappas who has an actual PhD in chemistry.  Not a mail-order degree, and actual degree and he is an actual college professor and works as a chemist in real life.  He tests essential oils for various companies, including Young Living.  He is currently testing samples of frankincense to prove the boswellic acid thing.
In short, I won't use Young Living oils because they are MASSIVELY overpriced, and no matter how good they are, I will not put one penny in the pocket of a man who I consider to be unethical and dangerous.


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Unknown said...

I love you. I hear this stuff from people so much and truly I am frightened about what using essential oils internally, as eye drops and directly on skin of themselves, their loved one or furry family members might do. I get asked frequently about using essential oils in this manner, my ranty answer is similar to your blog post. Thank you!

Jackie said...

PLEASE share! We have got to combat these bad practices or the government will shut us all down! Worse yet-innocent people and animals will be harmed.

Jackie said...

And just so everyone knows-I don't moderate comments on this blog because I am not afraid to respond to anything anyone may have to say. Unlike the YL rep who is putting essential oils in her eyes.

And I have heard stories about small kittens going into convulsions after having straight orange oil put on them.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the blog. I love essential oils, but always worry exactly how it is safe to use them.

Gathered Roots said...

Thanks for sharing your perspective, Jackie.

Anonymous said...

Great article, but poinsettias really aren't toxic. There is a study done by Ohio State University proving this.

Catherine said...

What brands of essential oils do you recommend? Thank you!!

Giselle said...

I so appreciate this article! And I too would never use or recommend Young Living or doTerra. I have an blog post similar about this as well here:

Jackie said...

Catherine-there is no single "brand" that I use but there are many suppliers out there who carry very igh quality essential oils. My main supplier is in Indians, just outside of Louisville, KY and you have to have a wholesale account. Mountain Rose Herbs, Camden Grey, Eden Botanicals, Aromatics International, 100% Pure Essential Oils are just a few that I have used that have high quality oils that I know of.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I have "friends" that have literally gone off the deep end with Doterra. When I told them I wouldn't sell for them unless they could prove to me the purity of their oils, they not only could not prove it, bit got very nasty with me. What is it that brings about an almost cult like frenzy with this company? I am not against some of the MLM marketing companies -- there are times I think it is beneficial to have a rep that knows you and can readily help ou with issues. But this EO thing seems to bring out the nutty side of people!

our simple haven said...

The nuttiness is in the people. Not the product nor the company. Direct selling has good and bad qualities. Good that it can be a great source of income for families who are passionate about a product (I don't get anything from other companies when I tell my friends and family about their products) and word of mouth can be extremely effective at "getting the word out." But on the down side, a company can't be there everytime an independent contractor is talking about their product. The company can ask the contractors to NOT say and do certain things, but that doesn't mean the contractors will do as they are asked. The things I hear most often (as a doTERRA rep) from the company and my up line is: let the product speak for itself you don't have to defend it, "convince" anyone of its effectiveness. All you need to do is let them try it and decide for themselves. We are asked to have integrity in our business practices and in our lives and to help people see that they have natural options in nature's medicines. The "bad name" doTERRA gets from the behavior of some of the IPCs makes me sad. The whole point is for people to try natural solutions rather than counting on pharmaceutical medications without learning all of their options.

Jaye Niemi said...

Great post I loved it I now know much more about eventbrite! Very well written keep up the good work.
Fragrance Aroma Reeds

Unknown said...

I appreciate your information! I'm just now doing research, which is how I found your site. See, I'm one of those people doing research, woot! I was looking for a store selling essential oils in Louisville (not an easy task, actually). I have been doing some research into the use of clary sage and lavender (lavender for migraines, the clary for depression, etc). I've long loved lavender and used to have a silky bag full of dried lavender I'd put on my forehead when I had a headache. Seemed to help. Again, thanks for the great information!

Unknown said...

people drink petroleum [mineral oil] all the time.

Anonymous said...

What is the name of the place you get your oils? I am in Cincinnati.

Anonymous said...

Beware a new company Simply Aroma is claiming that essential oils can be taken orally. A rep at a craft fair was recruiting and I couldn't believe what the literature claimed. And yes - They are therapeutic grade - even though there is no such thing. They are competing with the top two retailers. And YES, only training in selling and not the products themselves. They pick and choose their information. Their leading question, "Have you heard of essential oils?" So many people answered no. Those were the people who gave her their credit card.

Unknown said...

Cats do not have the ability in their systems to break down citrus oils the same way humans do. Do your research!

Unknown said...

I use YL oils and I have not seen ANYWHERE that anyone puts EOs in their eyes. We are "trained" to NEVER put an oil in your eye. This is bogus. Who are you working for?

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your views on not using YL; however, you come off as terse to newbies - calling us lazy! Geez, I'm new to this and finding information is not that easy when I'm overwhelmed. You may have wonderful experience with many years behind EOs and aromatherapy, but don't shame newbies into thinking they are dumbasses for not knowing information on EOs. I want honest information and that is not easy to find! I am not partial to any brand and I refuse to be because I have found what I believe to be quality oils from different vendors. But like I said, I appreciate your views on YL.

Anonymous said...

Do you still have the link to the post about using YL oils in the eye? Also, do you have a link to YL stating that all YL oils are safe for ingestion? I was under the impression that only some of them were safe for ingestion. I don't sell YL oils, just use them for personal use. And if what you're saying is true, I'd like to see it for myself. Thank you!

Kaylee said...

I use YL oils and really like them so far, but I definately do my own research on how to safely use them. I can't believe someone said to put them in your eyes! that is just crazy. My reps made it clear that if it says "essential oil blend" on the bottle it should not be ingested, but if it says "essential oil supplement" it is safe. They also have said not to put it in your eyes at all. It so difficult to know what essential oils to buy since so many of them like to claim they are pure and high quality. I know YL has high quality oils, so I've been willing to pay higher prices to avoid buying something that was a scam. But when I tell my friends about essential oils and YL I think the whole multi level marketing askpect of it scares them off from essential oils completely, which is a shame. :/ I will keep an eye out on your blog for recommendations!

Unknown said...

Ms. Jackie, do you recommend any suppliers. I thought the the prices were over tje top and decided against them but not many brands tend to come up in searched

Unknown said...

Thanks in advance

Unknown said...

Let me guess you work for Do Terra!! Go to oman yourself to witness the process..Go to any of Young Living farms... I havent found one compamy that offers the consumer to part take in harvest

Unknown said...

You know what people stop being followers and do your own research.I have used young living internally and actually for cervical cancer on a tampon and cancer free.. Dont be followers.I dont expect u to believe me either!!

YourConscience said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Whoa Nellie! It seems to me that many parts of this blog post need to be researched for accuracy, too. I began my EO journey about four months ago and I can't even begin to convey the positive changes that my body has experienced. I began adding a couple drops of tangerine oil to my daily ice water regimen and have never felt more happy and content in my adult life. Peppermint oil has been a Godsend for the tendinitis pain in my forearm - nothing helped before I started applying peppermint topically. I create my own capsules with various oils to help with everything from weight loss to anxiety/depression. Oils have been around for millenniums (just think of the Three Wisemen bringing Jesus frankincense, myrrh, etc.) and were medicine before there was "medicine." As one commenter said, let the oils speak for themselves rather than believing the rave reviews of an oil rep or the blatant dislike from a customer.

Helenw said...

I love my YL oils.. Thieves oil prevented me from getting the cold and flu this year...BTW- I work in Radiology where I'm around sick people...You can say whatever you want.. I believe in the products. You sound like an angry DoTerra rep.

Anonymous said...

My friend is a rep and it is so strange! We can be having a perfectly good converstation, but let one thing be mentioned and her eyes flicker and she speaks robotically about "well, YL can help with this problem...etc."

Anonymous said...

I do not take any YL oils and I did not get the flu this year either - nor any other bug. Believing in these oils vs normalty

Thao said...

I don't get in the middle of YL or doTERRA debates. I use doTerra and it just happens to be the oils I was first introduced. I love my oils and I do get passionate because I feel they have helped me and my family. So my nuttiness when I talk to people is about how essential oils have helped my family. I am sure if YL was introduced to me first I would talk about YL. I just like to share the essentials oils word. Use the oils you are comfortable with and is right for your budget.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Glory Be. This is great common sense and needed data. Any company that is built around market approach first and product second is suspect to begin with.

Jackie said...

Looks like I need to revisit this soon. And no I do NOT work for DoTerra for the same reasons I won't use Young Living. I will respond soon when I have more time, but I am absolutely not associated with DoTerra. There is NO certifying body for essential oils anywhere on planet Earth. As for using oils internally and neat-I am not 100% opposed to either one but not all willy nilly whatever and whenever you want. There is no one "brand" of oils I use but several trusted suppliers. Not much time now but I will post more later this week.

Jackie said...

Sharee Maday-here is the blogpost from a YOUNG LIVING rep!

Jackie said...

Now to directly respond to some of the comments-I am not calling newbies lazy for not knowing about oils. I am saying you're lazy if you just take a sales rep's word for it, or the company's word for it without doing any research yourself. And I also use a Thieves blend-in a spray to spritz in the air, and it does prevent me from getting sick by killing germs in the air.

There are times when internal use of certain essential oils may be a proper treatment, but for short periods of time in acute situations. Not everyday. You are bombarding your liver and kidneys with chemicals. And essential oils ARE chemicals. Another thing to consider is that unless you have an MD behind your name, you don't have the qualifications to prescribe internal essential oils. And in the US it's against the law. Are you prepared to "treat" your "patient" after they have an adverse reaction?

I have absolutely no problem if people choose to use YL or DT oils. It's a free country and you can buy whatever you like. I just want you to educate and protect yourself! As far as the quality of oils-I have never heard of cases of tainted oils from DoTerra-Young Living I have. Sorry, but I am out there in the aromatherapy circles and this what I have seen reported by a chemist who tests for both companies. And I also won't use DoTerra oils because I won't affiliate myself with a company who promotes potentially dangerous practices.

Jackie said...

On another note-I would never limit myself to one modality of natural healing. Aromatherapy is down right miraculous at times but other times herbs are more appropriate. Herbs can do far more to balance the body than essential oils and can boost nutrient intake too. Sometimes a homeopathic remedy may be better, sometimes a flower essence, etc. I'm just saying, don't limit yourself.

@Jennifer Parker-your comment makes no sense and I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe you thought you were posting on another blog?

@anonymous re: people drinking mineral oil. What does
that have to with anything?

@Our Simple Heaven-the companies are promoting this fanatic attitude in their reps by brainwashing them with information that isn't true. How many times have you heard these reps say that only THEIR oils are pure and PURE essential oils are safe to use undiluted?

@Kaylee-you are being mislead. Labeling an essential oil as a food supplement means nothing. They are trying to convince you it's safe to take internally but that is an absolutely worthless statement. An essential oil BLEND is just that-a blend of essential oils. Most of what Young Living sells are essential oil BLENDS. Thieves is a BLEND of essential oils. A BLEND just means there is more than one essential oil in there and it's not a description for safety. And much of the higher price you are paying is not because of the quality of their oils, it's so several layers of commissions can be paid. If you choose to use their oils, that's fine, just don't be duped into thinking you're paying just for quality. You are mainly paying commissions to 4 or 5 people for that bottle of oil.

@Dawn Meyer-did you mean partake? Good for you if the money to fly all over the globe inspecting farms for yourself. I don't have that kind of time or money. I do buy from a companies that visit producers and test their oils. And just because I speak out against the unethical practices at YL doesn't mean I work for DoTerra. There is a much bigger world of aromatherapy out there besides these 2 big companies. Just like there is more beer than Budweiser and Miller.

@Alecia Williams-there are MANY wonderful suppliers online. Eden Botanicals, Mt. Rose Herbs, Nature's Gift Aromatherapy just name a few.

@Yourconscience-congratulations! You are the first ever comment to ever be deleted from my blog. You will NOT use my blog to push YOUR oils. If you want to post an opinion or even to tell me to go to Hell, I will leave your comment up, but self promoting comments will be deleted!

Jackie said...

One other comment I need to respond to has to do with essential oils in the Bible. I hear this from lots of sources, but mainly from the YL camp. Number one-it says the wisemen brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Not oils, my dear but the resins. And they had no knowledge of distillation back then so when you read about oils in the Bible it is referring to infused herbal oils, not essential oils. HUGE difference!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why I bought into this so quickly... believed what the lady told me! Anyway, as I did some research AFTER I signed on, I found out I have to make monthly orders or I'm disqualified from benefits. I found Mountain Rose Herbs is just as good as Young Life for a fraction of the price. So, I try to cancel a FB page that I paid $60 for (which isn't even done yet) and they will NOT refund my money for it. WHAT? So, not only are their products overpriced they are just dishonest! I'm so mad at myself for not doing the research FIRST. ugh

Anonymous said...

I appreciate this post. I was gifted a starter kit with YL and became a consultant before I even had a chance to research the company. I do love essential oils and the benefits of aromatherapy and applying the oils to my body. Something always felt off when my upline would take tons of the oils internally. I have taken diluted thieves spray for a sore throat and put clove oil on my gums for a tooth ache but that's as far as my internal oil consumption goes. I am very disillusioned by this company. For one, it is so expensive. Why? As a one income family, it is hard to justify the triple price increase over companies like mt. rose herbs who I have liked for years. Somebody is making a big commission off my orders each month. I will be cancelling my rewards program and happily switching from YL to other companies who have just as good oils for much less price! Research, research and research some more people!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but unfortunately you are wrong. 1. YL clearly denotes on each of the bottles the proper distillation of the oils needing to be diluted with a carrier oil. Check the bottles. 2. YL also notes that not oils are to be ingested. Reps should be aware of this through education but unfortunately like many businesses, not everyone takes the time to utilize materials and educate themselves 3. The eye-drops comment is pretty crazy. This is also not something that YL would promote but rather a rep that probably hasn't clearly done their research. 4. YL also makes note that their oils are not an end-all cure to ailments but help to promote your body's own natural healing and well-being. No, oils will not cure cancer, but they may help your body learn to fight or prepare. 5. You sound a little hot headed. I can understand how things can get heated while debating, but it is a good note to understand that your tone in your post comes across unappealing. Especially in your comments back to people who took the time to read your article. This is especially true when you're trying to convey a message or your point. Best of luck to you.

Jackie said...

@anonymous. I think the only time I've been nasty to a commenter was the individual who chose to promote his own business on here who was deleted. That comment is the only comment I have ever deleted. You do sound like one of the VERY few who have made an effort to do research and I have said all along that I have no problem with anyone using these oils if they so choose. BUT you cannot tell me that ALL of these reps who are spouting exactly the same bad information are coming up with this on their own. If I sound hostile it's because I want people to wake up and do their own research and not rely on people who get all of their info from the MLM they are selling for.

So many reps gone rogue? Sorry. Not buying it.

Jackie said...

And yes, I have no patience for people who just parrot back the company line to me as a defense. It only proves my point of some of these reps acting like brainwashed zombies who won't even think about anything else anyone says. Again, I know it's not all of you but there seems to be an awful lot of them so there is absolutely no way it's a coincidence. And in the eyedrop post the rep says Gary Young is doing this in clinics in Central America. Did she really just make this up???? Because I would think Gary Young would go after her for this.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

About the "Clear Vision w/Natural Eye Drops" article, that is a personal blog by an independent distributor who has made those statements. This is not a practice endorsed by Young Living itself. In fact, the company advises not to put them in the ears either and that if you get it into your eye, use a carrier oil (olive oil for instance) to wash the eye out as water can increase the intensity of the burning. Here is a link to the official website and their recommendations for people who are new to using oils. Just wanted to show what the official website says rather than some lunatic that thinks putting these oils in your eyes is a good thing. This practice is NOT endorsed by the Young Living company or any distributor I know.

Evelyn said...

Love the post, Jackie! And has anyone taken the time to research Gary Young of Young Living? This guy is a piece of work! Seriously, I will not buy from the company, not only because they are advising unsafe practices, but because of the kind of person Gary Young is! Check it ... do your research. This guy is bad news!

Musicmilkshake said...

Don't believe everything you read... No where in any of the YL literature have I seen a all oils are digestible ever.
Could you please verify this information. Your word is gold I am certain. But show me where you read Gary Young recommending ingesting all oils and their safety.
Essential oils had better be expensive...have you seen the process> If you are paying $5.99 for lemon and $5.99 for Sandalwood you my friend are being scammed.

Unknown said...

Personally I think tis is a complete over reaction. Yes some companies are over all bad, but I have used doterra on myself pets and family for years. I havent as yet turned it into a business, mostly because I wanted to know exactly what I was talking about first. Im not in the habbit of lieing to sell a product. Obviously putting any kind of essential oil in your eye drops is stupid and risky. However, I have found doterra to be extreamly benificial and not overly expensive. You seem to be all about outing a company then telling the real truth. Yes I have used wild orange and lavender on my cats with good reults. And not all doterra consultants are all about outing others to further themselves, but it is good to explain to your costomers as to why theraputic oils are different to oil burner ones otherwise youd have a whole heap of poisoning cases where people didnt know any better. Oh and your comment that the government will shut you down? Seems to me your outing other companies to further your own agenda. This whole blog of yours is a farce lol. Sorry but I also tell it like it is.

Jackie said...

Shauna-What I have found with reps with both the big MLM's is not making people understand the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils. All of us in the know should be doing that. Rather what they do is slam the essential oils sold by every other company as being adulterated, which simply is not true. It's a scare tactic to get people to buy their oils. They also tell people they are paying for quality which is also mostly untrue. A lot of what you are paying for is layers of commissions paid out to reps. If you do so knowingly because you believe in the oils then that's perfectly fine. I know not ALL reps are irresponsible but it doesn't take a lot of research to see that the majority of them are. They spout the very same information, use the exact same arguments, because they are working from the same script.

Jackie said...

And Shauna if you feel like my blog is a farce you don't ever have to read it. It's a free country. You sound like you are being responsible. No one should expect to pay the same price for sandalwood as they pay for lavender. But just because one company charges five times the price for lavender as everyone else doesn't automatically make it better quality. If you want to see a farce try reading a few dozen blogs by these YL reps and see how they convey the same information verbatim. Your comment is sour grapes if I ever heard it. If you simply said that you are using the oils because you love them and you don't want to sell them until you're more informed I can certainly respect that.

Jackie said...

But to just plain attack me and my blog because you don't like what I have to say about the marketing tactics of these 2 companies is bogus. It's not like I pulled this out of thin air. I have had the same tired conversations with these people over and over again. Keep using the oils but it is a fact that cats can't tolerate limonene. At least stop using citrus oils on your cat before harm is done.

Jackie said...

Musicmilkshake-you need to look at I don't care what the official literature says about ingesting oils it does say to use them internally on the website when you click on the individual listings. Everyone go look. It's there. I didn't put it there. It's in a big highlighted block in the middle of the listing. I did not make this up and you can't say they don't say it because they do.

Kristina said...

Loved reading this! I read a study where they found an unlisted carrier oil as well as an artificial fragrance in a YL oil. Smells fishy to me... I personally love using Veriditas Botanicals, which is local for us here in MN.

Anonymous said...

Well I am a YL Independent Distributor and I can tell you first hand how we have used these amazing oils and what they have done for the health of my family. Instead of slagging something off that I believe you have never tried maybe look at your own insecurities and why you are hell bent on this sort of stuff instead of educating people about the hazards of pharmaceutical products. Seriously get a life and do some good rather than sitting there putting your negative crap into the world.

If you were open then you would use your experience and knowledge to educate rather than the rubbish you are going on with. Good luck to you because your poison is going to be what gets you in the end. I guess then it will be someone else's fault there as well.

Anonymous said...

You know Jackie, you are sprouting some seriously off comments on here. Strange how I have a document from another YL distributor that shows that YL is the only company that can tick 12 boxes when asking the questions from the book Healing Oils of the Bible by David Stewart Ph.D. The other companies can't do that. Do you know the reason Gary Young started this company. No you are ignorant and that is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I got so tired of searching for essential oils that I felt were safe to use in diffusers that I simply ordered a still to make my own. I have an issue with most essential oils stating not for internal use. Well, when I diffuse an oil I breathe it in which then goes into my lungs and eventually into my liver. If it's not safe for internal use then it's not safe for any use in my opinion.
At least I know how I am growing my own herbs and spices and also know what is in the oils I distill. I no longer have to concern myself with companies claims cause I am not out to make money. I am merely making another product that I once bought from an outside source.

Anonymous said...

I understand that there are 2 sides to every argument. I have worked for various "MLM" companies. One thing I can say is the reason you see the same thing written on multiple YL or even DoTerra sites is because companies do the work for their reps. They say "don't reword, just take the script we already wrote and paste it on your site" It's that simple. Just because they do that doesn't mean that they are zombies that don't do their own research. The term "therapeutic grade" is for marketing purposes only as there is no agency that regulates this.

I personally love YL for one simple fact, consistency. I have used other companies oils, even when diluted burn my skin. If an herb if not available then that oil is out of stock and won't be available until next harvesting season. Of course this is just one person's opinion.

As other commenters said above. NOT all YL oils are recommended for ingestion and very few are recommended for children. Do your research!!!

I do agree with one thing about this article, educate yourselves, do you own research and form your own opinions.

All consumers have this right, just because this blog doesn't recommend one product or another doesn't mean that one product is better than another. Prices vary from company to company.

Jackie said...

I do see out of stock situations with other companies too. Especially with helichrysum.

Jackie said...

Again, companies that don't label their oils for internal use do so because of liability issues not poor quality.

Jackie said...

Actually you are showing your ignorance here because they weren't using essential oils in biblical times. The oils they refer to in the Bible were infused herbal oils. You are using YL documents to defend YL claims? How about some reliable 3rd party verification. And which oils are you referring to from the Bible? Many companies carry them I'm sure.

Jackie said...

If I were insecure I would moderate my comments and not respond to the ones that didn't agree with me. I'm all about education that's why I put up this post so people will look for the truth and not blindly swallow information from ovet zealous marketing reps with no medical training and very little training in essential oil safety.

Jackie said...

I don't recall "blaming"anyone for doing anything to me. I am a trained aromatherapist with many clients who trust me because I am honest with them and I screen for potential interactions.

Jackie said...

I think YL is currently suspected if adulterating their true cinnamon oil with the much cheaper cassia.

angie said...

I thought it was crazy (and maybe even made up) that someone would put essential oils in their eyes... until I came across a facebook post just a few days ago stating the same thing. The post was in a young living business builders facebook group. I am a wholesale customer of YL and am still learning the ropes of essential oils. I'm not yet brand loyal. Anyway - I just wanted to say it happens - there are people out there that think putting oils in their eyes is a good idea ("it only burned for about 10 minutes"). To each their own.

Anonymous said...

They also use Spends as well.

Jackie said...

First, I have no idea what that last comment means so if the poster would like to clarify the comment, please do. I also want to post these links to update you on what is happening in the real world.

Island Pixie said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jackie said...

@Island Pixie-Do NOT use MY blog to promote YOUR business. It's sleazy and your comment has been deleted.

Jackie said...

This now the second time in the history of my blog that I have deleted a comment. You can call me whatever names you want or make whatever comments you like and I will leave your comment up-with a response, of course-but if you use my blog to promote your business it will be deleted.

Island Pixie said...

Jackie - I am sorry if I offended you. I was only replying to someone's question. There was no need to get so worked up about it and harsh in your comment. Please stay calm, Dear - it's not good for you to be so angry.

Jackie said...

You did offend me. I'm not angry but it's tacky to use someone else's forum to advertise your business without permission.

Jackie said...

I hope you all read the FDA warning letters that were sent to the 2 big MLM's. This is the reason I get so emotional in this debate. I know if we don't police ourselves in the aromatherapy then the government is going to get involved and regulate us and now it has begun. This will not end well for us people-we will end up losing choices in caring for our own health. I know they have been on the FDA's radar for a while and I honestly think it's the claims about treating Ebola that pushed this over the edge. You can't make medical claims without research to back it up.

Anonymous said...

I sell and use YL oils. Each bottle is labeled individually for dilution. Oregano oil says on the label to be diluted. The oils that are not to be taken internally have a different child proof lid on them. You have been misinformed. By a misinformed representative.

Anonymous said...

You only have to spend money every month if you sign up for essential rewards. You can cancel at anytime. Monthly essential rewards earns you points towards free oils. When you sign up without essential rewards it's $50 a year. You have also been misinformed.

Anonymous said...

You're link to quack watch makes me question the credibility of your article.

Anonymous said...

I am fairly new to essential oils, even I would question anyone that says you could put oils in your eyes. I would never try to make anyone use them, even people ask me about them I tell them what they have helped me with but if someone is not interested than it stops there, to each their own. My bashing complaint on this article is that maybe you should research the so called medication the government and medical field pumps into our bodies for every single tiny ailment we have. Oh and just as an fyi when you take these drugs the side effects for a simple thing like itching you could have side effects of unable to breath, heart palpitations, chest pains, etc... You get my point, and the money that is made off these medications to just put you on something else to help the side effects. So yes people are looking for safer alternatives.

Anonymous said...

I have been on this bandwagon as well. I also am not opposed to using EO's internally, but with education and the FULL understanding of how much, when, WHY etc.
Personally I do not use EO's internally and don't feel they are ideal for this purpose for the most part except in certain cases. Cervical cancer has been combated greatly using Thuja on a tampon, but I would not ingest it.
Ledum groenlandicum will kill you quickly and that is taking a micro dose (less than a drop) and people need to realize that just because they have taken EO's for 4 months and feel wonderful will probably end up in clinics like mine to deal with liver toxicity or liver failure, kidney failure. Just because you take a dose and it doesn't cause immediate problems, realize it will happen at some point. BE CAREFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

You mean the FDA that is in my opinion in the hip pocket of big pharmaceutical companies. Where there are more deaths by prescription and otc drugs than properly used essential oils. We are all entitled to our opinions. I use yl oils and love them and have used many topical without adverse effects. I do my research on them before applying. There are many of the oils yl does not recommend taking internally. Yl is the first to admit there is no such thing as certified pure organic and is in fact asking for the support of arase and regulating of oils. As for the person recommending oils in the eyes they should be reported to yl and disciplined for these comments. I do take some internally such as lemon and peppermint. There is so much toxin laden products out there. Example how does the cosmetic industry have no regulations or controls and actually regulate themselves. Yeah like that is valid advertising and you are not paying for good quality shampoo and conditioner or organic. The regulations on anything from food to shampoo to oils is a joke. What we think organic and pure and natural is in no way what it is. Those companies you are not trashing yet they make billions a year of selling us toxin filled products that cause cancer and diseases and oils help reduce this usage of these toxin filled products.

Sandy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I had 3 YL reps tell me to use lavender oil for my 3 year Olds ear infection. Not to put it in the ear but around. OK. I asked how. They said just put some drops on your finger and rub around the ear. OK. I did. She IMMEDIATELY threw up all over my house... o and they said to put straight thieves on her feet and she was crying cuz it burnt. Then they told me to wash it off with water. Now I know that makes it worse! So #1 my daughter and I are both traumatized away from oils.
They don't educate their sales people! I assumed they would know what they are talking about because they represent this company. I learned my lesson to always do my own research.
#2 the YL rep who told me about the lavender is terrifying. She told me she is pretty much a doctor because YL can cure everything. She cured her tonsillitis in an hour. (Probably just a sore throat as she doesn't go to real doctors anymore) and she cured her kids sprained wrist over a couple days using oils... (sprains heal over a couple days anyways)... I completely agree with the cult thing. It's so strange and a little scary the sick vulnerable people that they are convincing to do this and that and the other thing with their oils when they have no clue what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing Jackie. Heard so much about essential oils but was to lazy, lol yes to lazy to educate myself till now. Very interesting. And I like what YL has done and what it stands for. If you go by what some of the reps say or do with this can do a lot of damage. So I so agree with Jackie. Educate yourself with YL itself instead of what some people might be saying to you. Had no idea about this particular company before, but everything I read about it so far sounds great. Will ask my friends that have been using essential oils and are doing awesome since they started what company they are getting theirs from. Awesome post. A few bad apples can spoil such a big batch of goodies. For the rest of you YL, keep up the good work. As I've just learned, we definitely need essential oils instead of what any pharmaceuticals promote

Anonymous said...

YL never says to use their essential oils in your eyes. Something really fishy about your ridiculous claims.

Lisa said...

I found your blog after a very disturbing conversation I had with a YL rep last night. Let me first state that I have no problems with essential oils. I believe that there are some wonderful things that can be done with them; BUT to claim that they can cure muscular dystrophy or cancer is alarming to say the least. To say that only one brand of essential oil is pure and this man is the only man alive that knows about EO is pure hubris. He is the only man on the face of this earth that is allowed into Oman to dig up the frankincense??? He had a vision of how to bring peace in the middle east and will accomplish this in 2016 by riding on a camel from Jordan to who knows where carrying gold frankincense and myrrh???? This is the typical delusional gradiose verbage of Gary Young. This is a man that really should be under psychiatric care. He is in the "health industry" not because he "is doing God's work". He does it because it feeds his God Complex. He believes that he has cured thousands if not millions of people when in actuality his delusions have been responsible for hundreds of deaths (that I know of). He is a snake oil salesman through and through. I know that all of you YL reps out there will not believe what I have said. But, I know him from the early 80's which was his pre-essential oil period and in those early days there was no mention of essential oils curing his logging accident paralysis. Funny how his story changes according to what he is trying to sell. He is a dangerous vile man who profits off of the scared and vunerable. I am shocked at the level of cult following he has. This should terrify any thinking individual when one man is given so much credit for something that has already been around for years. If the Gary Youngs of the world aren't stopped this natural health care industry will be ruined. It is men like him that do so much damage to it. It is men like him that grow rich off of lies.

Jackie said...

Thank you Lisa! Essential oils do have an important place in natural healing but they are limited in what they can do. Gary Young is constantly back tracking from the erroneous info he puts out INCLUDING the "fact" that his steam distilled frankincense contains boswelic acid. There's the whole "oils of the bible" thing and the fact that he used to say eo's were the "blood" of the plant. Only a small percentage of plants contain essential oils and they are secondary metabolites. This would be like saying your sweat is what gives you life.

Jackie said...

For the person who won't use their real name who accused me of making up the whole essential oils in the eye thing-I have posted a link on this blog to YL rep's blog who posted the story. I did not hack her blog. It's there. And from what I'm hearing from some of the reps on here it seems like the company is feeding a lot of contradictory info to its reps.

Jackie said...

I would advise everyone who reads this blog to follow Robert Tisserand on Facebook and to buy his books. He's is THE most level headed guy in the industry and does ACTUAL research. The FDA has already issued warning letters to both of the big MLM's about the claims they make about their oils, and frankly, even though they have been on the governments radar for a very long time, it was their ebola claims that have finally pushed the issue. I ADORE essential oils and I use them every single day but I am realistic about what they can and can't do.

Jackie said...

And to the woman who had the horrific experience with her children-this is what I fear most. Children being harmed and worse yet, by their own parents who have the greatest of intentions. This not only does physical harm but emotional harm to both Mother and child. I do hope you will learn how to use these oils safely and give aromatherapy another chance. if you do decide to give it another go just monitor the children carefully. They may have been permanently sensitized to the oils. This is heart breaking

Jackie said...

And it's not just "a few bad apples" here. It's more like trying to find a pound of good apples at the land fill. Some of you may wonder why I sometimes sound mean but it's actually frustration. If the aromatherapy industry doesn't police itself then the federal government is going to step in and no one will be able to get the oils anymore. We have the internet! Do research and use your brain and THINK about what you read!

Jessica said...

Thank you for your post, This is very helpful to someone that is so NEW to EO. Please share more links of where you suggest to BUY oils. I have checked out the previous posted ones. Thanks again

Jackie said...

I read the pubmed article you were referring to about the boswellic acid and if you'll look at the names of the authors you'll see G Young. If you want to prove his claims are correct then find me the same information that doesn't come from him and his people. Has he shared his cancer studies with the FDA?

Anonymous said...

Do you happen to know any companies that do not test their products (essential oils) on animals?

Singinstan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Jackie, You are dead on with everything you are saying. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I am only anonymous because my boss has joined the cult. She not only joined, she drank the cool aid. scarry.

Anonymous said...

I would like to mention a interesting observation. This came to me as I was reserching Bernadean University. If you scroll past all the sites declaring B.U. as a diploma mill, you will come to the actual web site and realize it is a religious orginization. Which brings me to the Gary Young story. It follows a well known and used formula in relgion. First, a tramatic event:logging accident. Next, a dire prognosis: paralysis. Then,intervention:prayer or in this case Oils. Next, magical healing. And finally, the shocked and baffled doctors. All this with no medical records. I've seen this formula used many times over the years as had my mother and her mother. It is a very old religious tactic. Nothing builds loyalty and opens wallets faster than a good old fashion miracle. Facts and logic can never compete with emotion and belief. Sad. Oh, and again,I'm anonymous because I don't want to loose my job. My boss is also religious, so miracles are facts.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to add that I have on many occasions see my boss and others drink and recommend drinking various oils. One women drinks a morning cocktail of 15 different oils. They also give oils to their children and other family members. All this with no formal training or knowlege of medical history/conditions. But hey, It's all safe, It's Young Living.

Anonymous said...

On a final note, I have seen all this before in the herbal wars of the 80's and 90's. Eventually enough crazy claims will be made, and enough harm will be done, that the FDA will be forced to step in and set standards for quality and sefety. Don't worry, they will not take away your oils, just like they didn't take away herbals. They will just keep you from being ripped off or poisoned. This is all an overwhelming deja vu.

Jackie said...

@the last anonymous. I definitely appreciate everything you said and I think it's tragic you feel you have to hide your identity to state your opinion. This is one of my main purposes for all I do-to move aromatherapy from a realm of "magic" and into the light of science. And along with that, for people to give these the proper fearful respectful they should have. They are wonderful but they have their limitations as to what they can do and they can be extremely dangerous if not handled properly!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your blog, even though I feel you have been a little harsh. I have done some research. But, without the proper education or contacts, how does the general public know where to purchase oils that are pure and have not been diluted or had chemicals added (since they are not regulated). I have used oils from companies other than MLMs mentioned and used MLM oils. I have not had the same results. So, how do we find a trustworthy company? I understand your passion and concern for our safety, but see more ranting and raving than offering useful advice. If you are as experienced as you say, then please help those of us who are learning. A straightforward checklist would be great. I know you had mentioned companies you have used, but you don't seem to use one company. Why is this? Where do aromatherapist purchase their oils? I am just seeking some help with this. Do you know anything about Native American Nutritionals?

Mary said...

Quackwatch. Really? Bless your heart.

ravencassidy said...

Loved this.. thank you for posting this... my dad just bought some of this crap and I was like how much did you spend ? you can go to the health store and get better quality oils for half the price and not the fancy name for crying out loud!!! MLM is only for one thing making money for the pyramid scam they are pretending not to be !!!!

Anonymous said...

I also use Young Living, however, I tell people to talk to their doctors before using the oils. I also tell them that I personally choose only to ingest those distilled from things I would already ingest. Ie) Citrus and herbs. I do believe in the oils, I believe they HELP. But I never use the words heal or cure. As far as I am aware we are told not too. I dilute those that call a "warm" oil like Oregano, and like it was mentioned by many other reps we ARE told NOT to put the oils in our eyes or ears, we hear it often and by many other people in the company - those saying otherwise should not be doing so. With that being said the Blog you gave the link to has been removed, so no one is able to check it now. I also did research before choosing to join the company and I tell anyone before they par take like I said if they have concerns or questions to stalk to their doctor as I am not one, and this is the motto for our WHOLE team!

Jackie said...

I purchase my oils from many companies because there are many companies with wonderful oils. Why should I limit myself to one brand? Especially since many companies, including Do Terra and Young Living buy many of their oils from the same suppliers.

I appreciate the MLM reps that are commenting on here about what they are taught NOT to do with the oils but there just seems to be too much contradictory information coming from the same camps.

The point of my post was not to promote a company, it is to get readers to do their own research about safe practices and not take the word of a sales rep whose primary goal is to make money.

I don not agree with ANY company who manipulates consumers into believing everyone else's product is tainted or unsafe when it simply isn't true. I hear this time and again from people who won't buy from a company who won't label their oils as safe for internal use. It's not because their oils are tainted it's a liability issue.

Jackie said...

And for anyone who says that Gary Young says to always dilute essential oils-what about Rain Drop Therapy? That is a series of very irritating oils being applied neat along the spine. I won't do business with a company who promotes dangerous practices and is not consistent with the information they put out.

Anonymous said...

Having just gone through to website it tells you which ones are and are not for internal use. Before you bad mouth a company you might want to get your facts straight. Also any consumer of any product should do research before buying/using. It has been known throughout history that if you mix the wrong herbs or use too much you will get a bad result.

Jackie said...

I have also gone through the website and one that is labeled for internal use contains tansy, which is poisonous.

Amanda said...

I stumbled across this blog with a quick google search for "young living cult"... because it seems as though those who buy and sell YL are very cultish in their allegiance to this company. I attended a facebook informational session a young living rep friend invited me to the other night and while I think she is one of the smartest people I know, I kind of watched in horror as she preached about ingesting the oils and applying them directly to skin. I was thinking "nooooo, you got sucked in!" Well, I'm new to the world of EO, and I've done my research off and on over the course of a few years before making the invenstment. Everything I have ever read about the use of pure essential oils is exactly to the contrary of what what I was reading. Then, when the session wrapped up, I'm offered this wonderful deal for a premium starter kit. About ten oils for $150ish...supposedly a value of over $400! WHAAAAAAAT? Um. No. Are you kidding me? At those prices, only the elite can afford this stuff. There's just no way they are the only company that sells pure EO. Smells like BS to me.

Anonymous said...

You also appear to misinformed. Nobody says to put oils in eyes, people are instructed specifically on not using citrus oils, tea tree oil and other oils containing specific properties on cats due to how their bodies process oils differently. Also nobody says all oils are safe for ingestion.
I don't know about all big companies but there is NO REQUIREMENT to sell anything with Young Living. The products are there to use for yourself.

Amanda said...

Anonymous,You must be a rep. My point is mostly that I don't understand the outrageous price tag and being told to apply some oils directly to my skin, undiluted when all other advice I've ever read tells you not to. I'm not going to take the advice of one person over the repetitive advice I've read over the course of many years and I'm certainly not going to buy the product in question from the misinformed party. I'd much rather be paying a lot less for the same oil from another company that doesn't commit wallet rape.

Anonymous said...

Just came across this after my first order of YL and getting a lot of information from people I trust. Although I agree with your comments about ingestion and *neat* application, I noticed you sell EO. Your credit was completely lost with me and the other thousands of people who will see this after I post it.

Anonymous said...

You are obviously missinformed and quick to judge. Just because 1 person put it as the eye drops, doesnt mean that is the correct thing to do and especially what is advised by YL itself. Similarly, you cant judge that a school is a bad school just because there is 1 stupid person in the school.

In the first place, I always reads the manual before using anything and it is indicated that please WASH it straight away if there is any oil got into your eyes. No one is actually said you can use the oil as the eye drops.

YL has also NEVER said that oregano is not a hot oil. On the contrary, YL always warnds about hot oils and that it is best to use them diluted. The price of YL is higher than normal because of the purity of the oil in compare to other brand which oil is diluted and mixed with other ingredients.

Anyway, there are some great books out there which teach about each oils; what the benefit of those and how to apply it. Poeple should be more informed about such things. Use common sense and dont quickly make a judgement just because 1 person is making the wrong move.

YL distributor said...

Jackie I'm so sorry to have to correct you but YOU need to do your research too rather than exacerbate the problem. Believe me, I hear you. I also don't doubt that this has the hallmarks of a situation arising where the government take hold and further regulate, ban or restrict our access to these oils because we cannot be trusted.
When corporations like these are giving out such lax and dangerous directives and people like you are advertising half a story mixed with your small minded opinion and idiots are using essential oils on babies, small children and animals just because someone said so then this is not a conspiracy or a scaremongering, it can and will happen.
While we all deeply appreciate that you have taken the time to warn us about these things we know you can do better.
The story with Young Living and the boswellic acid should be corrected and you need to try to understand the processes used. They are using NANOTECHNOLOGY. So if we want to really keep up with what is going on, what is being claimed, what the real ingredients and processes are and try to foresee this whole issue and its benefits and disadvantages unroll over the near coming future than I suggest we all improve our reading, researching, intelligence and critical thinking skills just a little. ASAP.

YL distributor said...

You can PM if you like. I could also do with so much help understanding some of the technical scientific parts as I am educating myself every step of the way while I have no further than high school GCSE science.. I've never even been in a lab since school!
I have just started up with Young Living. This does not mean sales come first with me. The truth, safe areas of our environment, safe crops for medicine in safe areas of environment, success of empathic, intelligent, creative and successful people in business is far more important for me but I would appreciate someone giving me a reason as to why it should continue when people are slagging off people for the same thing they are doing. Not really much of an incentive for the companies you are slamming.
The research I've studied is AMAZING. I don't understand how improved thinking in health terms, perhaps even a shift, tests using organic plants without the use of harsh and unnecessary animal testing can or could possibly be a bad thing. This technology is revolutionary and you don't even know it exists.
So while I do appreciate there should be watch doggers and yes self appointed ones, I have concerns of my own with the technology that I feel my personal and business duty to understand and research thoroughly so that I can draw my own conclusions as opposed to behaving as a mob would.
If you're not passionate about this area you should start blogging re areas you are because we should all be engaging like this to a better standard and more widely.
Personally I feel if we don't then a couple of years max and our lives may as well be over because we are not going to be able to breath without permission let alone have access to medicine or any plant whatsoever that hasn't been mutated or modified genetically. I don't care how highly and how extreme any-ones views are. That is NOT a life to sentence generations below and the unborn too. Period.
If we value our lives and freedoms and want the ability to embrace or dismiss any new ideas or approaches for problem solving the world then
we need to be worthy of that position.

YL distributor said...

Finally, some points I remembered from reading the comments..

Author must be DoTerra - I don't like Tesco or Aldi so does that mean I must work for or have shares in Waitrose? You're pointing a bias finger from a bias body..

Citrus oil on a kitten - WTF. If you honestly cannot work that one out then you do not deserve the kitten nor the access to the oils. Nor to breed either in my very personal opinion of an ideal world. This is precisely what innocent and honest minority of people are up against. If a kitten is unwell it is likely due to its low immune system meaning it has been taken from mother too early or mother was compromised too and she shouldn't have been breeding in first place let alone irresponsible human allowing it. How a pure collection of chemicals found in a piece of fruit can be identified as a substitute for mothers milk comes from a type of stupidity and a strain of logic I shall never thankfully have to adhere to myself.

YL distributor said...

Oils ingested. - If you feel that ingesting a poison, (basic rules of alchemy dose makes poison. EVERYTHING is bad in large quantities), is safe for you and others based on the five minute internet flicking or pamphlet reading then I am sorry to say seeing as you were prepared to take such risks for well-being with yourself and others when you could've taken a nice walk or whatever, tell me why you deserve this freedom if you would also blast essential oils as dangerous AFTER your heavy handedness adversely affected you. There are different models, some more lax than others.. I prefer British and do not agree with liberal models because unfortunately with the majority of minds closed and lazy today, liberalness encourages overstepping the mark, behaving too laid back and taking and creating too many risks. This should not happen with medicine or testing. That's the recipe for horror stories that blacken the worlds history for generations. It is YOUR CHOICE as it stands you have the right to choose so choose wisely. If I wasn't in need of remedy I wouldn't be using oils for anything except cleaning and oil burners. If I was ill I would first hope the body heals itself as it has been designed to. THEN I would turn to oils AFTER extensive research if the problem persisted. This is simply because I KNOW the bad points of doctors and NHS and I understand how Western medicine works and I am ALWAYS unlucky, never a good experience to report re this system. That is MY reason for turning to oils. If you don't have one perhaps you need to be somewhere else rather than look for another system when yours is working just fine for you.. There are as many complications and conflicts that can arise with heavy prolonged essential oil use as pharmalogical and both can also interact with each other. Personally plant medicine is my passion, my success story and I have nothing I have any faith in to fall back on anyway. However my dog, well he does experience very small and occasional home remedies oils and honey included, sometimes just salt water, all depends on the issue.. He stopped having vaccinations years ago after a reaction I have to live with daily that I am responsible for.. Well the moment I am feeling out-of-my-depth and I don't understand or can't determine the best route or the supplements or remedies have been taken with no improvement in small time or I cannot be 100pc of the exact problem well I go to the vets because he is NOT my or forum trollers guinea pig or sick entertainment and through my own fault and admission I do not have sufficient knowledge to deal with the problem nor have an understanding anything close to the vets. I wish I did but just because I wish I did doesn't give me the right to take stupid risks on his behalf.. But it does give me a right to continue research and try to improve my knowledge and understanding. It also gives me the right to use any brand of oil that I like and the right to take a journey with Young Living and to sell their fabulous not cheap products. As YL own many non GM farms and are open, I think it is my wisest choice so far and I would also love at some point to have my own personal use garden farm or co operative with like minders. Of all the companies to bash and people to blame though, I would have to disagree or suggest much worthier candidates!

Anonymous said...

glad I ran across this blog, I have been reserching EO for a short time, just trying to make an informed decision, its the oils and what they do, and the formula for using correctly, I read every response and am walking away better informed by all comments, thinking I will just purchase a few eo and decide what works , and take it from there, Thanks for your Blog

Anonymous said...

Thanks I have just begun my research on eo's and read every comment in this thread, and walking away better informed , pretty much jackie you are right on target with my research about mlm and eo, walking away better informed

Jackie said...

@YL rep-explain to me how they are using nanotechnology to get boswelic acid to carry over in a steam distillation. This makes no sense. And the MAIN reason YL oils are higher priced is because several reps get a commission from each bottle sold. You need to google Robert Pappas and see if you can find his testimony that caused YL to drop their lawsuit against DoTerra. He is an actual chemist and will trust what he says over Gary Young anyday.

Jackie said...

IF the videos are still on youtube-watch Gary Young demonstrating the RainDrop Therapy. Step one is to apply several drops of UNDILUTED Oregano oil to the spine. Then to make things more fun you follow up with straight cypress, peppermint..............get my drift? By the time they got to the last video they had switched victims, they said so you can see the difference applying it to a man. The truth is the poor woman they had been doing the RDT on had visibly inflamed skin.

Jackie said...

How do I lose credibility because I sell essential oils? Nowhere on here do I ever say anything like "only my oils are pure" or "you should only use my oils because everyone else's are tainted". Ever hear any other oil sellers make those kinds of claims? My point is to teach people how to use oils safely. I wrote about why I will never use YL oils and have never discouraged anyone else who chooses to use them. I just don't want anyone to fall for the hype.

Jackie said...

@YL rep-you go off into a LOT of tangents that have nothing to do with points I've made on this blog. Many other commenters as well and it makes you sound defensive. No where did I support using plants covered in pesticides and I am not commenting on the Pharmaceutical industry because my blog post was about essential oils.

Lazy Linda said...

Thanks so much for sharing! Your blog has been really helpful to me, keep on posting!

Anonymous said...

Young Living doesn't suggest that you ingest their blend oils as well as some singles. That isn't accurate at all. I have their magazine of everything they sell andit tells your which to eat and which ones you can't.

Anonymous said...

The beauty of our world is free will, free speech. We all have our own perceptions we believe in. Young Living Oils are saving my life. If you have an illness you will do anything to get well. After abundant research I chose YL for it's impeccable reputation, continuous support from the woman who introduced me to them and have seen first hand many lives saved as well as many illness's healed and the best of all... many who got off of the pharmaceuticals that may help at treating the symptoms but with abundant side effects. YL treats and heals the cause once and for all. Blessings to all opinions.

Anonymous said...

How I came across this discussion isn't know, but I am glad although I am deeply disturbed that I'm reading vengeance against individuals and companies. I myself have a lot to say of the mlm "biggies" who's marketing has had me shudder over the very bad recommendations how to safely use the highly concentrated essential oils. Here's the bottom line, the essential oil industry is a growing industry and everyone wants a piece of the pie. Gary Young saw it in 1993, and his brother, Dana, was right alongside with him. Then there was a break-up a few years later, Dana went on to another mlm company and then finally formed his own essential independent line(s). Gary used his charisma (and other people's money) and his mormon-based business training to grow his business. Today, Gary is still using other people's money to grow his monopoly through his mlm. The good part is that Gary Young's company, and the Doterra former employees, all have brought essential oil therapy to the top of everyone's game in natural healing because they all want a piece of the pie. Bottom line, make your own pie, and eat it too, the mlm essential oil companies are feeding you bad ingredients to common sense life skills in their pies, and honestly with a little due diligence you can find your own quality ingredients to make your own pie, and not buy their overpriced ones. Then, find old aromatherapy books and learn from people such as Robert and Maggie Tisserand, Jeanne Rose, Kurt Schnaubelt, John Steel and Shirley Price who, and are, all about education, not profit.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post! I have been doing research on Essential Oils. I have to tell you, I loathe MLM companies like YL. One of my best friends started selling for them and is making quite a bit of money and has taken multiple trips. MLM businesses are genius for business and awful for friendships. Peer pressure is alive and well in the adult world because of it. I've seen countless friends buy oils because they want to support a friend. Unfortunately, this isn't a kitchen plate they are selling, but very powerful oils. And my friends (who are all college educated) act as if they are doctors who have the cure for EVERYTHING. And if you don't buy it, then YOU are the idiot. I wonder, have any of these distributors been personally sued yet? I'm not sure how they haven't....or it's going to come soon. Claiming they can cure flu, rid their entire bodies of toxins, giving their children the best chance at living a "true" healthy life. I am not against essential oils. I have just wanted to research and find unbiased 3rd party scientific studies. It's very hard to find thank you for your recommendations! And to all the MLM distributers on here who have responded are missing the point of this article and your attacking and defensiveness towards her is typical of my experience with distributors. Find unbiased OUTSIDE 3rd party research on your product. Stop getting angry if someone disagrees with you. And....from personal experience, make sure you recognize that these companies want nothing more for you make your friends buy the product.....and not because they want to better your friends' lives. It's all about the $$ for them.

Anonymous said...

I have been researching for a month now, doterra is a break off from young living . the people worked at YL got mad started Doterra. I still have not decided I had bought EO from another company all together. All Mlm no matter who or what are out for money. Yl start up fee one time, Doterra startup plus yearly, so I look at that too. So I am doing my research.

Rawhide said...

I am so glad I found this blog! I had a funny feeling about the MLM things and YL so I just started my own research and ordered my oils from another company.....noticing the HUGE difference in price! I had started wondering if I had made the right decision and then I found you! Thank you!!

Jackie said...

@anonymous 12/28........Thank you! This was a simple blog post stating my PERSONAL opinion! I expected the reps to come out spitting up blood and you can see it in the posts. I have been accused by the YL reps of being with DoTerra, of being against essential oils (which is ridiculous because I use them every single day), of making up stories that could have been verified before the various authors took them down. This blog post is almost 2 years old and has had nearly 31,000 views and is still getting comments and attacks. I have only deleted about 3 comments by people promoting their own businesses and that's it. I have allowed the reps to spout off all they wanted to because they are proving me right.

And herbs are still a much safer choice for every day ingestion to detox and improve your health.

Jackie said...

And everyone please beware......the market is currently flooded with Blue Tansy essential oil that is either heavily adulterated or just plain fake due to a shortage of material.

Anonymous said...


Jackie said...

There is no need to post in all caps-that makes you look like you're screaming. So France, the very country where aromatherapy was discovered, that has government regulated standards for essential oils, the leading producer of Lavender in the world for aromatherapy and the perfume industry for centuries, didn't know true lavender anymore until the Messiah Gary Young stepped in and rescued them? You CAN'T seriously believe that!

Sara said...

Wow! Amazing blog post Jackie! I completely agree with you. These MLM's are ruining the beautiful practice of aromatherapy for those who are REAL and passionate about it. And for those who drank the kool-aid - SHAME on you!Jackie did NOT write this to tell you who you should by from, she wrote it tell you why SHE doesn't. I refuse to spend my money with an essential oil MLM anymore. I won't line someone's unethical pocket all the while having my wallet raped!

Vicki said...

Yes! someone who speaks the truth!!
I was duped by an mlm at one time. It was an expensive lesson but more important than that it drove me to find how to use eos safely and not the way the mlm teach. They are putting people and animals in danger.
Research outside of your mlm world, it just might save your health and your family's.
Just because you feel great now doesn't mean you are not damaging your organs.

CL Hendricks said...

Absolute truth. While YL essential oils may or may not be quality oils, the foundation of the company is rotten to the core. Sadly it seems to attract those who are more interested in money than truth. Not all. I've met some YL reps with integrity who are searching for truth, who have NOT drunk the koolaid. Unfortunately those who guzzle the koolaid on a daily basis are louder and more obnoxious.

The Truth About Young Living

Jackie said...

I honestly think all or at least most of these distributors truly believe they are helping people. They have good intentions. But like my Mom always told me....the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

The people at the top of these companies absolutely know what they are doing is wrong but don't care so long as their little worker bees keep the $$$$ rolling in.

Anonymous said...

My two cents worth..which goes a long way. I was with yl for a month as a co-worker got me started. It's hard to do good research with ten of thousands of reps with same information. I did find other stuff and used several companies including Robert Tisserand which I do like. Bought his books on The Art of Aromatherapy & his English edit on the Gattefosse's Aromatherapy, first published in 1937 in French.

Robert gets hammered a lot but tells the truth. Like about Gattefosse's hand burns. YL says after the explosion he dipped his hands in a tub of lavender oil by accident. Yes, their was an explosion but here is an excerpt on page 87.

“The external application of small quantities of essences rapidly stops the spread of gangrenous sores. In my personal experience, after a laboratory explosion covered me with burning substances which I extinguished by rolling on a grassy lawn, both my hands were covered with a rapidly developing gas gangrene. Just one rinse with lavender essence stopped “the gasification of the tissue”. This treatment was followed by profuse sweating, and healing began the next day (July 1910).”

Getting more info for me was key not to stay with the company. All that monthly spending would be a waste. And Robert, says that vendors do talk & YL outsources other oils. Plus I like companies with batch & lot numbers. I've made my own thieves blend using Mountain Rose Herbs and they work just fine.

Jackie, some will hear and others won't. I understand a cult mind for I was in a church that was a cult. YL oils are fine but others are cheaper and good as well. In 1995 I've seen at least 15 essential oil companies. If yl or doterra was never around we still would have oils period.

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you! I am a pretty new distributor for YL, but have backed completely away from them because of all the stuff I have been reading about them. What scared me the most is the new age/occult/new thought that GY and DS follow. Scary scary stuff there when you start attributing your oils to have powers to do the things they claim. Spatterings of Taoism, Hinduism, Vitalism, Postmodernism, Occultism, Paganism, and about any other kind of "ism" you can think of. I totally agree with you. They are all like a bunch of occult groupies.

Anonymous said...

So if I have been using YL frankincense for a health issue and it's not the pure stuff where can I find the pure stuff and how will I know if it's pure?

Jackie said...

You can get excellent quality frankincense from Eden Botanicals, Nature's Gift Aromatherapy, Sunrose Aromatics, Aromatics International, Mt. Rose Herbs, Oshadi...........just to name a few

Jackie said...

Ask yourself one question, Holly. Have you ever SEEN a GC report from Young Living or are you just taking their word for it?

I have heard form a trusted aromatherapist that Young Living and doTerra are going to abide by the FDA warning letters and are starting to kick out reps who are spreading some of this bad information. We'll see. but the injury reports are piling in now that people are becoming more informed and realizing that have in fact been injured by improper use of oils. Not detoxing

Unknown said...

I have used YL oils every day for the past year. I apply them to my skin and also ingest oils frequently. If it's a hot oil like oregano, I just dilute it with a fatty oil. I have seen many health benefits for me and my family, and we have never had any adverse reactions.

Images by Karen said...

Thank you to the "anonymous" that wrote this... ""Anonymous said...
Thank you thank you! I am a pretty new distributor for YL, but have backed completely away from them because of all the stuff I have been reading about them. What scared me the most is the new age/occult/new thought that GY and DS follow. Scary scary stuff there when you start attributing your oils to have powers to do the things they claim. Spatterings of Taoism, Hinduism, Vitalism, Postmodernism, Occultism, Paganism, and about any other kind of "ism" you can think of. I totally agree with you. They are all like a bunch of occult groupies."" ----- that is one thing about YL that really bothers me, they claim to be a christian company but make these pagan claims, I am not comfortable buying from them at all, there are other companies that are available with pure oils.

Anonymous said...

I am in a group of close women at church who also share homeschooling in common, and a few of them kept talking about this essential oils business. I have to admit, I have never been good at researching and waiting, praying about things, or applying common sense... I'm very impatient and want instant gratification, and usually if I really am excited about something, I have bad judgment and waste money. That being said, I got intrigued, was sold a premium starter kit, spent tons of money on these miracle cures, and now am sitting here looking at all my pretty little bottles of young living essential oils. I'm not saying I regret all of them. Peppermint actually does help with head tension and headaches. RC does help with my son's congestion, and I do think thieves' will help keep germs/viruses at bay. I, too, eventually started to realize what a cultish group it is. I only realized it was a mlm after I signed up for the starter kit, and now am starting to regret my decision to invest. I could have easily tried two or three oils by themselves to see if it was worth it, and it would have saved me so much money. All the oils labeled things like "dreamcatcher" or highest potential" or "sacred mountain" (?) sound so ridiculously new-agey (a catch-all for all previously mentioned cultish religions) that it creeps me out. None of those calming ones seem to work... I tried some for allergies and it doesn't seem to work, and I'm always so worried about what I should or shouldn't use on my young kiddos, and how and where and how diluted... those horror stories previously told are what I am afraid of. My daughters love to get the flowery ones behind their ears, and thieves on their feet (diluted, of course) and all that, but it still worries me a little (more and more each day) that I don't really know what I'm doing with this stuff... I'm also worried it's tied to this new cult type group, and now my worries that I jumped in way to deep way too fast are being realized. Ugh. Well, anyway, thank you very much for posting this.. You and all of the sincere commenters that had legit concerns. You all have given me a lot to reconsider, and hopefully I can slowly back away and not hurt anyone's feelings too badly. And maybe next time I feel like jumping into something feet first, I'll wait a while and do some objective research. :)

Anonymous said...

(Same one who commented before yesterday)
I wanted to add a little about the impressions a lot of the women who are into young living oils seem to do: I caught the very strong impression that a lot of the "remedies" that I found on blogs or videos, or ones on Pinterest or even ones recommended by my friends, were experimental in nature. They just slathered their kids in oils until something worked like a miracle. Isn't that dangerous? I read a pamphlet called "essential oils and the Bible" and it was worse. It made it sound like no essential oil, no matter how much used or where, or who was using it, would ever bring harm or discomfort of any kind to anyone, simply because it's natural and God created it specifically for us to use. Now, I agree that God created it, and that they're for us to use, but obviously not everything natural is healthy, good, or beneficial for everyone. It sounded like the person who wrote the pamphlet believed that if we all steeped ourselves in every oil ever made all day, we'd never get sick. In fact, using that logic, we'd all be super-healthy super-heroes. Just seems like a bit of a dangerous mindset, maybe?

Unknown said...

I had never heard of essential oils but was invited to a Young Living demonstration last February. It was a class and I was not pressured into buying anything. I liked the fact that YL has been around for 20 years and I also liked the fact that YL has a batch number printed on every bottle and offer the seed to seal guarantee. I don't know how long doTerra has been around or if they have the seed to seal but I know that since I have been using YL, I have been able to get off of prescription sleeping medication and high blood pressure meds...under my doctors supervision, of course. My sponsor has always told us not to put oils in our eyes and to read the label before ingesting to make sure the oil can be used as a dietary supplement. I know everyone is different and I suggest folks research to find what is right for them. Personally, I like the history and as noted before the seed to seal guarantee and the fact that I can go to any YL farm and tour it.

Cindy said...

So there are so many comments on this thread I don't know if one more will matter. I am just blown away by the cult like following with Doterra not so much with the YL in my area. I was sucked in just a little and once I had a negative word to say about a product I was told I shouldn't say negative things about the product because it effects there sales! I had to remove my post because it was a relative but it just disgust me that I cant post an honest opinion of the product.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this post. After reading many of the comments from the YL and probably some DT reps my decision to avoid completely these and any other MLM company has been affirmed. Spouting about nanotechnology and rhetoric they've read from their sales rep scripts though they obviously understand nothing even vaguely science related, lol what a joke. They clearly don't want to even hear about science and chemistry if it shows their product in a less than favorable light. I think their comments made it most clear to me, all the zeal of a misinformed sales rep without any real interest in knowledge about the product they push. Thanks so much again for this post. I think more people need to find their way to this sort of discussion about the products they buy and how they really do need to suck it up and do their own research on the chemical composites of anything they are taking into their body. Jesus DT and YL are such a joke. An expensive, hazardous joke.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

That's awesome!!
Good for you!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

To holly:

I would personally recommend MRH, I like to support honest organic companies and I've had a good experience with this small company. But there are a few places that carry 100% pure organic frankincense oil. Below is an excerpt from the report on the FDA reprimanding YL and DT that actually suggests you buy your frankincense from MRH lol. I don't really like to fully put my health in the hands of the FDA who label things like PEG and PPG (things that can actively rewrite your DNA and cause neuro-degeneration) as GRAS, I just thought this was kind of funny...

"It is totally possible to buy a 1/2 ounce of pure, unadulterated, undiluted, therapeutic grade Frankincense essential oil for about 20 bucks a bottle,” Lee Tea wrote, linking to Mountain Rose Herbs, a company that is, according to the author, a trusted name in essential oils. A similarly sized bottle of Frankincense essential oil from of dōTERRA might run about $70 and from Young Living could cost more than $90, according to Google product searches.
Mountain Rose Herbs is just one essential oil distributor that boasts a large organic selection, uses 100 percent pure aromatic extracts, and offers much lower prices than Young Living and dōTERRA."

Also if you wanted to, you could always send a sample in for testing by essential oils university :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! I have never heard any of the claims regarding ingesting everything or applying any oil to your skin without dilution from a Young Living rep and I've talked to a lot of them. People can and do misrepresent things no matter what company you are dealing with but frankly all this post shows is your agenda. I have done my own research... plenty of it, I discovered essential oils on my own and did my own research just as anyone with common sense should do. However the vehemence of this claim only puts you in the same category of those with the gross misrepresentation you are so against. Not at all impressed with what you had to say.... words like "all" and "every" only discredit your voice.

Jackie said...

@Jeff Williams. Vickie brought up a very good point. You can have severe kidney and/or liver damage before you have any symptoms. When you become symptomatic it may be too late. I hope you are at least getting regular check ups at your doctor and having routine testing on your kidney and liver function.

Unknown said...

Doterra's DDR Prime burned my esophagus and now I have to be on the highest amount of prescription acid reducers and need surgery to repair where my esophagus won't close properly. People need to know how dangerous the oils can be if ingested. I've been through hell this past year (28 years old). My quality of life has diminished greatly by my limited diet and not even being able to bend over after eating and so many other things because of the severe acid reflux I now have caused by the oils. Sales reps are not experts.

Michelle said...

I've had an allergy to lavender since childhood. I've personally been a victim of the lies spouted by EO sales reps.

I have had 2 YL reps and 1 doTerra rep try to forcibly put neat blends with lavender on me after I asked them not to do so. And for fairness, I once had a aromatherapist do the same. The three sales reps spouted that pure therapeutic grade oils can't cause allergies. One of those reps forcibly held me down to put it on my arm because she said she had to prove it to me.

All those reps had to do was open the bottle for me to start swelling up. I knew immediately their fancy-sounding blends had lavender in them, even before they told me.

The idea that "pure" oils won't cause allergies is completely false. It's actually the reverse. Distillation does not change the chemical composition of the oil.

Simple logic states that when something is more pure, it's more concentrated. Therefore, you are actually receiving a higher dose of the chemical to which you are allergic. And once you are allergic, even a tiny amount can cause a reaction. A neat EO is a very bad idea if you are allergic to one of the chemicals in it.

Some people argue reactions are just your skin detoxing, but I have yet to see any of them produce studies or any sort of third-party evidence to support this. There's plenty of scientific studies that show the opposite.

The purest poison ivy essential oil is gonna give you poison ivy.

My allergist told me that there are people allergic to air, sun, and water, so people can be allergic to almost anything else. Reactions are not to be taken lightly, and claims that purity means safety are meaningless.

Jackie said...

Leslie, I am so sorry for what you are going through. We'll al be praying for fast healing. I do hope you haven't been turned against aromatherapy and will give it another chance. These oils are amazing when used properly and with respect.

Michelle, I am alarmed that you are sharing TWO instances of being assaulted. The massage therapist committed an unethical and criminal act against you. Not to mention those sales reps. Not only assault but, in your case, assault with a deadly weapon. You should report these people. I don't know who they were selling oils for but no company would condone such behavior (I mean all 3 of these people).

Jackie said...

And my daughter's boyfriend is allergic to the cold. He breaks out in hives if cold air hits his skin-we even have to be careful with the AC in the summer when he's in the house

Michelle said...

Those incidents put me on the path to speaking out against the unsafe practices of MLM EO reps. Two of them were at a health fair (the same one!), and one was someone at a church I used to attend. The incident with the aromatherapist happened about 12-15 years ago, so I don't even remember her name. I know YL has been around that long, so perhaps she was actually a rep, but she claimed to be a certified aromatherapist.

If it happens again, I will definitely be reporting it. The sad thing is, I don't think most reps know they are the ones liable, and many are completely indoctrinated. I just did a search for "can you be allergic to essential oils" and most of them were MLM blogs saying no, but *not one* had a shred of evidence or a scientific study that didn't come from their company.

If a company is reputable, they won't be afraid of outside information and scientific studies.

Ski said...

Thank you! I admit I was one of those lazy people who listened to someone I trusted, a health coach, with out doing my own research. I am a YL distributer and am now thinking of canceling my membership, not because I don't want the oils but because of the company. Thank you for voicing your opinion, it started a conversation that many of us, new to essential oils need to "hear" and learn from.

Jackie said...

@Ski. That is why I am speaking out because I want people to be aware and do real research. The good news is that many sales reps from Young Living and DoTerra are becoming safety minded and truly wanting to learn how to use the oils safely. I believe that these are the folks who will reform these companies from the bottom up.

Suzanna said...

What a lively blog! Certainly one of the best blogs I've seen. I'm a new user of YL essential oils (a couple of months) but I am not a distributor; just someone who likes alternatives for my family. Like some of the folks pointed out, users of EOs can come across as 'cultish' and I guess that could be a manifestation of zealousness or enthusiasm. My family and I have seen benefits e.g. recovering quickly from coughs and colds, healing of eczema, more restful sleep, etc. Although I have experienced some benefits, I believe EOs can never be the cure-all remedy. I still go for my doctor's appointments faithfully and do what it takes to lead a healthy life. So really, one thing we can all agree on is the importance of doing your own research and talking to people you think are credible. If there is any doubt at all, listen to that 'voice within' and not get sucked in with all the 'hype'. I am not against people who share their personal testimonies of how the EOs benefited them; but I certainly cannot tolerate the aggressive tactics that distributors (of any company) engage in to get others to buy products they may not need, or worse still, are misinformed themselves. The main take-away from this spirited discussion is - really delve in and do your research, not just the internet but by talking with others who have used EOs for a long time.

Unknown said...

There is a lot of untruths as well in this article. People need to investigate for themselves instead of what others "write" to make their decision.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever spent money on mcdonalds, if so enough said!! You money in the pockets of people who are contaminating you. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your info and insight. I am always open to hearing other people's opinions. I am a YL distributor and I would never recommend unsafe practices like putting oils into your eyes. I am also uncomfortable with ingestion. From what I have learned, so far, YL strongly discouraged putting oils in your eyes. I inform everyone I give a sample to of this as well as how to flush them if they accidentally get them in their eyes, etc. I have made an effort to research oils and safety..... and, when in doubt, I choose not to use an oil at all. I also never recommend using the oils around pets and making sure to be safe..... they have smaller bodies and they are much more sensitive than we are. While I enjoy sharing YL oils with others, it is ultimately their own decision to go with whatever company they choose to use. I'm nut going to get upset about it because it doesn't make any sense to. I just wish you wouldn't make wide sweeping statements about YL and distributors. We are all different. A lot of distributors I talk to encourage people to "do their research" as well as practice safety written the oils. Thanks again for your info.

Jackie said...

Tina Brown-nothing I have said is untrue. it doesn't take a great deal of time to find dozens, if not hundreds of facebook pages with these people making these claims and unsafe recommendations.

And to last 2 anonymous posters-the McDonald's comment makes absolutely no sense and is completely out of context of the discussion. You added nothing rational to the post.

I have never said "all" reps but you know there are far too many. Just look at some of the posts on this blog from fellow YL reps and it's easy to see that I'm right. I know there are those of you out there that are learning to use the oils properly and with the respect they deserve. I hope more come around!

The original blog about the eyedrops has been deleted. I assume the FDA forced her to take it down or she simply tired of moderating all the comments that didn't support her point of view.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love your post!! I actually just came across it while researching an essential oil blend that I am making for my 'mature'40 year old skin and I was looking for a local place to buy my essential oils here in Louisville, KY. I saw the title of your post and just had to click on it in my Google search. I feel the same way about YL and a couple of other companies that are like that. It does seem like a cult following at times when I am on skimming through the reviews of essential oils I am interested in. Some of the comments from their 'followers' are just plain nuts in my opinion. I just wanted to let you know that I love this post and that I agree with you wholeheartedly that people really NEED to do their own research, just like they would for any other items that they buy. It seems that people now will research more about their clothes or electronics before they buy them than something that they are going to put inside of their bodies just because some salesperson said it was okay. People really need to do their own research before using any items on or in their bodies, especially when it comes to their children and pets. Okay, I will jump off of my soapbox now, I just had to comment on here and let you know that have shared this on my social media and hope others will read it too. Not because of you calling out YL (because I know you were using them as an example for others) but mainly so that people might realize that they need to research these things before using them. Thanks again!! Have a Blessed Day!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Glad i found you...looking for essential oils and don't know what I am doing. My neighbor tried to pull me in to doterra...kind of scary...she said she could treat seizures...and didn't feel embarrassed to straight face tell me (a neurology nurse) that.

butterfly2977 said...

I'm so glad I found this post. I've been reading a lot about safe usage of EO's. I'll admit, I was sucked into YL. I read so many articles on how great they were that I purchased my premium starter kit in February. I was so excited when I finally got it and started diffusing and using topically (diluted of course) right away. I had heard all about how you can ingest a lot of the oils but was a little nervous about it. I did some research and came across a website that had links to other articles about how ingesting isn't safe. Needless to say, that helped me make up my mind that I would NEVER ingest any of the oils. When I joined YL, I was added to several "secret" Facebook groups. The first was the group that the person I signed up with had. There was very little information on how to use them other than post after post after post of this is what I take for... They were all posts by the admin. The second was through someone higher up the line. That one was a bit more helpful but still a ton of misinformation and when I bought up my being unwilling to ingest, it was as if I slapped Gary Young in the face. I asked for suggestions for oils to use topically when I have flare ups because of an autoimmune disease and was told that if I took this, this and this, I would be cured of my disease and would never have to take meds again. I don't like being on some of these meds but right now it's keeping my disease under control. I just couldn't believe that after all the crap with the FDA coming down on YL that the people in my group were still making these claims. I did end up leaving the groups and unfriending and blocking the people in my uplink who friended me on Facebook and cancelled my account. I guess you could say I started to drink the kool aid but spit it out...

Serene said...

Found this post and read everything! I had try doing my researches and decided to buy the Premium Starter Kit not too long ago. Sadly, it seems my research wasn't enough as most of them are about how good YL essential oils are etc etc. Wish i had found this post earlier.

Even though I am rather new to this Essential Oils, I thought it was crazy to use oils on eyes too. (the site with the natural eye drops pop out as well during the "research"). I found the idea of ingesting the oils uncomfortable as well but I did use some of them neat. I believe essential oils can help improve body condition but not cure.

Thanks for this post. I will continue to study more and keep an open mind. I will also check out the other brands suggested by you.

Anonymous said...

I want to add one more thing to this, my mother is in her 70's and there is no way I can convince her of anything, because she doesn't study, she is getting good results from YL's products, and has no idea she is being duped. OH, one more thing, sorry, There is one disturbing thing about YL that I can't get over, they knock EVERY company down, and mentions there is no other company around like them. That statement is true, there is no company around like them, to dupe, steal, deceive, and tell you that all other companies out there are "Fraudulent" IF they mark their prices down, then they are not a good company to purchase from. That is a lie! There is a company out there that believes in everyone deserving to experience good quality oils, so they do mark theirs down so everyone can afford it, then they take a portion of your money and donate it to charitable causes. I won't mention the name, because like me, we all need to research, and find what is best for us. But, when you go for a company that is charging an arm and a leg just to pay their MLM's I must question their integrity. I do have one question, why are two of the blends I still have from YL yellow now? It started out clear, and now is dark yellow. I refuse to use them. And don't tell me to contact company, because they will not respond the way you want them to. Go to BBB and check it out. There are many complaints about YL, go check for yourselves. That's the first place I look, when I research, in this case, it was the last place I looked after being duped once by them. Ok, I won't say anymore. Sorry for this much. Other than, thank you Jackie, for allowing me to vent, and thank you for your informative site, and this forum, it is great.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if YL sells Poison Ivy Essential oils? I would love to try that in my gut, and see if that cures my itch. How about Sumac? Wonder if I can put that in my eyes, just to see if it gets rid of the inflammation. I can't believe how they lie and steal from people. I read a post from above, wondering if individual reps have been sued, it is coming, especially if they tell people it's ok to ingest the oils, "I mean it is pure, and if it's pure, how can you go wrong, Right?

Anonymous said...

Go check BBB and search YL, you will find over 60 complaints, and only 14 resolved, with some of those unsatisfied. I am praying for all of us to learn as much as we can about EO, and pray that more come here to find Jackies Forum, and the blogs. Most importantly, I wish I could mention the company I am with, they are AMAZING, and extremely trusted. But, I found them after I was duped by YL. Most of us went through YL, because someone in our family, or a good friend had results, and we want to believe our friends and family. I went off emotion, and never heard of Essential Oils before signing up with YL. But, I am studying now. My heart goes out to Leslie as well. Just so you know Leslie, I met a Do-Terra rep from my neighborhood, and she gave me a small sample of the digest oil, and told me to ingest it, I ingested only 1 time, and it was so nasty, it even burned my throat. I have GERD, and it is awful. I choke on food when I drink anything cold or hot, and she thought she was doing me a favor, by telling me to ingest the oil. There should be a crime for hurting people like that.

Jackie said...

Go ahead and tell the company you are selling for. I would like to check them out and if there recommendations re ethical I my even try them. Do they offer results of testing on their oils?

Anonymous said...

As you requested Jackie, the following is a quoted statement of Quality Assurance from the Company; Plant Therapy. I could not find any bad ratings, or negative sites yet. The reviews are 5 star ratings. I just received a "Top 32 Essential Oil Set in Zippered Portfolio Case" and love it. The smell of them are so much more pure smelling than YL (In my own opinion), I love the fact that I call them, and personally speak to reps, and they welcome any length of conversation. I love the fact, I email them, and the same day (if it's weekly)they respond. They are there to help answer any question or concerns. They don't down any company out there, "it's unethical" Go to Plant Therapy Essential Oils, and click on "Q&A" there are more answers to your questions. A great company, love them. I hope you find it to be informative, and pleasing to research as I did:

"Quality assurance: Plant Therapy buys our oils from top suppliers all around the world. We work directly with one of the most well known, world renowned, essential oil experts. To guarantee continuous quality, Plant Therapy’s oils (each batch) are tested by a third party laboratory using GC/MS testing, as well as in house by our expert. This guarantees that all testing matches up and that nothing is missed. Each step of the process is overseen by our expert. All of Plant Therapy’s oils are 100% pure, undiluted and free from any additives, chemicals or pesticides. Learn more about our essential oils below."

Now, go search for the rest of the information, but the above answers you basic questions. Thanks Jackie, Can't wait to hear back from you.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, please note when I say the oils from Plant Therapy are the best (in my opinion), I am comparing it to YL. YL is the only company I have to compare to, because, as I said, I was duped too. I love the prices they offer too, and the fact they donate to charitable causes, and if you read "Giving Back" on their site, it really touched me. Thank you for allowing me to talk about this. It is not intended to sell, or solicit, just excited is all. This company is not MLM, so I am not selling.

Anonymous said...

YL REPS (not all. just the reps on the Private FB I was a member of, and there are a lot of them) tell their down lines if you put oils on your skin and it burns, it's because your body needs it. They tell you if you walk in a room with oils diffusing, and you sneeze or cough, it's because the oils are working on you. If you get sick and vomit, it's because your body is starting to heal. they tell you it's ok to put oils on your skin without diluting them, and it's ok if it burns. Your body detoxes in these fashions. How criminal are these comments? YL also tells people that they are the only company that sells the best and purest oils on the market, and nobody can compete with them. That is a lie, and can be proven. MLM company reps seem to be desperate, and will tell you anything to advance to the next level, make money and get free products. I have posted a lot here because I need this time to vent, and I thank Jackie for allowing this. I need to get everything I have been told, and experienced out there. Please, Buyer Beware. $170.00 dollars is an expensive lesson learned, to say the least.

Amanda said...

I left a comment recently stating I had a friend who had become a YL rep and had seriously drunk the kool-aid. It was all well and good, because she didn't put much pressure on me to buy in. I was a part of her facebook group for essential oils and as more people began to sign up underneath her, she became more goal oriented and I very much felt the pressure to sign up. Very much focused on earning an income where she previously stated she only signed up for personal use. That didn't bother me either, but in a post where she asked what was in our diffusers, I posted a picture of my oils, which were not YL. People asked questions about said brand (eden's garden), about the oil (Melissa), etc. She deleted the picture and then messaged me to tell me so. My response was a tad complacent and short. "It is what it is" or something along those lines. She got really pissy, really fast. I also messaged another member of the group who inquired after I posted a recipe for a cocktail I use for concentration on my ADHD daughter. This member said she couldn't afford the ingredients (vetiver, lavender, grapefruit and sandalwood) but would love to try some, I told her she didn't have to get YL to get quality. A woman I have been friends with for 10 years is gone from my life because she found out that I was trying to make it known that the oils are in fact, attainable for the average person. My household makes over $100K a year and if I bought all my oils through YL, We'd be living paycheck to paycheck.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I did read your earlier post, and was touched by it. My mother is brainwashed to believe YL is the only company out there, and prices are high because of quality. Well, she is in her 70's, and on Social Security and refuses to be educated, because she just believes this product is "World's Best". and nobody can convince her otherwise. She was told by the horses mouth the products are expensive because they are the most pure. The oil Company is the only company that extracts oils from the plant in a way to get the best oils out of them. She is lied to, and I can't convince her they are wrong. Watching my mom lose her SS each month. My daughter got sick a few weeks ago, my mom told her to apply "Thieves" to her face, temples, neck and chest, the cold will go away within hours. She did that, and told her that her face was burning, mom told her it's because the oil is working, and she is beginning to detox. How do you stop MLM brainwashing? How do you stop this abuse, these lies etc? I am worried about mom!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I promise, when I am done venting, and wondering about things, I won't be posting as much...Well, maybe LOL. I have a question to ask anyone who can answer this. And, if you don't like the question Jackie, I won't be offended if you delete this post. When I was on YL oils, I would wake up in the mornings feeling depressed, head felt like a cloud, I couldn't get my bearings together, I felt sick, and full of excruciating pain. Since I started using different oils from a Better Company (in my opinion), I felt so alive this morning, my head was clear, I was happy, and the pain in my body was at its minimum. See, I have Severe Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain from nerve damage, several back surgeries, and suffer everyday. Not this morning, I actually felt better today than I have in years, and while being on YL oils, I felt worse then, than I did in years. Oh, my attitude was horrible in the mornings. My husband asked me "honey, what would happen if you bathed in ALL of those oils EVERYNIGHT, if you wake up every morning like this, imagine what it would be like if you took a bath in all those oils? LOL. On a serious note, he has COPD, stage 4 emphysema, and while on YL oils, he was struggling more, used more medication for breathing, YL told us it's because the oils were detoxing him, and not to worry. NOT WORRY? I almost hospitalized him at one point. This, to me is proof that there are oil companies out there that are what they say they are; high quality, tested pure and at a price you can afford. I really do feel good today, thank the Lord for honest, and loyal companies. I almost forgot, my husband just told me that he woke up feeling pretty good, I don't see him going for the extra breathing meds. When you pray, study and research, you will find the truth, and it will make you free. That's a promise from God.

Anonymous said...

I just read the policy and procedure handbook from YL, and everything that we have discussed on this blogger is mentioned in the policy book. It is clearly marked what is expected of every Representative. So, it's the representatives from YL that is breaking rules and Local, State and Federal laws. I can't believe the things that are outlined in this book. They sure do have their butts covered. Mr. Young needs to investigate his employees.

Jackie said...

I am enjoying your comments and insights. I have heard nothing but good about Plant Therapy oils and feel like I should check them out myself. As far as the YL reps...I do believe most of them are firm believers and are trying to do good and not just out to make a quick buck. And no matter what the manual says, I'm sure what we read on the blogs and FB pages are exactly what they're being TOLD. Have you tried using some of your oils with your Mom? I hate to see her blowing the little bit of money she has on overpriced oils, many of which are inferior. I saw a video recently of a YL rep putting YL peppermint oil and another company's peppermint in little veggie capsules and freezing them. When she pulled them out the YL oil was still liquid. She thought she was proving the oil was better but she wasn't. Peppermint SHOULD freeze because of the high menthol content. I'm sure her upline taught her that. Very easy to deceive the ill informed who won't research the facts.

Anonymous said...

Oh, to explain why I was nervous...Because I was afraid you were going to come back at me and tell me you know something bad about the said company I am with. You have no idea how relieved I am that you did not do that. whew. :)

Anonymous said...

And yes, there is a lot of robotic statements that come from the reps too, from someone above them, and those above are being told by someone also, maybe the books cover the companies butts from law suits, and yet, say another thing, not to be proven, because of course they are completely covered in the books. I just found out that Mr. Young is going to be speaking at some conference. Wish I was a fly on that wall.

Jackie said...

Even with Young Living and DoTerra I don't knock the oils. Just the marketing and dangerous recommendations

Anonymous said...

You're right Jackie, and I shouldn't either, because I truly don't know everything there is to know about the oils, just the experience, and my experience hasn't been good from the company to the reps to the oils themselves, but I have no qualifications to say they are or aren't high quality, and I apologize for that part of my venting. Please forgive me, I do feel bad about that.

I do have a question though, I just spoke to someone last night that is a YL customer, and she told me that her rep (not doctor, or aromatherapist, just rep) came to her house, and put this customers hand on a machine, to test her body, and it came up the only thing wrong with her is high levels of congestion, and recommended(prescribed) a certain oil to get rid of the congestion. I asked her if this machine tells everything about the body, she said yes. And she believes she is medically healthy, other than the congestion in her sinuses and chest. What is this machine, and is it something that a non-qualified, meaning doctor or aroma therapist should be using on another person to determine their health? I have never heard of this before, and it concerns me, because this customer is in her mid 70's.

Jackie said...

I have heard of that and it's garbage. I do believe that YL is the only organization that uses this machine and it's worthless. Anyone who believes this machine can tell anything is foolish. If it worked your doctor would be using it.

Anonymous said...

This is not what I wanted to hear, although I had a feeling you were going to say something to this effect! To know she used it on a 75 year old woman, who believes in YL, and their tactics to suck people into believing they are the only "intelligent" business out there. Their customers trust everything they say and do. This should be borderline illegal. I really need to walk away from all of this crap, and hope that God will expose this to the right authorities. I am so discusted.

Anonymous said...

I agree that YL think & market themselves as so called leaders in their brands. That Zyto hand scanner is crap. And I couldn't find any hard science on that & frequencies that claim their oils are as well human body areas. Bruce Tainio worked with Gary Young on that false agenda.

If others who are smarter than Bruce cannot produce it, then you see it was more of a scam. One post said the member took apart the BT3 frequency monitoring system and it had a $1 piece that suppose to see all the "frequencies". Here are several links to use for research with one obituary.

Anonymous said...

I get now why God says Love of Money is the root of all evil! Thank you for sharing the links, I read them, and can't say I am surprised by what I read. Everything, especially the first link is everything I was saying. They do use that machine to gain business and trust with the company. They use that machine to diagnose and treat. Although they do that, it can't be proven, and they know it. I am glad I got out after just spending $170.00, imagine the others, that have and still do spend a whole lot more than that, before they see the truth?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but the following is a post from FB, from one of the Reps. I can't believe this:

"Come get your Zyto scan done to see what your body needs to bring it into balance! Brilliant way to get your PV points for the Essential Rewards order :)"

Risa said...

Great blog post!
Young Living and other MLM crap is filling up my FB news feed lately. Essential oils are not a new thing. I remember when I was younger if I got a headache my mother would attack me with peppermint oil. She would use orange oil and witchhazel to make facial cleaning pads. Essential oils work, but they are NOT the cure to everything. I get sick of reading things from sales people who are like "oh you have so so...YL has an oil for that". I've also checked their prices and man are they outrageously expensive. FYI people, you don't need to spend $30 for peppermint oil. You can buy cheaper, larger bottles and it will still work great.

Jackie said...

Exactly Risa! Everyone thinks that the higher prices are proof of higher quality and it's just not true. In fact there has been lots of proof that YL sells very low quality peppermint and they adulterate some of their oils with lower quality, similar oils. They add cornmint to their peppermint and add cassia to their cinnamon bark then pass it off as the real thing. It's true TO A DEGREE that you will pay more for better quality oils but not THAT much more!

June said...

Thank you for this post! I have been using essential oil for 20+ years and seeing what is happening with the essential oils industry is really sad. I can't believe people are so gullible they are willing to pay $35.00 for Lavendar oil when you can buy certifed organic Lavendar (with origin) for 12.00.
I dont know if you've seen this yet as I could not read through all the posts but the growers of frankincense in Somalia are very angry with Gary Young.

Jackie said...

Yes, I have seen that. I'm SO happy this man went against G Young to get the TRUTH out there.

Everyone reading on this thread please check out a new post I'm about to put up about sensitization. Some major cases going on right now, getting lots of attention.........I think the scales may be tipping in favor of education and safe usage but at great expense.

Unknown said...

Great post still going strong! Glad to see I'm not the only one who felt yl is more for the $$$. I know a rep who promotes ingesting and using neat because her upline is a "doctor" and told her it's safe. Not sure what kind of Dr would blanket the statement that it's a safe practice. Looking forward to more blog posts!

Anonymous said...

I am sad that you throw all MLM reps into the same pot. Many of us are not the evil money hungry grubbers you make us out to be. Many of us are educated in more then company info and policy. Also I hope you are lumping Avon, Pamper Chef (do you know who owns them) and other network marketing or MLMs into the same pot as the oils companies. Most people have no Idea how Network Marketing or MLM's work or for that fact how businesses are run. Yes there are bad reps out there in every industry and companies. Yes the public has to be informed about safety in all regards wither it is the foods you eat, herbs you take to the OTC and chemical RXs you take. But blanket slamming is hurtful to all. No I would not put oils in my eyes.. even if I was not educated I still would use my common sense. I Love my Young Living Oils and am proud to be a representative of the company. Are there other oil companies out there? Yes there are but where are they getting there oils from? Most are middle men companies distilling for anyone and slapping a label on the bottle. Not sure I want those. Yes I know this from extreme research. Let us educate those who need the education but not blast those who are trying to educate. My favorite by far is most Americans have no idea what the FDA is, what they are in charge of. What the CDC is. Let us educated on these matters too. By the way How do you know they did not distill oils in scripture times? When we look back into history there is many instances of far more advanced practices in all worldly technology and skills. Along with translations for one langues to another can make a difference in word meaning too. AND NO I am not brainwashed. Just an out of the box thinker.

m.jennings said...

THANK YOU so much for posting this information. i have been using organic essential oils for years, i took classes in massage school on aromatherapy and just have always been helped by them. in the past year i have had so many acquaintances get sucked into these companies. i had one YL person actually say to me "oh you used essential oils too? YL or DoTera?" as if these were the only manufacturers of essential oils... WHAT!? i had never even heard of these brands... until i did some research, which many of these people seem to neglect. .. ugh..

hanvold99 said...

I've been doing a fair amount of research on essential oils (reading books, searching the internet), and just read a very disturbing blog about a woman who went on a YL trip to Ecuador where Gary Young was teaching classes, and this woman had an IV infusion of Thieves (and later other things!). She also relates an experience with ingesting wintergreen EO...craziness how she thinks what happened to her was ok because it was YL oil.
I'm posting the link to the post, I hope that's ok, but understand if you need to remove my post.


**yes, I know this isn't a testimonial or any statement from the YL company, and I'm not saying that their oils are bad, but it goes to show how people who are, hmmm, maybe desperate and/or eager to believe, can get carried away.

Anonymous said...

A YL sales rep told me "The Founder of YL is a scientist and naturopathic doctor". All I could find out about him was his Phd was revoked. His Phd was from a mail order collage that was not accredited and shut down because they were "selling" diplomas. I found nothing showing he has a Phd as a scientistist? Does anyone have real proof he has his doctrine in naturopathic and where his Phd is?

Cristina J said...

I say it's about time someone shouted to the world the dangers of these companies selling this garbage! I have been mixing my own oils for years -for family & friends- and along with that I "teach" them of the proper usage. As well, with anything you delve into, I am learning every day too! I also use a variety of brands. But never, never do I use anything on the pyramid scheme scene!
My best advise is use pure and 100% organic. They bring the best results. And remember Essentials are not a Cure All!
And, Jackie! you are the best! Love your honesty!

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